UUUuuugghh!!! Help, I just spent the last week...


Oct 4, 2003
Fort Hood, Texas
... adding new units, carefully following the tutorial from this site. I downloaded 60+ new units, several new buildings, and a few new world wonders. In debug mode I just tested to see if my new units worked...
And to my horror just 4 of the 60+ units show up in their proper picture/look - as apposed to the same old units i had wanted to replace. ie, my new B1 bomber looks an awful lot like a B17! and Tiger tank I had hoped to blitz with still looks like the original games tank!
So where did I go wrong?

Yes, I checked that the "#ANIMNAME_PRTO" were entries correct, as well as the civilopedia entries. I only downloaded those units that had their own .ini, large and small icon, unit 32, and Flic files. But only 4 out of 64 files display their own graphics on the map.
I have checked and rechecked all of the entries, files (large & small icons, and the pic added to the unit32 file), and folders (to ensure they are present and correctly named) for all of the new units I have been wanting to add, but with the exception of four of them the other 62 units are still displaying the wrong graphics when I test in debug mode.


PzKpfw V Panther

What am I missing? I’m tired of every nations tanks (et al) looking the same.
I also cannot figure out why 4 of my new units do show up.
Did you add the units to the epic game or did you create a new scenario file? What are the four units that are showing correctly?
I created a new scenario file. I just copied, pasted and then renamed a scenario folder and BiQ file named TML3. I downloaded the units to the correct folder. I copied the 'unit 32' graphics to the unit 32 file. I copied & pasted the large and small .pcx files. I updated the PediaIcons and Civilopedia files. Then 'added' the units in the editor. Saved the scenario in 'debug' mode... the units which work are:A6M Zero, Balloon, JagdPanther and Catapult Tetrareme.
PzKpfw V Panther

I notice that here you have the tag for the panther as "PzKpfw_V_Panther" (with underscores) while the line below is "PzKpfw V Panther" (with no underscores). This second line is the name that Civ3 with use to call up the unit , and it must match the folder and .ini files names. Could you maybe have some named with and some without underscores?

If not, why not post the biq and let someone take a look at it?

EDIT: Oh yea, did you say that when you use debug mode to create a unit, say a tank, the original Civ3 tank pops up? That would seem to indicate that in the biq itself the unit has the tag of the original tank, not your new units tag.
You editted the units_32 pcx, right?
I took the instructions for editing the PediaIcons file to mean that
the first line, for example, PRTO_PzKfw_V_Panther could not have spaces; and that the second line, PzKfw V Panther was to match exactly the name of the folder and .ini file of the particular unit. Here are the .biq and pediaicon files.
The browser has not allowed me to attach the .biq file. will try again


  • PediaIcons.txt
    115.7 KB · Views: 56
There can be many causes for the problems so look over all in detail. Even if you have a space between the entries in the Text files, that can cause your problem.

As a Test, make a new Scenario and add just one thing that is not now showing in the game to see if it works correctly. Seems like it is an error in procedure. Start with the Original Game files and see if you can add one thing that is not now showing in your game.
yes, i did edit the unit.32 pcx file. i would just start over if i hadnt already spent so much time on this scenario.

Fear not, You will sort it out. Hell, I have restarted my mod several times, and over the past half year I have done quite a bit of stuff. The year before I was starting over constantly. As soon as you get past the little glitches, you'll be laughing.
Thank you all, for your help and guidance! Following Vuldacon's advice I did start over and added just a few units - and it worked. I did not however change any of the folder/file names (as I did previously - thinking I was making them more accurate duh). Oh yeah this is cool now. Thanks again everyone.
Glad you have it corrected. Problems can be a "Pain" sometimes, even though they are due to something simple.

Since you mentioned the Folder/File Names...IF you check those, there were probably errors there that caused the problem. It is ok to add many things all at one time but generally best to do one or just a few and check them as you add them. In any case, I am sure you feel better having the problem solved. Happy Gaming :)
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