Viking Revenge (Deity)


Sep 25, 2003
Ok, first time around, we didn't get off to such a great start. This time I have made sure we are in a decent position before posting. Game setup was 80% water, archipelago, normal, temperate, 5 billion years, standard size, 7 random opponents, deity.

I picked these because of the obvious benefits to the human player, and playing to the Scandinavian strengths. There will be a lot of coastal towns for the berserks to assault!

I also wanted a start that had early access to bonus food, so after about 12 attampts I ended up with this position:

We settled in the spot. Started work on a warrior, and started research at min on writing. We quickly discover that we are alone on our island (about now I am definitely going to run with this game). The first scouting curragh was joined by a second, and later a third. We found England first in the far south, then Carthage. Further along to the west, on another island, we found the Ottomans and the Dutch. Our second curragh, scouting to the east, locates the Romans and the Greeks.

We are falling behind in tech, especially first tier tech. I buy pottery from England, as this is essential to our expansion plans, but otrherwise I just wait on the writing research. Fortunately I don't see writing appear in any of the other civs techs, until it finally comes in for us. We then start min on philosophy to get the free tech, hopefully, assuming we get there first. It is now a bit of a cat and mouse game to ensure we get value from our writing monopoly, but also to give us enough time to study philosophy. We go for max on this research, or at least max that we can afford, which is around 50-60%. This ends up taking about 24 truns.

It appears that we have no luxuries, and there are no islands connected by coasts that provide luxuries, so we can either build the great lighhouse, or we will need astronomy in order to benefit from luxuries. Hence in this earl;y part of the game I am having to run high luxury rates via the slider to control happiness.

1700BC - Every turn we have been checking for the various techs available for trade and the prices available for them. On this turn, I notice for the first time that the price of writing to the Romans has dropped. They have obviously started their own research on it. We are only a few turns into philosophy, but it is time to realise our value from writing. In doing so, I realise that the probability of succeeding with philosophy has just dropped. The trades:
to Carthage for Masonry, the wheel, bronze working, 92gp
to Greece for Iron Working, Horseback Riding, ceremonial burial and 36 gp
to England for Mysticism and 15 gp
to Rome for 82gp

The Ottos and the Dutch had nothing useful to trade for.

1525BC – Barbs kill a worker! England declare on carthage (goody). We start using a few scientists to speed up research on philosophy. We also see that polytheism has become available. It is clear that the fastest way to a decent government now will be to head for monarchy as our free tech from philosophy, assuming we get philosophy (no sign of code of laws yet). We therefore see if we can get polytheism, but no trade is available just yet.

1400BC Trade hB to Dutch for 46 gp, still can’t get polytheism!

1350BC Meet France. We are up three techs! Sell HB for 255gp(all they have). We can now buy polytheism. 431gp to Carthage is the cheapest. We run with this. We trade polytheism for map making and 4 gp from the Dutch. 3 turns to philosophy, monarchy queued. Trade England map making for mathematics and 18gp.

1275BC Philosophy comes in! We are first there! Revolt to Monarchy – 4 turns of anarchy drawn (not bad!). The map at this time:

1250BC – Our curragh survives two barb galleys attacking. Found Aarhus.

1225BC – England demands philosophy and is told to get lost. They declare. England has no direct coastal access, and is still at war with Carthage, so this does not worry me.

1200BC – We are in Monarchy.

1175BC Establish embassies with the Dutch, Grece and Rome. The Dutch are only 7 turns shy of the Great Lighthouse, so we give up on this. The Dutch are high on the beserkers list of conquests, though.

1100BC – Sell philosophy to Hannibal for 393 gp. Use the cash to finish establishing embassies.

1025BC – Dutch complete great lighthouse!

1000BC – Carthaginians complete Temple of Artemis..
We have:
8 cities
28 pop
2 settlers
3 workers (not enough)
1 warrior
4 archers
4 spearmen
1 galley
2 Curragh.

All AA required techs except Currency, Code of Laws and Construction.

975BC – Found Stavenger. The Carthaginians have Construction. The Netherlands have Code of Laws. I could trade for both but will wait for now.
950BC – Switch a few builds to workers. We need a worker army, and settlers. Philosophy and Maths get us Code of Laws and 32 gp from the Dutch.. Code of Laws, Monarchy and 4 gp gets us Construction (now just need currency for MA) Sell philosophy to England for 67gp.
English complete the Hanging Gardens.

