Imitation Louis Vuitton
A lot of people were disappointed with Beyond the Sword, sure it added a lot of new stuff but was it really what people were after?
Did it have Poland in it, or did it add a third German leader?
It added corporations. But wheres Macdonalds or Coca Cola or Jenny Craig?
The Apostolic Palace, gahh, thats so 17th century Europe.
And the new AI? I thought it was supposed to be smarter and therefore harder. Sure. How come Im still fighting Longbows with Modern Armor on Settler?
Well, Im sick of it. Im going to take the destiny of Civilization into my own hands and announce
Civilization IV: the Future of Tomorrow.
It will include countless new features. What I can announce so far are:
Four new difficulty levels:
Improvements over the old AI are:
Slavery has been abolished.
Free Speech and Free Religion now have no upkeep costs.
New specialist:
City Governors:

Combat odds:
More features and concepts will be added soon.
Release date is mid 2010ish.
There will be new patches released weekly. The first is available already.
Im looking for ideas and suggestions, plus anybody whos willing to help with development.
Did it have Poland in it, or did it add a third German leader?
It added corporations. But wheres Macdonalds or Coca Cola or Jenny Craig?
The Apostolic Palace, gahh, thats so 17th century Europe.
And the new AI? I thought it was supposed to be smarter and therefore harder. Sure. How come Im still fighting Longbows with Modern Armor on Settler?
Well, Im sick of it. Im going to take the destiny of Civilization into my own hands and announce
Civilization IV: the Future of Tomorrow.
It will include countless new features. What I can announce so far are:
Four new difficulty levels:
- Neanderthal *new* *French version only*
- Hunter Gatherer *new*
- Nomad *new*
- Settler
- Chieftain
- Warlord
- Noble
- Prince
- Monarch
- Emperor
- Immortal
- Deity
- Creator of God *new*
- Fire. Required to research Hunting and Mysticism. All civs start with Fire along with their usual starting techs.
Improvements over the old AI are:
- Whenever you are within 2 turns of completing a wonder an AI will have already forseen this event and finish it this turn.
- AI will now use catapults and other siege to cause collateral damage before sending in other units.
- An AI will remember if you backstabbed it at Friendly in a previous game.
- Montezuma and Shaka will now build bigger armies.
- Mansa Musa, Gandhi, Huyana Capac and Hatshepsut now place higher priority on economic techs.
Slavery has been abolished.
Free Speech and Free Religion now have no upkeep costs.

New specialist:
- Parking Warden. +5
- Block Party
- Bird Flu
City Governors:
- City Governors can now be held responsible doing stupid things. Clearly the current governor is too nepotistic and hires his family and friends to be Citizens rather than something more productive like working in the farm or at the Forge.
- If they are found guilty they can be shot, put in prison or exiled (hopefully to work as a Governor in an AI city).
- Available with Bronzeworking.
- Constructing the League of Corinth allows you automatic eligibility as leader. Votes are acquired by stationing Axemen/Swordsmen or other melee units in enemy cities.
- Razing a city gains you an additional vote.
- George W. Bush. America. Traits none (well none that are beneficial)
- More to be announced.
- Poland
- More to be announced


Combat odds:
It will now be highly improbable that you will lose 99.9% battles
More features and concepts will be added soon.
Release date is mid 2010ish.
There will be new patches released weekly. The first is available already.
Im looking for ideas and suggestions, plus anybody whos willing to help with development.