Vanilla Game... maybe...


Oct 13, 2007
I can run a pitboss game, but first I need to install Windows on my PC that I don't use anymore (I have Linux on it currently and can't get the internet working). It's a decent machine, so I can do a max size map.
I am in considering decent settings :p
I tend to like warlords more. UB's are fun.
never played a pitboss before, but if you wouldnt mind a newbie mp player i would like to give it a try :)
So some things to decide for the game:


Tech trading?

Map size?


And lastly, I'm thinking of making this game a bit of an RP game. Meaning that you are expected to act like a leader of your civilization--providing justification for war, an importance on your religion, and some sort of personality in your messsages.
I would like to join.
Difficulty i am fine with the default noble(though anything can work realy). there definatly shouldn't be AI as it is sooo much better to play with humans. These are things that are easy to agree on. Map size would greatly depend on players. Probably either large or huge given how many want to join so far. Map types there are sevral to chose from. Pangea you'll get a hack and slash enviroment where war is king. Terra is much of the same except there is allways the possiblity of the new world. Continents is another possiblity where you are split off from some of the world until you reach astronomy. Pretty much all maps have advantages and disadvantages. On and achpilango map boats play a much larger role. It is totaly up to you, if it was me i would probably chose fractal, an unpredictable map type that can either put you together with a bunch or people or almost or completely alone. I would prefer no barbs and no huts(i don't know if there are options for these in vanilla though) although opinions are split on this, and i would be fine with either. As for tech trading i would prefer it off but some people like it on as admitedly it do speed up games however it put too great weight on that you must form alliances to survive which is silly in a game like this imo. IF you enable permanent alliances it changes the dynamics of the game and makes it possible to actually have a partner to the end(for good and bad...). I am not sure if duplicate leaders are allowed in this style of game which might create a problem.

I'll be Cathrine the great of Russia unless there are some strange settings.
I agree with pretty much with everything Ozyar suggested.

I like fractal maps but would definitely prefer no barbs and no tech trading,as this makes the game very unbalanced.

What about going with random leaders ?

When are you thinking of starting this game off ?
I'll definitely pin my flag to Oyzer and Rycheman's mast. Especially insofar as tech trading goes.

My first choice would be Napoleon.
Second is Rooseveldt.
So some things to decide for the game:


Tech trading?

Map size?


And lastly, I'm thinking of making this game a bit of an RP game. Meaning that you are expected to act like a leader of your civilization--providing justification for war, an importance on your religion, and some sort of personality in your messsages.

Map size depends of number of player, but small or standard will be fine ( I suppose that we'll have about 5-8 players)...
Tech trading off, because of tech allies.
Difficulty is Noble, it's default for on-line games...
AI. why we need them?

So, I would like to be Qin SHi Huang of China. if we agree settings ;)
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