Vietnam War MP


Jun 24, 2006
State of Denial
I have just posted a new version of this scenario. The SAMs are now units, tech times have been shortened and the unit build time has been improved (lengthened in some parts, extended in others). New tanks have been added M-41, 48 and T-55 and the guerillas now show nationality (which will stop communists from attacking their own). I added the F-105 and the F-5 as well.

This is a Vietnam scenario that you can play MP and not go crazy between turns! Let me give you the lowdown...


South Vietnam

North Vietnam
Pathet Lao
Khmer Rouge

Kingdom of Laos
Kingdom of Cambodia

New tech tree, one flavored for each alliance. New units, special infantry to each entity and different aircraft of the period (B-52, IL-28, UH-1, Mi-8, MiG-21 and F-4, ect).

It's a victory point game, and the Communists are in locked war with everyone else, but very powerful. America is a fun play, you have few bases and limited potential with land forces, flying air missions to ruin your enemies' infastructure and invasion forces is the best bet. South Vietnam is a good time, but the Americans are dumb as paint if controlled by the computer. For a real challenge try to be the Kingdom of Laos or Cambodia.

This link has the art/text folders:
art and text

Here's the map



ok im playing it as we speak and i must say very impressive.
The only real thing is are those white guerillas supposed to be vietcong? if so they are attacknig every1
also, i suggest putting some airbases on the NV and SV for the americans, a lot of my airplanes arent doin much cuse they dont have anywhere 2 go
Yeah the guerillas are VC and other communists. Yeah they attack pretty much anyone anywhere. I don't know exactly how to get them to lay off their fellow commies, but most of these guys didn't exactly like each other anyway, so I thought it was ok. As far as the airbases go, I hear you, I didn't want to eat up too much ground up front though, from Thailand you can still do great things with the B-52 ;). I tried to design it so that as the US, you can't really do it yourself, but you can help to influence the war through airpower and a little help from the Huey. Thanks for the feedback!
This is a really fun scenario, thanks for listing it here. The one thing I didn't like was that the Huey looked a little awkward compared to the other units, so I replaced it with a huey made by BeBro. If you want to check it out, here's the link:

I also added the AH-1 Cobra. This one's a little more modern than I'd like it to be, but I thought to put it in because it saw a bit of action in Vietnam.
Here's the link if you're interested:


Thanks for the scenario, had lots of fun with it. :goodjob:

I just got a Load Error on ANINAME: Leader. Not sure if I messed it up when I put in a new unit, or if it was messed up before. You might want to check it to be sure.
Wow didn't expect to get a comment after so long, thanks. I'm glad you liked it and I'll agree the UH-1 looked odd compared to the Mi-8. It must have been something with your added units, the version I have works fine. The INI files are very finicky, but you know that. Thanks for playing.
hey jybrant, if i may suggest a scenario for u 2 make: Soviet war in afghanistan. i think ud make a creative scenario outta that ;)
I'm flattered that you think I can make scenarios hahaha! Well if Afghanistan is something you're interested in, I'm almost done with OEF. Since I already have the map I think I could make the Soviet thing, it'll be a while though!
Hey dude. I quite liked it. Was more fun playing the North because of the guerilla units and all. The units and music are great and the map is good.
The only complaint towards you is that the Civ lexicon is half empty and some units are almost completely missing.

The other complaint is ofcourse not your fault but the fault of the war and it being extremely complicated:

First you had the War of Liberation, Vietnam pushes away the French.
Followed by a civil war. North VS South.
then the US gets involved on behalf the south and china on behalf of the North.Then comes the USSR and other nations.
Then the war on the other side of the border: Khmer rouge, kingdom of Laos(?) and cambodija.
The when north Vietnam is about to win the Khmer rouge start raiding its terretory and winning in Laos. This means that Vietnam supports its own communist fraction in Laos and atacks the Khmer rouge. At the same time (soon after) there's China VS Vietnam skirmishes in the north..then you got the US supporting the Khmer Rouge for a short period of time as a last attempt to salvage the war in the South.
Then the Vietnamese win over the Khmer rouge.

I don't make sense of what I just said even and I couldn't possibly re-create it in Civ 3 ever.

Ya..Pretty in and out, different people fighting different factions.
Not to mention the militias (especially the Vietcong).

My suggestion to you is if you ever make a Vietnam scenario again concentrate on only the Vietcong, North/south Vietnam and the US.
Sure some support from Korea, USSR and China also through techs and units.

Nothing more! No Khmer, no laos, no bloody taiwain.

Cheers! :D

Edit: To solve the Vietnam geographical problem because it's kinda diagonal and the maps are square, just twist it in your mind and in the editor for some degrees to the left as if the worlds most southern point is the most south eastern part of vietnam and the most northen part the most north western part of vietnam.
Half empty? Wow it's been a while since I looked at this scenario, so I'm going to to play it again and fix some bugs then. Does anyone know how to see how many times it's been downloaded.
Ya. Some entries are completely empty. I forgot which ones now.
And some lack alot (having noting except the picture and atack values.
No rush mate :D Get the Afghanistan Scenario ready instead!
Who cares about some Civilopedia entry :p
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