I've encountered this problem and was just wondering what everyone else's thoughts are...
How useful do you find armies, really? The game seems to emphasize them as rare and powerful judging how difficult they are to get but I haven't found them to be that powerful at all. With an army you use the attacks of all three units just to destroy one other. In the case where it's an easy fight this seems a complete waste. If you're attacking a superior unit... fine the army helps... BUT what about the counter-attack? You've not got three weakened units in one spot that will ALL be destroyed by one counterattacking unit. If you used three separate units to attack the larger one then they wouldn't all be able to be destroyed by one counter-attacking one.
To top it all off, I haven't found them to be useful in ANY circumstance. Example: being on the same relatively small continent, me (Germans) and the Russians were forced into an early conflict. I had control of most of the strat resources, AND I had two full armies of horsemen (best unit at the time). I attack with one army: it gets destroyed by ONE SPEARMAN. The other army is defending a town on the border, it also is destroyed by ONE ARCHER. I was reeling for a dozen turns after trying to fend them off until I got iron units. From now on I vow to use Leaders only for rushing production.
What are everyone elses experiences with armies?
(sorry for the length)
How useful do you find armies, really? The game seems to emphasize them as rare and powerful judging how difficult they are to get but I haven't found them to be that powerful at all. With an army you use the attacks of all three units just to destroy one other. In the case where it's an easy fight this seems a complete waste. If you're attacking a superior unit... fine the army helps... BUT what about the counter-attack? You've not got three weakened units in one spot that will ALL be destroyed by one counterattacking unit. If you used three separate units to attack the larger one then they wouldn't all be able to be destroyed by one counter-attacking one.
To top it all off, I haven't found them to be useful in ANY circumstance. Example: being on the same relatively small continent, me (Germans) and the Russians were forced into an early conflict. I had control of most of the strat resources, AND I had two full armies of horsemen (best unit at the time). I attack with one army: it gets destroyed by ONE SPEARMAN. The other army is defending a town on the border, it also is destroyed by ONE ARCHER. I was reeling for a dozen turns after trying to fend them off until I got iron units. From now on I vow to use Leaders only for rushing production.
What are everyone elses experiences with armies?
(sorry for the length)