US warns Israel over 'separation'

Apartheid is generally considered as a term meaning racial and ethnic groups are kept apart in the same overall entity; there are a great deal of Israeli Arabs who are not subject to such treatment or policy.
The Palestinian Arabs are not a radically different ethnic group from the Israeli Arab citizens, and they are certainly of the same race (indeed, there is another ethnic group in the area that can be said to come under the same 'Semite' label...). Furthermore, they are not Israeli citizens, which doth further muddy the waters of such a convenient definition, as has already been referred to.
Apartheid is not an issue of class, gender or any other general grouping apart from race/ethnicity, within the context of a particular nation. This may upset the attempts to use it as a branding reproach, but certain things must be adhered to.
Since when palestinian have their own self govern nation?
And if they declare self independency like Israel they will get :tank: :soldier: by IDF.

Thats why i compare it to apartheid, white poeple were dominating the black, use them as cheap labor, and struggle any of their freedom. Pretty close to what happen right now.

It is so easy when you got the big end of the powerstick ( made in USA).
It is ironic that apartheid be raised, as it's literal English meaning from the Afrikaans, 'apartness', is precisely what would benefit the overwhelming majority of civilians on both sides of the equation.
One last question to our pro-apartheid member.

Do we ( international tourist) have the right to throw peanuts to palestinian over the wall ?

Do their Guard ( IDF) will allow us to see and feed them ?

Its not a circus , it is a zoo.:(
Originally posted by Tassadar

1.- Isolation of a ''low class" citizen by a ''dominator"

2.- Did you try to stop illegal settlement on their ground ? no because blablablablabla:rolleyes:

1. They're not citizens, and their dominator seats in the mukata'a
2. Israel has offered to withdraw from nearly all the disputed ground. They rejected it.
Originally posted by Tassadar
Since when palestinian have their own self govern nation?
And if they declare self independency like Israel they will get :tank: :soldier: by IDF.

Thats why i compare it to apartheid, white poeple were dominating the black, use them as cheap labor, and struggle any of their freedom. Pretty close to what happen right now.

It is so easy when you got the big end of the powerstick ( made in USA).

The idea of the wall is to stop suicide bombers so the IDF doesn't have to go after them in Palestinean lands. It's doubtful that it will work, but it seems to me it's Israels way of saying "we don't want anything more to do with Palestine."
Originally posted by Tassadar
Since when palestinian have their own self govern nation?

Since 1993

Originally posted by Tassadar
And if they declare self independency like Israel they will get :tank: :soldier: by IDF.

Once they declare independence they'll be treated as a nation - and if their attacks will continue, a war will be declared on them

Originally posted by Tassadar
Thats why i compare it to apartheid, white poeple were dominating the black, use them as cheap labor, and struggle any of their freedom. Pretty close to what happen right now.

But the entire plan is that Israel won't control the Palestinians any more, and Palestinians won't be able to enter Israel to work there but will be left alone to run themselves - the exact opposite of what you said.

Originally posted by Tassadar
It is so easy when you got the big end of the powerstick ( made in USA).

The Palestinians use American weapons as well.
Originally posted by Tassadar
Its not a circus , it is a zoo.:(

It is a border. You know, that thing that keeps armed terrorists away from our cities.
Originally posted by Tassadar
One last question to our pro-apartheid member.

If your referring to me, I'm not pro-apartheid. I can't even really grasp why they can't just live peacefully next to each other and not worry about who worships which diety. As someone else pointed out, Jews and Arabs are both semitic people.

Do we ( international tourist) have the right to throw peanuts to palestinian over the wall ?

The wall is around Israel. Palestine will still share borders with other Arab countries.

Do their Guard ( IDF) will allow us to see and feed them ?

Its not a circus , it is a zoo.:(

The question is more of will the Palestineans allow the tourists to feed the Israelis while they are visiting Jeruselum.
Originally posted by G-Man

It is a border. You know, that thing that keeps armed terrorists away from our cities.

