Victory conditions?


Jan 3, 2001
Slangerup, Denmark
In a custom game there are three victory conditions: Europe, Time and Independence.
The last one is explained well enough, but I can't find an explanation of Europe and Time victory. What are the victory conditions for those?
The King wins a 'Europe' victory if you do not manage to defeat him in the number of turns allocated (with the patch that is 100 turns from your DoI in a normal game). I have not used the 'Time' option but I would guess it is the player with the highest score after 300 turns.

There are 'mouse over' descriptions for all the 'Options' on the Custom Game screen but strangely not for the Victory conditions. During the game you can use F8 to check the current victory conditions.
That's a weird use of language. If the King wins, then presumably I lose.

Also, there's a Homeland voctory condition in AOD. What's that?
I just played a "Europe" victory. when my 50% favoring independence exceeded 50% I could not declare independence. I played to the end of the turn limits, eliminated all the other players and lost the game. The King was declared the winner.
Conclusion: The Europe victory selection is a dead end and should not be played. I wonder what the develpers were thinking when they added this victory option?
I just played a "Europe" victory. when my 50% favoring independence exceeded 50% I could not declare independence. I played to the end of the turn limits, eliminated all the other players and lost the game. The King was declared the winner.
Conclusion: The Europe victory selection is a dead end and should not be played. I wonder what the develpers were thinking when they added this victory option?

"Hey, lets add another 'feature' without testing it even for 1 minute, shall we?"
Europe Victory is a Time Victory for the King. So if you're in first place at the end of 300 turns the king wins a Time Victory, not you, and you loose, meaning you have to win by Independence. It's not a "broken feature" in the game, it's doing what it's supposed to, which is making the European Kings win after 300 turns.

The game is designed so that the only way you can win is by Independence. You can manually enable Time Victory and disable Europe Victory, but by default it's turned off.

In AoDII, Homeland is the Europe victory, but since some civs (like China) aren't from Europe Dale changed the name.
Discussions on this topic, to me, have been clear as mud.

My impression is that the Europe victory condition means you have to survive the reactive onslaught from the crown, Time means you just get the highest overall score, and Independence means you just have to get the sufficient amount of rebel sentiment and declare.

Can anyone confirm once and for all? Am I just dense?

Also, what's really unsettling is that you can choose more than one of these options. How does that make sense in the slightest? I mean, one or both of the Europe and Independence conditions completely negates the Time one. I can see never being unable to declare Independence for whatever reason(s)and just racking up the points when you choose those two, but if you add Europe, the crown is definitely going to take the initiative, eventually, forcing the reckoning and precluding a time/tally result. WTH?
Can anyone confirm once and for all?

Have the highest score after 300 turns (or whatever is configured as last "normal end turn in the mod)
(Basically the "time based score victory")

Declare and Win the War of Independence before any other Nation does.
(Basically the "big war victory")

There are of course further Victory Conditions (especially in mods).
- Economy (production per turn)
- Domination (owned area)

... you can choose more than one of these options. How does that make sense in the slightest
Why should that be a problem? :confused:

There are simply several options to win the game. :dunno:
Each Victory condition is absolutely independent of each other.


By the way:
Do your self a favour and get one of the mods. :thumbsup:
Don't waste your time with poor and lousy Vanilla.
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