's and Fall creator
wow, it took so long that it's almost embarassing to post it.
I could not fix the victory screen interface. I still need help from any of you who understands it.
I tried to address most of your reports and also added fresh ideas to the victory conditions. Hope you like them. They need to be tested so pls start testing by trying them.
- tuned down barbarians near India
- mines and quarries allowed on jungle after iron working
- Netherlands start with one extra bowman
- Korea no longer starts with a fishing boat
- added one battering ram to the Huns (the ineffective city taking AI cannot be customized)
- tweaked Ramesses modifiers in order to try to force Egypt to play more tall like India; adjusted Gandhi’s values in the opposite way too
- raised LAND_DISPUTE thresholds in order to attempt to tune down settling complaining
- restored a lower tech penalty for number of cities (14% to 12%)
- worker actions now available again when it’s a minor civ (can build roads and feitorias)
- recently introduced promotion bug now fixed
- victory will not be triggered at further civs reaching 1000 if it was already triggered
- added 3 victory conditions for England
- added one victory condition for China
- added two victory conditions for Israel
- added one victory condition for Germany
- added one shared victory condition for Russia and US
- added one victory condition for Austria-Hungary
- Rome gets 7 victory points per city instead of 10
- Holy cows introduced in India for a victory condition
I could not fix the victory screen interface. I still need help from any of you who understands it.
I tried to address most of your reports and also added fresh ideas to the victory conditions. Hope you like them. They need to be tested so pls start testing by trying them.
- tuned down barbarians near India
- mines and quarries allowed on jungle after iron working
- Netherlands start with one extra bowman
- Korea no longer starts with a fishing boat
- added one battering ram to the Huns (the ineffective city taking AI cannot be customized)
- tweaked Ramesses modifiers in order to try to force Egypt to play more tall like India; adjusted Gandhi’s values in the opposite way too
- raised LAND_DISPUTE thresholds in order to attempt to tune down settling complaining
- restored a lower tech penalty for number of cities (14% to 12%)
- worker actions now available again when it’s a minor civ (can build roads and feitorias)
- recently introduced promotion bug now fixed
- victory will not be triggered at further civs reaching 1000 if it was already triggered
- added 3 victory conditions for England
- added one victory condition for China
- added two victory conditions for Israel
- added one victory condition for Germany
- added one shared victory condition for Russia and US
- added one victory condition for Austria-Hungary
- Rome gets 7 victory points per city instead of 10
- Holy cows introduced in India for a victory condition