Unit: Merceriny


Oct 30, 2005
This is my new unit witch I call Merceriny. Im goona use him as darck age swordsmen with no nathionality to keep in war all peacefull nations without declarating war. This unit not realistick, he cold be grece swordsmen if no his katana. I thinking about to make sereal this kind of unuts, next be merceriny for militaristic nations, and then I start to do the Pirate.
Becouse Im was in a hurry to finish this one before new year most animations not so cool as I wanted them to be so leter I'll post better version this unit.
View attachment Merceriny.zip
BTW can someone tell me where can I get a horse stuff for poser models?

Товарищи! Народ грабит!, Страна богатеет!
very cool!!! Im going to use this for the south east asia,

renderosity.com has many free stuff, clothing, weapons, poses. I think they have a horse. You need to join the site to use it. But it is free to join!
If you need any help finding things for poser PM me!

Great unit, Im happy to see a new unit maker!!
That unit is sweet looking for a southeast asian unit, like for Khmer, Burma or Thailand...I agree Shiro.

GREAT WORK! I know its hard to do the animations sometimes....but its worth it to see so many happy faces(including yours) on the forums.
Wow great job.......have you thought of making a victory animation? Just something that would make your units more complete but it looks great.
Sounds like you are planning on making some horse units that would be nice there are a lot that could be added in that line.
Very nice unit there. I think it would work great for a Thai swordsman.
oh i noticed there is no victory....
But also attack 2 is soooo cool like a kensei or battousai!!!

Also death and stand have 60 frames per secound it too long, I changed mine to death 10 frames per secound and stand 27 frames per secound
Okay.. I`ve downloaded it, and checked it out. This unit is much better than the Bogatyr! Your units still run a bit funny, but I think this one is a huge improvment! You show much promiss, I think you`ll learn how to do running animations really soon! Great job!

One big flaw I found is in the death animation - the one facing West, its messed up.
Also, civ color is a bit hard to see, but all in all, a great unit!
i think the run is cool. sort of a cocky march/strut.
but, yes, the death W animation is a little messes up.
( and isn't it spelled mercenary? ;) )
C`mon dude, english is obviously not maddy`s first language :) I can understand some of his posts better than some of Gomurr`s when he gets all technichal :)

I still think the run is really unnatural, like someone took a big pole and shoved it up... khm, well, you know what I mean ;)

Happy New Year!
I`m looking forward to your new units maddy!
He said it's a hidden nationality land unit.

I think it looks sweet, but I currently have no use for it...
i just realised that the sword is civ colour.
must be a pallette mixup or someting..
Молодец, Мэдди !:king:

Наконец-то и наши в прорыве.
Так еще много юнитов, которых не хватает в Civ III.

На www.renderosity.com есть много прибамбасов для позеровских и 3ds max программ, а лошадь скорее всего нужна будет от DAZ - модель называется Millenium Horse или Unicorn. К сожалению их у меня нет.

У Kinboat на этом сайте выложено много одежды и оружия, с помощью которых он сделал свои юниты. Хотя наверно ты уже их скачал.

Удачи и ждем новых классных юнитов от тебя:king:

How to find Kinboats stuff on renderosity.com?
Не могу понять как найти модели Кинбота на сайте, нахожу только бабское шмотье, в какой разде идти?
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