Unofficial Ranking GOTM 49 - * (version


Feb 7, 2011
For the GOTM's played with Civ5 Gods & Kings version (49 to 56), I created a ranking based on number of victories. Also an handicap is included (the average number of extra turns). I will update this list after every GOTM. This ranking closes when GOTM's are played with a new version.

In all 8 GOTM 153 players participated in total, with 385 games submitted in total. Only 5 players participated in all the games, and 3 of them won all the games (including the Deity one).

A complete list is included in the second post.

	Player		Games	VC	Handicap
1	glory7		8	8	15
2	Halcyan2	8	8	29
3	AE_		8	8	36
4	gkreitz		8	7	57
5	schmiddi	8	1	294

The ranking puts glory7 :king: on number 1 with an average of +15 turns. Halcyan2 took the second place with a slightly better handicap then AE_.

I hope the next season will have a bigger list of people that participated in all the GOTM's.
The complete list:

	Player		Games	VC	Handicap
1	glory7		8	8	15
2	Halcyan2	8	8	29
3	AE_		8	8	36
4	Arnold_T	7	7	38
5	Wargizmo	7	7	54
6	gkreitz		8	7	57
7	Half Nelson	7	7	78
8	DrZ		7	7	79
9	Maxym		6	6	33
10	Browd		7	6	72
11	Halfdan Helgrim	6	6	109
12	TyfoonTurk	6	5	41
13	derfel_82	5	5	54
14	pontias		5	5	59
15	zvovesny	5	5	85
16	Monthar		6	5	98
17	Moriarte	4	4	29
18	Tabarnak	4	4	38
19	Minime		4	4	44
20	Suntechnique	4	4	59
21	Zinad		4	4	86
22	Pizzaspy	4	4	101
23	aatu		4	4	119
24	groorg1		5	4	126
25	beestar		4	4	127
26	budweiser	4	4	130
27	caeru71		4	4	138
28	Marathoner	4	4	139
29	slaya		4	4	150
30	juicegecko	4	4	150
31	tommynt		3	3	0
32	pkf		3	3	17
33	Avadad		3	3	45
34	Unresolved	3	3	59
35	Arilian		4	3	59
36	ssjos		3	3	74
37	golem		3	3	82
38	WaveOfDoom	3	3	88
39	Rhodro		3	3	93
40	Alphons Rodulfo	3	3	95
41	kenthebest	3	3	100
42	Alfys		3	3	101
43	quarterback	3	3	111
44	Gerluando	3	3	115
45	feelsgood	3	3	131
46	Incitatus	3	3	132
47	tomoliop	4	3	142
48	csaapproved	4	3	146
49	Civsassin	3	3	148
50	BuddhaBubba	4	3	171
51	kcd_swede	4	3	172
52	bc1		2	2	1
53	Neuro		2	2	7
54	Yannarosh	2	2	27
55	FeiLing		3	2	41
56	Tventano	2	2	67
