USA going backwards in time?

If the 80s were our golden age I quit America. The 80s were a tragic time when all the men looked like women, all the women looked ugly, and the music was horrible.
If the 80s were our golden age I quit America. The 80s were a tragic time when all the men looked like women, all the women looked ugly, and the music was horrible.

is it then, or now? :D

does everybody believe that they'll be able to own a personal transportation vehicle & drive as much as they want by themselves -in 30 years?
I doubt we are devolving. Adaption and change are probable. Yes, if we don't find more oil, or change our technology, privately owned motor vehicles will become rarer. Wallowing in that fact won't help anything.:D

Here's timeline, assuming 1980s were golden age

1960s-1980s: great standard
1940s: great war (yesterday and today)
1930s: great depression (today)
1920s: not everybody can have car and afford gas (soon)
1900s: rare people own cars, Ford and GM established (soon they will be gone)
1850s: few companies exist, many poor and jobless
.......: (turmoil, disintegration)?

So it seems like we're on some time machine going backwards to worse days, ones that were seen in that order already in history...
Here's timeline, assuming 1980s were golden age

1960s-1980s: great standard
1940s: great war (yesterday and today)
1930s: great depression (today)
1920s: not everybody can have car and afford gas (soon)
1900s: rare people own cars, Ford and GM established (soon they will be gone)
1850s: few companies exist, many poor and jobless
.......: (turmoil, disintegration)?

So it seems like we're on some time machine going backwards to worse days, ones that were seen in that order already in history...


Things are not as good as they were, but we are no where near a new depression.
Barack Obama winning election = new South secession

I'm calling it!

I don't think so. Most African Americans live in the South. I think on a percentage basis African Americans vote more than White Americans.
I doubt we are devolving.

Bah! Of course we're devolving. Devolution is all around us.

1. Wear gaudy colors or avoid display.

2. Lay a million eggs or give birth to one.

3. The littlest may survive & the unfit may live.

4. Be like your ancestors or be different.

5. We must repeat.

Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain.

Actually, it was Xenu sticking you at the base of a 75 milion years old hawaian volcano before launching some nukes from his BC-8-look-alike spaceship.
The 80's as a golden age? :lol:
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