This is my new unit witch I call Merceriny. Im goona use him as darck age swordsmen with no nathionality to keep in war all peacefull nations without declarating war. This unit not realistick, he cold be grece swordsmen if no his katana. I thinking about to make sereal this kind of unuts, next be merceriny for militaristic nations, and then I start to do the Pirate.
Becouse Im was in a hurry to finish this one before new year most animations not so cool as I wanted them to be so leter I'll post better version this unit.
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BTW can someone tell me where can I get a horse stuff for poser models?
Товарищи! Народ грабит!, Страна богатеет!
Becouse Im was in a hurry to finish this one before new year most animations not so cool as I wanted them to be so leter I'll post better version this unit.
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BTW can someone tell me where can I get a horse stuff for poser models?
Товарищи! Народ грабит!, Страна богатеет!