Thanks for the comments, everyone.
If only i could figure out dynamic cloth
It's not really that difficult once you work out the best way to do it, although it is pretty tedious and time-consuming. I can give you some pointers if you want.
excellent unit. can you add an attack animation with a revolver? Can't kill a werewolf with a crossbow, you need silver bullets.
It would be nice, but if I were to add a pistol attack, that would mean not only making a new animation but completely re-doing the existing Fortify, Attack, and Death animations to have him pull out and hold a pistol during those too (unless you want the new attack to consist of him pulling out the gun, firing it, and putting it away again every round). Since that would require re-doing the dynamic cloth for all of those as well, it's not going to happen.
You see, people often say "add this" or "add that" without considering how that would affect all the existing animations and renders... The animations have to make sense in how they relate to each other in how they are played in-game.
Wow! Excellent work!
With this sudden influx of Victorian units, would it be too much to ask for a Victorian era fencer or duelist?
Possible, though not very likely. But any request is rendered more probable by the addition of concept art. Though in this case there's always Kinboat's
Industrial Swordsman - a good unit although it predates the Paperdoll!