Unit preview: Romulan Warbird


Welcome to the real world
Nov 10, 2002
Here the first scaled preview of the Romulan Warbird. The default animation shows the size and the Civ color.


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I would just make it invisible.

Maybe make it cloak in attack or run animations?
why not Fidget (that's what it's called right?)

when a warbird is waiting for it's orders let i cloak for a moment :D
Nice idea the cloak effect. I think the fidget animation could be used to cloak the warbird. But I can decloak the ship if it's attacked or activated, because I don't know if the ship was cloaked in the animation before.
So I could support the cloak effect only.

Cloaking Warbird

Should the ship cloak completely?
do you create all these units from scratch? If so: you're f*cking briljant

if not, you still are ;)
Originally posted by TheMorpheus

Should the ship cloak completely?

Well, as it is it will be almost impossible to see it against the black terrain. But you have to account for the little hitpoints meter still being visible.
Wow, that's really cool. I would have the cloak be the fortify animation. Once it is activated or is attacked, it de-cloaks for run and attack animation. Cool. :thumbsup:
I wish my borg units could assimilate your technology in creating CivIII units. They have tried and it is like dealing with Species 8427.
Innermost thoughts
Where is Janeway when you need her to make a deal?
Trading is irrelevant!!! Except that I assimilated a Ferengi by mistake....

Anywho, back to reality. Cool!:goodjob:
that last cloak-animation is really great!
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