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Unit Preview Thread: LOTR


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
I'm hoping to make a few Lord of the Rings units. This is the first one; it's a soldier for Gondor. I had originally posted a preview in a separate LOTR thread. This preview includes a shield that I added after the original preview.

Cool! That is one heck of a unit! I'm sure your units will ad alot to the LOTR scenario under production. I, OTOH, think I'm gonna use this in my normal Civ game, as a medieval soldier (I haven't got PTW)... Or could I tempt you to finish your Hessian warrior, that you worked some time ago? :D

What ever you do from now on, keep up the good work! :) You units are fabulous!
nice work.. we could need ssome more of those soliders in the lotr world.. It is a quite common unit in the game and therefore need to be quite good..
Well, that took a couple of hours to finish. Hopefully, it will implemented in the LOTR mod. I'm posting the unit in the completed unit forum. I went with the name Tower Guard--I think that's what mrtn referred to him as. Feel free to change the name in the LOTR mod.


I think those models there will be great for the unit makers.. good job :)
Here's a Royal Guard on foot.

I wasn't sure as to what sort of weapon he should have though. Is the sword appropriate, or should he have a spear or axe?

Originally posted by Kal-el
I'm guessing that they would use both a spear and a sword.

it would be cool if the attacka was a spear and then discard that and go in with the sword.

That would be cool, but i don't know how I could do it . . . technically that is.
you could place the spear attack as the bombardment attack and give him a defensive bombardment, then he would use the spear as a defensive weapon and then use the sword on the offensive.
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