Unit production XP/LVL points vs number of actual Promos?


Aug 9, 2003
Sorry I know this is probably on a ref list somewhere but I can't figure out how to do a Boolean forum search to find it. I tried on single words and still can't find after many pages of results.

I'm using BAT mod and can see the available EXP LVL/POINTS for each city for each type of unit built (GND/AIR/NAVAL). My highest city so far can build a unit with 15 EXP/LVL points.

My question is how many available EXP/LVL points does it take for each Promotion? Is there a numerical scaling to it or do diff promotions require diff initial EXP/LVL points.

I'm not asking about individual unit experience levels shown on their data popup, but the number of promotions that the unit can get when built. If there is a number to shoot for that say, gets all the way to LVL 4 or 5 of any promotion then I can make more decisions on how many GG to attach etc.

The total experience needed to reach level n (starting with 2) is n^2 - 2n + 2. Basically, it goes like this:

level 2: 2
level 3: 5
level 4: 10
level 5: 17
level 6: 26

Note that charismatic leaders need 25% less xp to level up, eg. they need only 8xp to reach level 4.
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. Now I can finish my latest game and finish my game ref cards I play with.

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