Updated autorasing rules


Dec 17, 2005
Planet Earth
Very rarely do I do early warfare, so I'm not sure when these changes were added but...

Back in the old days of vanilla I remember the 3 key elements to block auto-razing were:

City must at some time have had a pop of at least 2
City must have had some culture put into it
City must have built any infrastructure

I've recently noticed that you can have a city of multiple culture levels, and it still might auto-raz when you capture it. Also this evening, I captured a city with a granary inside (yes I double checked after to make sure), and it was still auto-razed.

I'm curious when these changes were made, or perhaps they're bugs.
There is only one rule. The city must have had a population of two at some point. That was true in vanilla too.
Part of the confusion, I think, is that it's not the same as the Civ III rule. In that game, the city had to have had a pop of two OR to have expanded its borders.
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