USA going backwards in time?


Aug 2, 2003
Here's timeline, assuming 1980s were golden age

1960s-1980s: great standard
1940s: great war (yesterday and today)
1930s: great depression (today)
1920s: not everybody can have car and afford gas (soon)
1900s: rare people own cars, Ford and GM established (soon they will be gone)
1850s: few companies exist, many poor and jobless
.......: (turmoil, disintegration)?

So it seems like we're on some time machine going backwards to worse days, ones that were seen in that order already in history...
Well no civil war.. yet... but it appears that we'll eventually learn the hard work that our grandparents and parents had to go through...
Ah.. historical fallacies. No disrespect meant, but calling the current recession on par for the great depression of the 1930's is incredibly overdramatic. Second, the standard of living has yet to disintegrate into 19th century levels.

But most importantly, and despite "common" knowledge, history cannot be used reliably as an indicator for the future when the topic is as board as this. There are far too many considerations and factors that influence the future.. To be sure that the US is going to far backwards in time is just wrong.
Well no civil war.. yet... but it appears that we'll eventually learn the hard work that our grandparents and parents had to go through...

You say that as though it were a bad thing. I guess right now we're living in the prospierity of the roaring 20s, and now we'll have to suffer in the depression. Our grandparents did it, and so can we. Even if I have to ride the rails.
But recent finds on Civil War battlefields indicate that the South is reconstituting its weapons program and may try to rise agaiin.

They have been extra grumpy, lately.

Preemptive Strike?
The Bible Belt versus the Mormons! All on WORLD WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!

Seriously though, a civil war would make me laugh, then cry seeing as how I would die very soon.
Oh hell. I knew that "shoot Mormons on sight" thing would come back to bite us in the ass in 200 years or so.
Does that mean high wheels are coming back?!


I always called them "penny farthing"? The only time I saw one of those I was stoned sitting in a park it was a complete mindf***... I hope they're coming back!
What makes the 1960s-1980s such a great time in American History? If anything, the standard of living has improved exponentially since then. The U.S has, and still is the greatest living power in the world. The U.S is not weakening or declining, but the rest of the world is finally catching up to our country. I find it laughable that the U.S may go back to a worthless backwater trading post under the wings of the U.K while we and our extremely close allies have the the best militaries in the world
I was going to put it nicer, but as much as I love America, and have tried to defend its good name, I wouldn't call his statement exactly right.
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