[R&F] Unique Infrastructure Elimination Thread

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Oct 29, 2018
Moderator Approved

Hi all, and welcome to the newest elimination thread. It's time to rank the best infrastructural uniques - which will come first? With that out of the way, let's crack on with a ruleset shamelessly taken from @Kmart_Elvis.

- Give a reason for your votes.
- Vote roughly once per 24 hours. Voting significantly earlier must be explained.
- Add one point, take away three points. Posts with missing upvote or downvote will be skipped.
- Voting several times for same leader, whether positively or negatively is OK!

1. America - Film Studio [20]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20]
8. Dutch - Polder [20]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Château [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [20]
13. Germany - Hansa [20]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronics Factory [20]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [20]
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [20]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [20]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]

A wiki page


Top Tier:
1. Kampung (Indonesia)
2. Lavra (Russia)
3. Mekewap (Cree)
4. Seowon (Korea)
5. Outback Station (Australia)

Great Tier:
6. Acropolis (Greece)
7. Hansa (Germany)
8. Pairidaeza (Persia)
9. Polder (Dutch)
10. Ziggurat (Sumeria)

Good Tier:
11. Basilikoi Paides (Macedonia)
12. Sukiennice (Poland)
13. Madrasa (Arabia)
14. Chemamull (Mapuche)
15. Ordu (Mongolia)

Mid Tier:

16. Ikanda (Zulu)
17. Royal Navy Dockard (England)
18. Film Studio (America)
19. Golf Course (Scotland)
20. Mission (Spain)

Mediocre Tier:
21. Stepwell (India)
22. Château (France)
23. Street Carnival / Copacabana (Brazil)
24. Bath (Rome)
25. Nubian Pyramid (Nubia)

Bad Tier:
26. Prasat (Khmer)
27. Mbanza (Kongo)
28. Sphinx (Egypt)
29. Kurgan (Scythia)
30. Stave Church (Norway)

Trash Tier:

31. Electronics Factory (Japan)
32. Great Wall (China)
33. Tlatchtli (Aztec)

Tsikhe Tier:
34. Tsikhe (Georgia)
Last edited:
1. America - Film Studio [20]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20]
8. Dutch - Polder [20]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [20-3=17] it replaces a building that I don't want to build in the first place.
13. Germany - Hansa [20]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [20]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [20+1=21] early game culture is the most valuable resource.
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [20]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [20]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]

Note: I have no clue which one my favorite is. Comparing UI/UD and UBs is not easy.
1. America - Film Studio [20-3=17] Too late in the game to focus on building. I forget that America is supposed to be culture driven in the early game, then it’s too much hassle to build from scratch in the late game.
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20]
8. Dutch - Polder [20+1=21] Beautiful to look at for aesthetics and the yields. If you can build a few of these in a narrow channel, you can get loads of food, production, and gold. They should also be in fun in GS.
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [20]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [20]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21]
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [20]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [20]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]