850BC – Sell philosophy to Ceasar for 90gp.

825BC – Sell Osman HB for 46gp.

Scientific Civs – Greece, Ottomans. We should put these into the MA when we get there

710BC – Dutch complete MoM

630BC – Rome demands maths and is told where to go.

470BC – Carthage and England have hit the MA with currency and Lit. I can’t afford the trade at this time. Well actually I can, but this would leave no gold for trading for MA techs. 15 turns on my min research.

410BC – Joan demands Philosophy – she is turned away. No declaration though.

390BC - 11 turns to currency. Greece has monarchy, so we will having nothing to trade them if we put them into the MA. Otto's still well backward, however. We can buy currency for most of our gold from Carthage, but then we have no resources to trade early MA techs, so we wait.


Since Livy is out telling tales, here's the Sandman version:
Carthage - 7 cities, up lit, currency, the republic
Rome - 6 cities, down Monarchy, mathematics, at war with us - they are just across the ocean, but we won't see them anytime soon.
Netherlands - 9 cities, down construction
France 11 cities, down philosophy, code of laws, construction
Ottomans - 4 cities, down mathematics, code of laws, map making, monarchy
Greece - 7 cities, down mathematics, code of laws
English - 9 cities, up literature, currency
Scandinavia (us) - 14 cities, even.

350BC - Found fishing village, Tromso.

310BC - We renew Carthagian and Greek ROPs. The Dutch have sent scouting galleys to our main land mass!

250BC - The Dutch pick up Lit. I could trade Construction for this, but I hold off, then they have construction and the republic!

230BC - England completes the Great Wall.

170BC - Currency comes in, we are in the middle ages. Science on min feudalism. I now notice that England and the Carthaginians have feudalism already! I want engineering as fast as possible, then it will be time to lay down some serious smack. I start with the backward Osman (he seems to always be backward in my games!). I can use the government tech of monarchy to trade with him. Osman starts off annoyed. This won't last!

He is still annoyed! DO you have any idea what I had to do to get those techs, Mr Osman? How about this then? I gift him currency and construction. He becomes polite. And after all that, we can do a trade at 718gp + 59gpt, and monarchy. I may have run with this too soon. I can't afford to do that. We have no luxuries, and so must run with the luxury slider, and the best I can get is 51gpt. So I have to hold off. I doubt whether monarchy will last to be traded for value against feudalism now! Damn. We will rush some marketplaces across our economy and see if we can be in batter shape. Meanwhile, min research switched to engineering. We are also going to need a bunch of archers to upgrade, and we need troops in all our cities. Some are a bit bare at the moment!

We rush a market in Trondheim for 300gp.

IT - England demands 20 gold. They still don't know where we are or have the means to find us, so we tell them where to take their bully tactics. And it was just bluff, after all.

150BC - GPT is now 62.

IT - Greece demands construction, and are told to beat it. Again, all bluff. The Greeks complete the Statue of Zeus.

70BC - We take 4gp off Ceasar to give him peace. The Carthaginians now have monotheism!

10AD -

I believe that this is likely to be a phony war. I am however, comtemplating a minor war against the Carthaginians, in the hope of extorting cheap tech! Maybe get feudalism first, and do conventional landings with pikes and MI.

30AD - The target area

Cadiz is a little single city island (with room to land) to the east of the picture. It is closer to me than to the bulk of Carthage. The main island in hte picture (Sicily) has two cities of mine, and two of Carthages. I could safely do a troop buildup aimed at the top city, and then land a bunch of troops by the second city. By the time Hannibal knows whats hit him, I will have control of Sicily! Of course this means we need to change from archer builds, so that we can have a decent force of MI in the assault. Maybe some catapults will be useful as well!
The Romans have given us reverse war weariness that helps us increase gpt by 10. Useful, but not yet enough to comfortably get feudalism. We start work on swords, though! We rework everything at lower lux, down to 10%. AT this level, we can maintain our empire, and generate 81gpt, we need 79gpt via Osman. Enough delay, even though this is our whole economy. we will get it back in twenty turns, and by then we will be getting close to striking Hannibal!

