V1 Rocket and Extra Explosions


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
This is a V1 Rocket that could be called the first "Cruise Missile" :)

You can get the File Here Enjoy

This unit was made to use the Cruise Missile settings as well as be able to use the same Game sounds if desired so it can either replace the Cruise Missile or be used as a separate unit as wanted.

There are five Extra Explosions added in with this Unit for use with the V1 Rocket or other Units. I thought I would add these to this unit for general use.

I Made a new Palette and recolored the CIV Cruise Missile Explosion as well as an ICBM Explosion that was first uploaded in 2004 by Orthanc and that I remade in several ways. The Blast circles are translucent to show a "Force Wave" and I recolored the animation as well as remove the Shadow/Smoke pixels that were around the Mushroom Cloud so it would look better on Dark as well as Light maps.

There are Large and Small Explosions to choose from as well as another version of the Colored Cruise Missile Explosion without the "frags" if desired as an explosion for this or another unit.

These are very Rich Color Explosions with High Contrast and I have tested all in the game. I personally like the "V1 ChemicalBomb.flc" on a Dark Map...just a Bit of Cool Color that stands out in an extreme way :D

This V1 Rocket will be added to the Escape From Zombie Island Scenaro but perhaps some of you have a use for it as well...it is a "conventional unit" that should fit some other games.
File Restored in above Link

Previews Shown Below:
V1 Rocket Default, Run and Attack
V1 Rocket Run SW Direction
V1 Rocket Chemical Bomb (used)
Remade Cruise Missile Explosion Large (25% Larger)
Remade ICBM Bomb Explosion Small
Remade No Frags Cruise Missile Explosion Large (25% Larger)
Remade Cruise Missile Explosion normal size
Remade ICBM Bomb Explosion Large


  • V1Rocket Preview.gif
    V1Rocket Preview.gif
    47.2 KB · Views: 1,699
  • V1RocketSWRun.gif
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  • V1ChemicalBomb.gif
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  • V1RocketBomb.gif
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  • SmallNukeBomb.gif
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  • NoFragsV1RocketBomb.gif
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  • SmallV1RocketBomb.gif
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  • ICBMBomb.gif
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Ooohh, pretty lights!


Say... you don't think, what with those explosions, you'd consider making an RA-esque nuke?
I never (I mean never) make it to the stage of the game where I can nuke opponents, but now, with these striking pieces of eye candy, I am going to try ever the more harder to get there to use them!!!!
That "nukular" blast is impressive!

these are all superb :D fantastic work. i tested the small nuke blast a few minutes ago and it's splendid :goodjob: they're a perfect fit imo for a tactical nuke like an Honest John or Corporal SRBM.
WOW... Glad you guys like these! I thought that this unit and the explosions could find some other "homes" in games, especially because other than the Chemical Nuke, they are all more conventional....at least if compared to a Zombie or Crawling Brain :lol:

I must say that I sure do appreciate all the Good Words and reception :)

...These are simple units but sometimes those are the most used, probably because they serve as the "extra" Fun additions that make a good difference in our games...a little "icing on the cake".

Feel Free to rename any of these to what you like... I was a little burned out when naming them, especially the "V1 Chemical Bomb". I mean it is after all a Mushroom Cloud Explosion that certainly looks like it's Nuclear but what to call it? The Purple Nuke? :lol: I realize that this particular Explosion may not be as usable for conventional games as the others but it is there if wanted. The High Contrast and Color does "Stand Out", especially on a Dark Map such as Escape From Zombie Island 2 and I can get away with a Purple Nuke there anyway. Just have to find and write a Novel "explanation" of what it is in the Civilopedia. :)

The V1 Rocket is just named for what it is and this will be renamed for EFZI2. It was intentionally made to Fit the same number of frames as the CIV Cruise Missile for Game compatibility for everyone, whether anyone wants to use the included sounds or the Original Cruise Missile sounds from CIV.

In any case, Thanks for the Comments and as usual, many of them are quite Funny...and I can always use a good laugh. Topgun69... you have a good sense of humor as well as the wit to use it with good timing, "Nucular", Thank You Mr President :lol:

...Thanks Guys! You All make it a real pleasure to upload units and files.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I placed a High Velosity Missile sound at the start of the Explosions for the Nuclear type animations where the 1st small Flash takes place. This is the Brief High Pitch Whistle just before IMPACT. I liked it anyway. The Other Included sound that is for the Large "Cruise Missile" explosion does not have this yet does have the BIG NOISE needed.
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