Edit: Fixed my geographical terminology
Here we go again.
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [20+1=21] Probably the best UD in the game. Seowons are too boring.
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [20]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [20-3=17] Doesn't really provide much of a yield most of the time.
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [20]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
Here we go again.
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [20-3 = 17] A late game building that require industrial hub and do not really do anything interesting unlike some other buildings
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [20+1 = 21] A quite potent district that help multiple victory conditions, comes early and is very easy to spam with cheap buildings. Pretty much by itself make the civ worth playing.
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [20+1=21] Available very early, boosts early growth and gold, later boosts production and housing too, quite spamable.
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [17-3=14] By the time its available your culture infrastructure should be in place already and +1 hammer over normal factory is meh.
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [21]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [20+1] I just love the yields on these, plus their appearance when they're adjacent to one another.
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [21]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [17-3=14] Even as someone who likes to build walls, this is a bad UB. Third tier, late game, and a minimal/measly 3 faith. Easily the worst in the game.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [21]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [21]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [11] (14-3) --- Rubbish.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [22] (21+1) --- Great writers and artists you can keep around until mid/late game when you can build (or acquire) the theatre squares as well as extra great prophet points in the early game for founding a religion.
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
I know I'm not supposed to post without voting, but I have a note - the last elimination thread was great because the creator included a description of the candidates in the first post. I don't remember almost all of the items by name here, so it's a nightmare to decide ;)
This seems like a difficult one to vote on because you're comparing different things. I'm not sure buildings can compete though I could be proven wrong.
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [21+1=22] My favorite unique from my favorite civ.
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [11-3=8] I know I just said it was difficult but it wasn't in this case.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [20]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [22]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [20]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [8]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [21] (20+1) My absolute favorite part of a fun civ, making waters more fun and interesting, without feeling as wrong as the "water park" district.
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [22]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17] (20-3) Nearly as useless as Georgia's walls, still at full value.
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [8-3=5] EASILY the weakest of the lot.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [21+1=22] I agree with DWilson. The kampungs are easily my favorite part of the civilization.
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [22]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [5-3=2] This absolutely must go first. It's literally just Renaissance walls with 3 faith. Completely pointless. Let's put it out of its misery.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [22]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [22+1=23] Absolute beast of a district. Half-price, helps you get a religion super fast with fast construction and extra Great Prophet points. Also gives points for Writers, Artists, AND Musicians. Free tiles when you pop a great person. Essential for any victory as Russia. This should be in the top 3 IMO.
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [21+1=22] Great yields on even desert tiles.
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [20-3=17] About as useful as the Tsikhe.
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [2]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [22]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20]
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
12. Georgia - Tsikhe [2-3 = -1] Eliminated, absolutely zero interest.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [22+1 = 23] One of the only water improvements, if you are the suzerain of Auckland and choose the pantheon giving +1 prod to sea resources, you can spam productive cities in 1 tiles islands or on the seaside where you wouldn't otherwise..
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20+1=21] Best unique building in the game. Universities are once again a very good building. This one is available earlier and gives additional faith.
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20-3=17] I wish it had better adjacency. I mean if you get 1 culture and 3 faith, it is worth building for sure, but 1 culture + 1 faith? Rarely. Still beats the Kurgan though.
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [23]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20+1=21]
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [22]
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [20-3=17]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [20-3=17] - Good bonuses but conditions for it are quite limiting, rarely get to build many.
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [20+1=21] - Easy to get good adjacencies for it, and the free envoy is good especially for Peracles
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [23]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [14]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
Last edited:
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [20+1=21]
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [20]
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [23] - Absolutely amazing and spammable.
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [17]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [21]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [23]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [11] - Rubbish. Too little, too late.
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [20]
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [21]
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [17] (20-3) Yes, I remember all those times I just loooooved building Entertainment Complexes. Yawn.
6. China - Great Wall [20]
7. Cree - Mekewap [23] -
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [17]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [21]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [23]
17. Japan - Electronics Factory [11]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [21] (20+1) Wonderful district. This allows Kongo to snowball in the mid-late game. Why choose between tall and wide if you can do both?
20. Korea - Seowon [20]
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
1. America - Film Studio [17]
2. Arabia - Madrasa [=21]
3. Australia - Outback Station [22]
4. Aztec - Tlatchtli [17]
5. Brazil - Street Carnival / Copacabana [17]
6. China - Great Wall [20-3=17] - I build it for the era score, nothing more. Uses too many tiles to get decent yields and the the defense bonus is never needed.
7. Cree - Mekewap [23] - Absolutely amazing and spammable.
8. Dutch - Polder [21]
9. Egypt - Sphinx [17]
10. England - Royal Navy Dockard [20]
11. France - Chateau [17]
13. Germany - Hansa [21]
14. Greece - Acropolis [21]
15. India - Stepwell [20]
16. Indonesia - Kampung [23]
17. Japan - Electronica Factory [11]
18. Khmer - Prasat [20]
19. Kongo - Mbanza [21]
20. Korea - Seowon [20+1=21] - Half price, 4 adjacency. Strong.
21. Macedon - Basilikoi Paides [20]
22. Mapuche - Chemamull [21].
23. Mongolia - Ordu [20]
24. Norway - Stave Church [20]
25. Nubia - Nubian Pyramid [17]
26. Persia - Pairidaeza [20]
27. Poland - Sukiennice [20]
28. Rome - Bath [20]
29. Russia - Lavra [23]
30. Scotland - Golf Course [20]
31. Scythia - Kurgan [17]
32. Spain - Mission [20]
33. Sumeria - Ziggurat [20]
34. Zulu - Ikanda [20]
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