So, now the wall is the new expended israel border, feel free and hurry to settle in back of it:rolleyes:

And about the peanuts, will i have the right to throw them some ? Maybe i should ask Sharon permision:confused:
Originally posted by G-Man

It is a border. You know, that thing that keeps armed terrorists away from our cities.
The Only internationally recognized borders for Israel are the one pre 1967 war. So this this wall is more like The US building one south of the Rio Grande.
I support seperation as long as the stupid diagram of the fence is changed. If the fence will continue to be built this way - it is a sure way to keep the conflict going for many more years.

1. The Palestinians will never settle for less than the 1967 borders, give or take a few precentages of land. And they shouldn't.
2. The Fence, in it's current line, is a severe violation of International law since it changes the facts on the ground concerning land occupied in a conflict and deemed non-Israeli by the UN.
Originally posted by HannibalBarka

The Only internationally recognized borders for Israel are the one pre 1967 war. So this this wall is more like The US building one south of the Rio Grande.

Diplomatic borders don't stop terrorists. Fences, walls and soldiers do.
Originally posted by IceBlaZe
I support seperation as long as the stupid diagram of the fence is changed. If the fence will continue to be built this way - it is a sure way to keep the conflict going for many more years.

1. The Palestinians will never settle for less than the 1967 borders, give or take a few precentages of land. And they shouldn't.
2. The Fence, in it's current line, is a severe violation of International law since it changes the facts on the ground concerning land occupied in a conflict and deemed non-Israeli by the UN.

1. The entire idea in making a one sided move is that it's not based on what the Palestinians want. There are too many Palestinians who want to destroy Israel, and not enough who restrain them.
2. The fence isn't a violation of international law - The land was not deemed non-Israel, and in any case the fence is a security installation, which a country is allowed to create in disputed territories in order to protect its citizens.
Originally posted by G-Man

Diplomatic borders don't stop terrorists. Fences, walls and soldiers do.

Diplomatic borders stop wars. Fences, walls and soldiers stop nothing, the cycle terrorism/retaliation will just increase.
Originally posted by G-Man

Diplomatic borders don't stop terrorists. Fences, walls and soldiers do.

Justice, economic equality,mutual respect prevent such ''terrorist" to born.

What you are doing right now, only create more and more of them.

You should reset your paradigm.
How can we support a Wall solution ? I'm sorry but Sarevok is right in here. A Wall is not a Peace, it's just increasing even more tensions.

1- You seem to not care about the economical links between both people. Palestine is poor and devastated. People can't survive if they are isolated from Israel. On the Eastern border, it's only the desert (Actually, a large part of west bank is already desert).

2- I'm sorry to say so but France and Germany didn't build their peace with a Wall between them. Such a solution will never work. It increases hatred instead of reducing it.

3- The direct effect of that Wall will be to humiliate the Fatah and to prove the Hamas was right. Which means that this wall proves the only hope for Palestinians is in terrorism. It's totally counter-productive. If you consider the Fatah as bad as the Hamas, just think about who did the Geneva plan...

4- A Wall may be built as a protection, it is still a Wall, and its purpose is still to separate people.

No seriously, build your wall if you want to convince muslims from all over the world that palestinians are truely persecuted and that the guys who always told it, the fundamentalists, are right.
Originally posted by HannibalBarka

Diplomatic borders stop wars. Fences, walls and soldiers stop nothing, the cycle terrorism/retaliation will just increase.

Had diplomatic borders stopped wars against us we wouldn't have been in these territories in the first place. The last three years of conflict have shown that the more the IDF acted the less terrorist attacks there were, and that the fence has eliminated over 99% of the infiltration attempts into Israel.
Originally posted by Tassadar

Justice, economic equality,mutual respect prevent such ''terrorist" to born.

I don't see why we should be responsible for these things to another people.

Originally posted by Tassadar
What you are doing right now, only create more and more of them.

You should reset your paradigm.

There were terrorists trying to kill us in here half a century before Israel had existed. These terrorists have never stopped, regardless of what Israel did. So now we're tired of trying to stop them from existing - it doesn't work. There will be terrorists anyway.
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