v95 Rome - My First Victory in this mod i guess yay


Apr 25, 2016

My Feedback to this is that it ends too quickly D:, not even close to reach the Empire at its peak (still needs the whole East) and i've got the RP Victory. I'd suggest dial back a bit the points for holding historical provinces, so that the player can experience all the way till 300-400 AD, just so he can experience the fun inducing pain of dealing with the split and the invasions of the Huns and the barbarians.

Gameplay was massively hectic, non stop fighting and war. Barbarians and Celts and PIRATES, while the Greeks were a bit tough cause of the terrain, Carthage was just a walk the legion in Cartago and you win because of how insane the unit is haha. I was going to finish Egypt and the East but... i won before that D:.

Great times.

My only remarks is the points being too high meaning you can easily win very early and Rome's economy is horrendous. I peaked at -42 gold with no reserves and indeed, no science. No disbands tho, i wonder if its disabled (if so, thats great because everyone goes broke in this mod).

Also, according to Civ V, Rome isnt a sprawling empire. It's a literal wasteland. 200k pop in that ammount of territory, jesus christ. Civ V was not made for wide.


Liberty, Religion, Colosseums and conquering civs that already had resources hooked up.
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makes sense as a condition. WIll require a lot more tweaking, because i think that now points are assigned when founding. By changing it to be connected by rooad, it will have to be checked every turn, which means basically that has to be recoded from scratch
good news is it should be easy to detect as there should be a property on a city telling you if it's connected to the capital or not
do you need help to code it?
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