I don't know if this is a good idea, or not, but we shall see. AIm to assault Carthage in about 30 turns. All cities now have a garrison. Of course pikes and MI cost 30 and 40 shields instead of 20 and 30 for spears and swords, but without luxuries, we are not going to have the resources to pay conquests prices for upgrades to a bunch of units. We are now moving to full military buildup.

90AD - We renew ROPs with Carthage for 7gp and Greece, starightup.

150AD - The Dutch have completed the great library.

210AD - Engineering is now out, although not with the Ottomans just yet.

IT - Hannibal demands 16gp. We are not ready for this war yet, so we cave. This will be on our terms, mate.

250AD - 11 turns left on our gpt deal.
i was waiting for your next story and now its finally here!!!
good luck and thanks for taking the time to write these great stories.
I'm sure you'll win this time ;).
Myst and El Loco, great to see you guys on board.

The start doesn't look so good now that I fully realise that I have no access to luxuries, except across sea squares (so I can not even trade for them), and I never realy had any chance on the Great Lighthouse with another sea faring civ in the game. Maybe I should have chosen the opponents (nah!). OK, it is 250AD, and we are building up for an attack on Carthage. I have no idea how strong a force you need against a deity opponent, but I do know that they have only 8 cities, and have had a war previously with the English. It probably already triggered their golden age, pushing them into the position of strength they are now in. I also know that the AI is not good at naval attacks or supporting forces on islands, so if I stay off the main continental landmass, the differnce in military strength will largely be negated.

The Carthaginian people are disdainful of our culture, and they own the Temple of Artemis. Of course, that is on the main continent. I should probably try and raze that city sometime soon... The knights templar is being constructed, so obviously Chivalry is already in play. All we can do is continue the buildup!.

IT - English complete the Knights Templar.

270AD - The Dutch demand 15 gold. We cave again, but inwardly seethe! We want your big lighthouse.

As the years are ticking by in preparation for our attack, we have five cities churning out MI, two on pikes, one on catapults and one on galleys. The others are continuing to build much needed infrastructure - 5 courthouses, 3 temples and a harbour. When our gpt comes back we will start upgrading spears to pikes, and cash rushing military. This assault must succeed! We are also ensuring that we are best matching shield production with unit costs, eg 6 shields is 5 turns exactly for a pike, but 7 wasting two on an MI, so build a pike.

330AD - We have a meagre military, but not quite as bad as it used to be:
11 workers
1 warrior (to be upgraded to MI soon)
5 archers (their time will come, can you say beserker)
15 spearmen
4 pikemen
5 galley
8 medieval infantry
1 Curragh

I want 20 MI, 8 pikes and some cats for the assault, and additional pikes on defence. Then we position, and strike!

Our cash is 52gp and 7gpt. We are trying to run on minimum slider (10% lux, sole scientist), and using our 3 military police for happiness. 3 more turns on the gpt deal. Engineering in 21 turns.
IT - Carthaginians complete Sun Tzu's Art of War. Barracks everywhere on the mainland. This doesn't impinge on our plans! They also complete Sistines Chapel. What is so special about this chapel anyway?

350AD - Our first catapult comes in. We are up to 6 pikes and 11 MI. The Cat will be shipped straight over to Hereid. Our soon to be front line city. We will also send an MI to start the military buildup.

370AD - Our gpt deal has expired. We find that we can afford either Engineering or monotheism, and there is a potential trade to Osman, as he has montheism, but not engineering. However, I prefer the Greek gambit. Let us see what Greece gets as a free tech.

This looks like a good way to stop them getting too strong, and keep the Romans honest. The Greeks pick up Engineering - fantastic. Feudalism, plus 127gp and 1 gpt nets me both the Republic and Engineering.

Now we try Osman. Engineering and 13gpt nets us Monotheism. Now only England, Carthage and the Dutch lead us techwise. The Dutch only because of the Great Library, and that building may well soon be ours hahahah... err yes, one war at a time. Min research starts again, this time on Invention. At worst we will be there in 50 turns. At best we will get it cheap after the Carthage war.

We also ROP with England and refuse to renew our Carthage ROP. Let us keep the reputation in tact for now.
Yom said:
I'm sure you'll win this time ;).
Thanks, Yom, I hope you are right. I have tried to stack the deck in my favour, but having no access to luxuries at the moment, even via trade seems to swing the balance back even, in my opinion.
The power graph at the moment (370AD) is promising...

