US warns Israel over 'separation'

Originally posted by HannibalBarka

Yeah right, it's all their fault, the same old propaganda: "we kindly offered them peace and land, but they didn't accept, there is noone to make peace with, blablabla ....."

And is it not true that Israel has offered them land, a country and peace, and they rejected it?

Originally posted by HannibalBarka
And I didn't know you care about what Arafat do with their money? What is Sharon and his son doing with yours ?

Sharon is building a fence with our money. I don't see what either of his sons has to do with the issue.
Originally posted by G-Man

And is it not true that Israel has offered them land, a country and peace, and they rejected it?

No it is not true, Israel offred them a bantustan.

Originally posted by G-Man

Sharon is building a fence with our money. I don't see what either of his sons has to do with the issue.

You should read a little bit more news about your governement.
Originally posted by Tassadar

They just have to erase '' made in pakistan" before given one to al-quaida and they will do ''the mother of all suicide bombing". Who will be able to know from where it come ? Iran ? Pakistan? or maybe an old forgoten russian one which have been sold ?

the way it is going right now, it is ineluctable that a major ''event" will happen, it is just a matter of time.

Several points:

1) Pakistan has had nukes for many many years. Why is it taking so long to get them to Al-Qaida?

2) A nuclear attack on Israel will bring about the largest worldwide investigation involving the best efforts of the best intelligence agencies in the world. Do you honestly think we won't find out?

3) There have been territorial disputes, terrorism, insurrections, rebellions, genocide, and all these nasty things for as long as humans have existed. Nuclear weapons have existed since 1945. As of yet, there have not been any nuclear terrorist attacks.

The Chechyns live in an area where nuclear weapons/material should be easier to obtain than it would be for Hamas, the Fatah, or any similar anti-Israeli group.

It is certainly possible, but not likely. Even if such an event should occur, two things will happen. First, the Palestinians will be exterminated, and second, any nation that helps, helped, or will help them will be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Originally posted by Enemy Ace

It is certainly possible, but not likely. Even if such an event should occur, two things will happen. First, the Palestinians will be exterminated, and second, any nation that helps, helped, or will help them will be wiped from the face of the Earth.


Genocide as you command!
Originally posted by HannibalBarka

No it is not true, Israel offred them a bantustan.

I don't see why it isn't true. Israel's offer was more than they could've dreamed about.

Originally posted by HannibalBarka
You should read a little bit more news about your governement.

You should read what you post. This has nothing to do with Israel's money.
Originally posted by Nad


Genocide as you command!

Perhaps refinement is warranted.

If I were the leader of Israel and Tel-Aviv was attacked by a nuclear bomb, I would arrest all Palestinians and place them in a sizeable area where they would be imprisoned, for an unspecified period of time. Those who resist would be killed. I just assumed that most Palestinians would resist, resulting in a 70 - 95% rate of death.

I would then procede with a nuclear attack enemy installations in southern Lebanon and Syria, and any other area the enemy may be. I may even launch a strike against Syria.
Originally posted by Tassadar
They just have to erase '' made in pakistan" before given one to al-quaida and they will do ''the mother of all suicide bombing". Who will be able to know from where it come ? Iran ? Pakistan? or maybe an old forgoten russian one which have been sold ?

So, let me get this straight by your logic: if Israel stopped building the wall, then the terrorists would NOT use a nuclear weapon if they could get one??? :confused:


What is so hard to understand that this issue is black and white to the extremists in the Islamic world???

You constantly whine about Israel protecting itself, but you offer no viable solution that will work!

Seriously, provide us with a solution that will satisfy those bent on Israel's total destruction and that also protects Israel, as well! My bet is that you can't even come close to a practical solution that would work in the real world and not some utopian fantasy that you have created in your head. :rolleyes:

You are dreaming and you need to wake up to the reality that the only way to deal with those sworn to your destruction is to kill or be killed. Failure to comprehend the desire to destroy Israel on the part of the terrorists reveals your inability to understand the truth.

Israel has a right to protect itself, and the wall is just one piece of the puzzle. I, for one, am glad that my country is on the side of the only successful democracy in the Middle East.
The fantassy and artificial country is israel. If i was the brithish prime minister in the early 19's i would have never support the Balfour declaration. Neither give weapon to jews so they can counter the arab revolt, i would have listen to Lawrence of arabia insteed of betrayed him.

It is the mistake of the century.
Originally posted by G-Man

The Israelis.

