C2C War Dog
As part of the massive Unit Review I have been working on, I will be making a number of additional technologies and shifting the tree around a bit to accomodate for those.
Hopefully this will also mean some perceived improvements in the tech tree in the process.
Most of the changes will be in or around the Industrial up through the Transhuman I believe.
One thing many of these changes will do is create more granularity in key places in historical development.
As a result of this project taking place, I'm locking down the tech tree. I would request that nobody else manipulate the tree at all until I release it from this lock, which will be sometime soon after I've caught up to all the planned changes.
During this time, however, some things have come up. I was working on a lot of this with 'spocksglock' on discord (sorry don't remember what you call yourself on the forum?). He's a literal historian with a focus on military history in the more modern eras. He made some observations that would suggest some renaming of some techs to recast them perhaps in a more accurate light. Along the way, we worked on a document that was made public, and I think that some suggestions from raxo and others may have made it onto that document as well.
Since I'm not sure who's suggestion from this planning document was who's, and some I agree with and others, not so much, I thought we might open ourselves up here to putting each one of these renaming suggestions under a microscope for discussion and a vote (since we have the coolness of polling options now.)
Maybe some other items for discussion and consideration will come up as a result as well.
This may represent a new era in how we mod as a community and may stand as an example of how to go about certain things. Let's see how focused we can keep this.
This first post will obviously be where I can create a poll. But I cannot create a poll and have a fair vote on it until ALL options for that poll are determined.
So what we'll do is open up a discussion point, then after a few days or a week or so, I'll open up polling which I will keep open for a number of specified days that may vary based on previous experiences with these polls. We'll all have the opportunity to comment and suggest during the discussion phase (and may also start a discussion phase as soon as polling on the previous item has begun.) This allows points to be made - let's not let this get stupid or hostile guys... we've proven we can have some savage political discussions without hating each other and staying friends regardless, so I'm sure we can manage THIS.
Some of these items may seem pretty superfluous. Some will be. Some will still care where others think a point is pointless to have brought up. Let's see how this goes eh?
Also, this isn't about changing the plans I have for tree adjustments but we can talk about some of those points somewhere along the way here I'm sure.
ITEM #2:
The Tech Scraping (x6/y3) had been suggested to be changed to 'Stone Peelers'
In a few days of comment collection here, we'll vote on which name to run with. If anyone has any reason for or against the name change, or would like to suggest another name entirely, speak now on the subject.
Note: side concepts aside from the name itself that get brought up by putting this under a microscope can be mentioned and become another item for discussion and voting, possibly even on another thread.
I'm going to @ a few here just to call them to take note of this new thread but all voices are welcome:
@raxo2222 , @Toffer90 , @MattCA , @JosEPh_II , @strategyonly ,@flabbert
Hopefully this will also mean some perceived improvements in the tech tree in the process.
Most of the changes will be in or around the Industrial up through the Transhuman I believe.
One thing many of these changes will do is create more granularity in key places in historical development.
As a result of this project taking place, I'm locking down the tech tree. I would request that nobody else manipulate the tree at all until I release it from this lock, which will be sometime soon after I've caught up to all the planned changes.
During this time, however, some things have come up. I was working on a lot of this with 'spocksglock' on discord (sorry don't remember what you call yourself on the forum?). He's a literal historian with a focus on military history in the more modern eras. He made some observations that would suggest some renaming of some techs to recast them perhaps in a more accurate light. Along the way, we worked on a document that was made public, and I think that some suggestions from raxo and others may have made it onto that document as well.
Since I'm not sure who's suggestion from this planning document was who's, and some I agree with and others, not so much, I thought we might open ourselves up here to putting each one of these renaming suggestions under a microscope for discussion and a vote (since we have the coolness of polling options now.)
Maybe some other items for discussion and consideration will come up as a result as well.
This may represent a new era in how we mod as a community and may stand as an example of how to go about certain things. Let's see how focused we can keep this.
This first post will obviously be where I can create a poll. But I cannot create a poll and have a fair vote on it until ALL options for that poll are determined.
So what we'll do is open up a discussion point, then after a few days or a week or so, I'll open up polling which I will keep open for a number of specified days that may vary based on previous experiences with these polls. We'll all have the opportunity to comment and suggest during the discussion phase (and may also start a discussion phase as soon as polling on the previous item has begun.) This allows points to be made - let's not let this get stupid or hostile guys... we've proven we can have some savage political discussions without hating each other and staying friends regardless, so I'm sure we can manage THIS.
Some of these items may seem pretty superfluous. Some will be. Some will still care where others think a point is pointless to have brought up. Let's see how this goes eh?
Also, this isn't about changing the plans I have for tree adjustments but we can talk about some of those points somewhere along the way here I'm sure.
ITEM #2:
The Tech Scraping (x6/y3) had been suggested to be changed to 'Stone Peelers'
In a few days of comment collection here, we'll vote on which name to run with. If anyone has any reason for or against the name change, or would like to suggest another name entirely, speak now on the subject.
Note: side concepts aside from the name itself that get brought up by putting this under a microscope can be mentioned and become another item for discussion and voting, possibly even on another thread.
I'm going to @ a few here just to call them to take note of this new thread but all voices are welcome:
@raxo2222 , @Toffer90 , @MattCA , @JosEPh_II , @strategyonly ,@flabbert
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