Video Game Quiz V4.0

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Nov 16, 2005
I'm honored to start the new edition of the most acclaimed CFC video game quiz.
Links to previous threads: First, Second and Third.

The well-tried rules are:
The first one that gives a correct answer to the last question may ask the next one.

Let's start with something easy (at least I think it should be easy for people on a civilization board): yet another RPG-type game.
Use a zoom spell by left-clicking on the image and name the game!
Fortunately neither Till nor Rheinmetall seem to be online at the moment. That spares me the shame of getting my question answered within 10 minutes :mad:.

Till said:
If you are having trouble with your disks, drop me a pm and i might be able to help.
Thanks a lot for the offer. But well, you know, I am aware of some powers of the mighty internet. It's a somewhat slippery ground sometimes. But I think my karma stays intact regarding games like "Realms of Arkania" which are no longer available anyways.
I need to find my rightfully owned box because it's only half the fun to play an RPG without having the world map pinned to the wall next to you :).
A shot in the dark: Is it one of the earlier "The Patrician" games?

Thanks a lot for the offer. But well, you know, I am aware of some powers of the mighty internet. It's a somewhat slippery ground sometimes. But I think my karma stays intact regarding games like "Realms of Arkania" which are no longer available anyways.
I need to find my rightfully owned box because it's only half the fun to play an RPG without having the world map pinned to the wall next to you :).

True enough. But hunting down those floppy discs or cds can be very inconvenient. Especially if they are some 650km away, at the family's place!
Till said:
A shot in the dark: Is it one of the earlier "The Patrician" games?

Nope. It's not an economic sim. Rather an RPG, it's gameplay is quite unique though. A bit like X-Com in the middle ages.
There is a sophisticated character creation system:

You wander through the dark lands of Greater Germany (HRE) on a rather large map:

Combat is tactical:

Enough hints for today. I gotta go.
I can confirm that.

more pics might be hard but i'll look if needed.
yeah... Baby Moses in Bible Adventures

the one time I know it i get beaten :p
yes, this is likely because my video game playing did't start at all intill the 4th gen and only wide spread in the 5th gen, so to kan.
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