The Berlin wall was built to divide a people. The seperation fence is built in order to seperate Israelis and Palestinians, who are not the same people. Israelis don't need the Palestinians and want to be seperated from them.

because obivoulsy the best way to promote underestanding between two people is to seperate them? if anything it will only promote more hatred.
Originally posted by Tassadar
The fantassy and artificial country is israel. If i was the brithish prime minister in the early 19's i would have never support the Balfour declaration. Neither give weapon to jews so they can counter the arab revolt, i would have listen to Lawrence of arabia insteed of betrayed him.

And by doing so leave millions to their death, weaken the status of Britain amongst its allies, endanger the suez canal and the control of India. A brilliant move that would be, no doubt.

Originally posted by Tassadar
It is the mistake of the century.

Must've been a wonderful century if its biggest mistake involved saving hundreds of thousands of people.
Originally posted by Johann MacLeod

because obivoulsy the best way to promote underestanding between two people is to seperate them? if anything it will only promote more hatred.

1. The goal of the fence is obviously not to promote understanding. Promoting understanding doesn't work - you can't reason with the terrorists, and the Palestinians with whom you can reason are unwilling to stop the terrorists.
2. It won't promote more hatred because the fence is a less violent and less humiliating solution than its only alternative, which is IDF actions.

I support the fence.

It is a genuine and sincere non violent attempt to
minimise the risks in a very dangerous situation.

The attitude of the Arabs to the Jews today is very
very similar to that of the Germans 1933 to 1945.

While there are (were) a few sensible Arabs
(Germans) who have (had) no desire to kill
the Jews; Arab (German) society is (was)
clearly being controlled by genocidal elements
masquerading as islamic fundamentalists
(Nazi Aryan supremicists).

My only concern about the fence is that it
(the Maginot Line) won't work. Nevertheless
it is incumbent upon the Israelis to try.
A fence is a troubling, but perhaps necessary solution.

The fence, as in, the fence that is actually being built, is a disaster for the future of the region. The course that it follows insures that no viable Palestinian state can ever be formed and rules out a two-state solution. Without anyone to govern the Palestinians, Israel will almost certainly have to deploy back into the territory to prevent the mortar and rocket attacks that will certainly begin after they withdraw.
I support the fence.

The youngest two generations of Palestinians are too brainwashed to be reasoned with. There will be no peace, just protection from brainwashed fanatical suicidal maniacs. Just my opinion. Don't get too upset.
Originally posted by Tassadar
The fantassy and artificial country is israel.

Dude, delusional cannot even describe your state-of-mind if you even remotely believe this statement.

Israel is a sovereign nation, plain and simple. Just because you have some worldview that doesn't think they have a right to exist does not change the fact that Israel does, in fact, exist.

Your obvious hatred for Israel clouds your judgement and does not allow for rational thinking, much less a civil debate in these forums.

You still have not provided a realistic solution to end the violence. Perhaps you believe that Israel should just pack up their bags and leave the area, too? :crazyeye:
Originally posted by Double Barrel

Dude, delusional cannot even describe your state-of-mind if you even remotely believe this statement.

Shh, hey, DB, come 'ere. Hey, man, just nod and say "yeah". Sometimes 'they' just go away. :mischief:
You see, they will curse Israel for retaliating against terrorist targets. They will curse Israel for the compromises they offer the Palestinians. Now, they curse Israel for devising a non-violent solution that would end the majority of Israeli activity in the remaining "occupied territories".

Understand, Israel cannot do any good, in the eyes of their critics, unless they commit mass suicide.
Originally posted by Tassadar
The fantassy and artificial country is israel. If i was the brithish prime minister in the early 19's i would have never support the Balfour declaration. Neither give weapon to jews so they can counter the arab revolt, i would have listen to Lawrence of arabia insteed of betrayed him.

It is the mistake of the century.

This is why they are building the wall. I still doubt it work, at least not for very long.
Strangely, I think the wall might be a good idea.

Just establish a border, preferably so that it violates equally much the claims of both the Israeli and the Palestinians, eliminate at least the most offending settlements, tell the Palestinians that "ok, you guys have a state there behind the wall now"... and let them concentrate on actually building that state, while trying to make fair (and even perhaps generous) deals with them regarding water, electricity etc...

Imagine you have two people fighting... literally at each others' throats. What do you do? You most probably intervene first, and keep them apart. This is what should be done to cool the situation down. I am pretty sure that most everyone believes that the result we want to have is both an Israel and a Palestine, living side by side in peace. Thus, it should simply be enforced, to stop the mindless killing.

Of course I would want the UN security council to pass a resolution requiring heavily armed peacekeepers to man the perimeter... but, as we all know, the UN is irrelevant today... so it is completely toothless in this situation. I am not completely comfortable with one side of the conflict being unilateral in this fashion... it should be an outside party that does it... but I suppose this is better than nothing. If only it stops the mutual killing, it is good.
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