Using a temporarily built Hamlet to circumvent adjacency rules


May 10, 2003
I'm not sure if this is a an intended strategy or an oversight, but since that Hamlet district can be removed like any other district, you can relocate it to use its ability to function as starting point elsewhere. How useful this is (it costs some production) may depend on the overall situation (do you have gotten access to a building like Hollands VOC, which has synergy with harbours often located far away from population centers?) and geography (more useful in large territories), but it for sure a tool to develop spread out island territories.

To make clear what I'm refering to, here a step-by-step description:

1. Built the Hamlet in a remote location, where it allows a useful adjacent district
2. Built said useful district
3. Now "overbuilt" (=replace) the Hamlet with another possible district (e.g. Garrison, Entertainment)
4. The Hamlet can now be built elsewhere in the same territory again [but you still can continue to add districts in the area it was located before - that part is not yet confirmed and might not work at all or only under certain circumstances]

As said, I'm not sure if I'm just using a intended strategy or an unintended (conceded small) exploit, but in case it is the former...well, then it is bit of a convoluted mechanic - why not just lifting the strict adjacency rules when the tech unlocking the Hamlet is researched and just make district built non-adjacent more expensive? That would probably also help the AI (assuming that they don't use that trick)

EDIT: Based on Buktu's feedback I put the not-confirmed aspect of the discussed strategy in "[italics]"
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Here is a screen from my last game. Its not on an island though maybe that changes things?
Cheesy exploit.
Yeah, maybe. At some point it was possible to connect islands in the same territory through harbors and thus build on all tiles. But since that isn‘t possible any more, the Hamlet shuffle is the only way to make „good“ use of these territories that have 2-3 island with 2-3 tiles each.
In my experience I also cannot build out from a hamlet-initiated cluster of districts after I have removed the hamlet. Primary reason i would use this is to fill islands with EQ. I’d rather they just remove this territory type that has several 2-3 tile islands, or cause harbors to give adjacency. Or consider the nearest land tile to a district (even across water) as adjacent in a territory that has a harbor, so you could fill up islands one at a time. Except for EQ, most districts on small islands are pointless, which is why I would just change these territories to have 2 islands, each between 4-10 tiles.
detach-move the adm center/outpost-reattach is also a viable alternative for cities with 2 territories once stuff starts getting cramped
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