57	Dreadnough	2	2	72
58	Wicken		2	2	72
59	methinkso	3	2	80
60	godotnut	2	2	81
61	dthompson32	3	2	84
62	marekb		2	2	86
63	WarIsPeace	2	2	94
64	Gamewizard	2	2	96
65	JungleIII	2	2	98
66	afungus amongus	2	2	100
67	PontifexMaximus	2	2	111
68	Cpt Oblivious	3	2	121
69	fromar		2	2	126
70	BigChiefLizzy	2	2	126
71	arieltal	2	2	141
72	coldturkey	2	2	143
73	isopaha		2	2	147
74	pholtz		2	2	157
75	beto_java	2	2	158
76	12voltman	3	2	211
77	Attaturk	1	1	34
78	wloff		1	1	51
79	Woodszilla	1	1	56
80	CatGarfield	1	1	57
81	Hyperion529	2	1	58
82	Kanorin		1	1	61
83	Sadato		1	1	61
84	kirbdog		2	1	62
85	ahte		1	1	62
86	RedRover57	1	1	64
87	Brigg		1	1	64
88	BWS		3	1	65
89	pigtim		1	1	65
90	Limboldt	1	1	67
91	Yngve		1	1	69
92	Andra Bullar	1	1	73
93	Streams		2	1	75
94	drubell		1	1	81
95	Owean		1	1	82
96	Izmir Stinger	1	1	85
97	Cold Coffee	1	1	85
98	spirit_		1	1	87
99	Stranger82	1	1	88
100	TimeWeaver	3	1	90
101	keepitsimple	1	1	93
102	Vlorious	1	1	95
103	carazycool	1	1	96
104	Aaronius	1	1	96
105	Melofeign	1	1	96
106	mushroomshirt	1	1	96
107	trueblue	1	1	97
108	Shorty55	1	1	99
109	Dan4GS		1	1	99
110	Xiamen_		2	1	102
111	Volcanic	1	1	107
112	ense7en		1	1	108
113	mascaron	1	1	109
114	Beengalas	1	1	112
115	chris1229	1	1	112
116	Voodoo111	1	1	114
117	Motina		1	1	115
118	dembo		1	1	117
119	CyberBocal	1	1	119
120	Apocalypse105	1	1	123
121	Powertoast	1	1	124
122	Hammer Rabbi	1	1	124
123	z00t		1	1	124
124	stickyfingers	2	1	125
125	Icono		1	1	131
126	LuCypher73	1	1	133
127	quizman		1	1	133
128	ilyanna		1	1	136
129	napalmEye	1	1	137
130	i_am_memory	1	1	139
131	adamah		1	1	144
132	WildeComputers	1	1	144
133	shooter6947	2	1	146
134	Loopy22		1	1	151
135	LoudScott	1	1	156
136	Giallorossi90	2	1	170
137	Masadon		1	1	172
138	drac313		1	1	188
139	dmccarthy	2	1	190
140	scaramonga	1	1	195
141	Wisman		1	1	196
142	megger		1	1	202
143	kevin.smith.4	1	1	211
144	Circuit		1	1	213
145	Shinan		3	1	251
146	diddl		2	1	286
147	schmiddi	8	1	294
148	numaru7		1	0	#
149	igelkott	1	0	#
150	dashwinner	1	0	#
151	Lord Gruin	1	0	#
152	azzaman333	1	0	#
153	Inspector	1	0	#
Sorted on handicap:

	Player		Games	VC	Handicap
1	tommynt		3	3	0
2	bc1		2	2	1
3	Neuro		2	2	7
4	glory7		8	8	15
5	pkf		3	3	17
6	Yannarosh	2	2	27
7	Halcyan2	8	8	29
8	Moriarte	4	4	29
9	Maxym		6	6	33
10	Attaturk	1	1	34
11	AE_		8	8	36
12	Arnold_T	7	7	38
13	Tabarnak	4	4	38
14	FeiLing		3	2	41
15	TyfoonTurk	6	5	41
16	Minime		4	4	44
17	Avadad		3	3	45
18	wloff		1	1	51
19	Wargizmo	7	7	54
20	derfel_82	5	5	54
21	Woodszilla	1	1	56
22	gkreitz		8	7	57
23	CatGarfield	1	1	57
24	Hyperion529	2	1	58
25	Unresolved	3	3	59
26	pontias		5	5	59
27	Suntechnique	4	4	59
28	Arilian		4	3	59
29	Kanorin		1	1	61
30	Sadato		1	1	61
31	kirbdog		2	1	62
32	ahte		1	1	62
33	RedRover57	1	1	64
34	Brigg		1	1	64
35	BWS		3	1	65
36	pigtim		1	1	65
37	Tventano	2	2	67
38	Limboldt	1	1	67
39	Yngve		1	1	69
40	Dreadnough	2	2	72
41	Wicken		2	2	72
42	Browd		7	6	72
43	Andra Bullar	1	1	73
44	ssjos		3	3	74
45	Streams		2	1	75
46	Half Nelson	7	7	78
47	DrZ		7	7	79
48	methinkso	3	2	80
49	godotnut	2	2	81
50	drubell		1	1	81
51	Owean		1	1	82
52	golem		3	3	82
53	dthompson32	3	2	84
54	Izmir Stinger	1	1	85
55	Cold Coffee	1	1	85
56	zvovesny	5	5	85
57	Zinad		4	4	86
58	marekb		2	2	86
59	spirit_		1	1	87
60	Stranger82	1	1	88
61	WaveOfDoom	3	3	88
62	TimeWeaver	3	1	90
63	keepitsimple	1	1	93
64	Rhodro		3	3	93
65	WarIsPeace	2	2	94
66	Vlorious	1	1	95
67	Alphons Rodulfo	3	3	95
68	Gamewizard	2	2	96
69	carazycool	1	1	96
70	Aaronius	1	1	96
71	Melofeign	1	1	96
72	mushroomshirt	1	1	96
73	trueblue	1	1	97
74	Monthar		6	5	98
75	JungleIII	2	2	98
76	Shorty55	1	1	99
77	Dan4GS		1	1	99
78	afungus amongus	2	2	100
79	kenthebest	3	3	100
80	Alfys		3	3	101
81	Pizzaspy	4	4	101
82	Xiamen_		2	1	102
83	Volcanic	1	1	107
84	ense7en		1	1	108
85	Halfdan Helgrim	6	6	109
86	mascaron	1	1	109
87	PontifexMaximus	2	2	111
88	quarterback	3	3	111
89	Beengalas	1	1	112
90	chris1229	1	1	112
91	Voodoo111	1	1	114
92	Gerluando	3	3	115
93	Motina		1	1	115
94	dembo		1	1	117
95	aatu		4	4	119
96	CyberBocal	1	1	119
97	Cpt Oblivious	3	2	121
98	Apocalypse105	1	1	123
99	Powertoast	1	1	124
100	Hammer Rabbi	1	1	124
101	z00t		1	1	124
102	stickyfingers	2	1	125
103	fromar		2	2	126
104	groorg1		5	4	126
105	BigChiefLizzy	2	2	126
106	beestar		4	4	127
107	budweiser	4	4	130
108	feelsgood	3	3	131
109	Icono		1	1	131
110	Incitatus	3	3	132
111	LuCypher73	1	1	133
112	quizman		1	1	133
113	ilyanna		1	1	136
114	napalmEye	1	1	137
115	caeru71		4	4	138
116	i_am_memory	1	1	139
117	Marathoner	4	4	139
118	arieltal	2	2	141
119	tomoliop	4	3	142
120	coldturkey	2	2	143
121	adamah		1	1	144
122	WildeComputers	1	1	144
123	csaapproved	4	3	146
124	shooter6947	2	1	146
125	isopaha		2	2	147
126	Civsassin	3	3	148
127	slaya		4	4	150
128	juicegecko	4	4	150
129	Loopy22		1	1	151
130	LoudScott	1	1	156
131	pholtz		2	2	157
132	beto_java	2	2	158
133	Giallorossi90	2	1	170
134	BuddhaBubba	4	3	171
135	Masadon		1	1	172
136	kcd_swede	4	3	172
137	drac313		1	1	188
138	dmccarthy	2	1	190
139	scaramonga	1	1	195
140	Wisman		1	1	196
141	megger		1	1	202
142	12voltman	3	2	211
143	kevin.smith.4	1	1	211
144	Circuit		1	1	213
145	Shinan		3	1	251
146	diddl		2	1	286
147	schmiddi	8	1	294
148	numaru7		1	0	#
149	igelkott	1	0	#
150	dashwinner	1	0	#
151	Lord Gruin	1	0	#
152	azzaman333	1	0	#
153	Inspector	1	0	#
Hi Tyfoon Turk,

First, thanks for doing this - it's very cool. I have a couple of questions:
  • How do you calculate Handicap? Is it the average number of turns for all players submitting a game? So if I have a positive handicap, did I finish earlier than most players?
  • What does the handicap do for your rank?
  • Where did you get this data? I can't anything for Civ V on
handicap is the average number of turns you finish later than the fastest time. everybody has a positive handicap.

the last number is the change in your handicap since last game. if it's negative it means you improved.
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