Unit pack: 6 ships (posted 1st oct, 2005)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
Hi all!

Here are six different ships that I did about two years ago as a request for TETurkhan. He was also in charge of the quality control at that time (cheers, Ray :thumbsup: ). There are two european ships and four asian ships. The european ships (La Reale and Venetian galleass) are based on actual ships. The four asian ships are based on stereotypes and other games :) .

Now, you might notice that these are two years old - they might be lacking in some animation & modelling I've been recently doing. And it is futile to request any new animations or changes in these, because you won't be seeing them. Period.

And now as the new civ4 is right behind the corner, I decided that it's time to release these here at CFC. So, enjoy :)

Asian ships:



Cargo Junk

War Junk

European ships:

La Reale

Venetian Galleass

Attached is a civilopedia preview of these ships.


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Time to update the game again...

Could you give some historical / technical information about the asian ships, please?
Ares de Borg said:
Could you give some historical / technical information about the asian ships, please?

All I know is:
- cargo junk was mainly used to transport goods via rivers&canals - and I think they still are used.
- war junks is just an interpretion of some chinese warships.
- atakabune & tekkousen: they bear significant recemblence to the korean kobukson (turtle ship), so I would assume that these would be the precessors - or wooden versions of kobukson. I've seen these ships only in another old game, so I really don't know if these kinds of ships existed.
Two years old or not, they still look great. Quick question Aaglo, will you be making units for Civ IV?
They are the best addition to my navy so far. Thanks a lot :)
Goes to show just how long you've been doing excellent work for. But I can definately see the points that I imagine you would have improved had these been done recently, they do seem to bounce a little much.

I must say there's something special about the bow of La Reale, excellent modelling there.

Very nice to get a huge pack like this, I don't think there's any ship missing now for medieval China!

Very nice. Just one question - does that Cargo Junk have an attack animation? If it does, then I can use it for a Korean Galley.

The four asian ships are based on stereotypes and other games .

On the contrary, Aaglo, those two first ones look a lot like Korean vessels. That first one would also work great as a P'anokson. :)
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