According to our military advisor, we are strong in comparison to the Carthaginians! On score we are fifth, just behind Carthage. I may expand this campaign's objectives! On thing I have just noticed, the spy view only shows 8 Carthaginian cities, but the diplomacy view shows 10, implying 11! SO I do not know where three cities are. We will find them soon enough.

380AD - The people are so impressed with our recent leap in technology that they rejoice and extend the royal palace with another story. It still looks a bit like a junkyard out front though! We upgrade our lone warrior to MI. Now that trebuchets are available, we will need to upgrade before sending them to the war front, since the barracks are not yet built.

390AD - 8 pikes, 15 MI, one pult, about to be upgraded. Deep war prep in about five turns.

400AD - The Dutch complete Leo's. That was one wonder I really would have liked, after the Great Lighthouse.

410AD - The Dutch have Astronomy, because I have just seen a Caravel! English have built Copernicus.

420AD - It looks like Carthage has Astronomy to!

500AD - The eve of war!

510AD - Our military advisor tells us that we are still strong versus Carthage.
We declare war! Here is Sicily, the scene of the action.

The stack NW of Oea has 2 trebuchets, 3 pikes and 9 MI. The stack N of Russicade has 4 pikes, 8 MI. We see regular Numidian Mercenary defending both cities, but I didn't investigate before declaring. The military advisor says they are weak. He better be right!

IT - No reprisals, but a caravel or two docks in Russicade. The French land by Vadso, our northern most Sicilian city. What are they up to? We hurriedly sign an ROP to get them polite towards us. The Oea defender has been upgraded to a musket!

520AD - Seige of Oea - The trebucjets knock a hp off the reg musket, revealing another numidian merc, but no effect on the second defender. It doesn't matter. The first MI regiment dispenses with the first defender, and promotes! The second MI is also victorious, but no promotion. We now see the injured musket defender. The third regiment is our first casualty, dieing without scratching the musket, and promoting it! The fourth MI is successful. The city of Oea falls. We will try and keep this, now size 6 city, but only until we can resettle, I think. We net one slave.

The fifth regiment of MI cleans up the lone Carthaginian warrior that is there.

Seige of Russicade - First MI wins and promotes against reg num merc. Second also wins, no promotion. Now there is just a longbow left. Third straight win, but there is another longbow. Fourth straight win, and Rusicade falls. We will keep this only until we can replace as well!!

Sicily is now in the total possession of the Vikings. We buy an ROP with the Netherlands for 39gp. We protect the hills, and pour in troops into our captured cities to ensure the fastest resistance crushing. They will leave on the next turn.

IT -

The French assault consists of a warrior dying attacking our fortified spear, and a spear attacking our undefended worker. The Carthaginians land an archer on a grassland square on Sicily. That is it!
i see you've learned a thing or two from your past game, your invasion is now more coordinated and numerous. having the great lighthouse would really boost the speed of you invasions so you should have it as a priority. But everything at its own time, for now focus on your war and kick the sh-- out of Hannibal. Good luck!
El Loco, the value of the Great Lighthouse was really the ability to trade across sea squares early. No luxuries are really costing my economy at this point. I can not even conquer them and use them back home, because the trade route goes across sea squares. Astronomy is out amongst the tech leaders, but that is three techs away on the top line, and obviously, invention is my most pressing priority right now (berserks). Interestingly, I lead into the MA, but lacking any luxuries has prevented me from keeping up, and now I am fully a half age behind the tech leaders.

GR8MadMax, welcome back. When is your next story?
Good luck Sandman. I enjoyed the other stories, although your first deity attempt was pretty tough. Too many other civs on your island. No luxes must be hurting. Berserks will help a lot though - 6 attack and amphibious is so great on archipegalos.

Its nice that Berka is a canal city. Helpful for galleys from Copenhagen taking a shortcut.
530AD - On Sicily, we are pulling troops out of the captured cities, leaving at least a pike. Vadso is reinforced with a pike to prevent further French aggression. Our retreating galleys are called back. We have decided to take this fight closer to Hannibal's home. The original plan called for just Sicily and the island state of Cadiz. Given the glass-jaw nature of Hannibal's troops, our more aggressive new plan is going to reuse the Sicilian troops to strike Hadrumetum, a lone city on an island just north of Africa, and in sight of Carthage, the very heart of the evil Carthaginian empire. We also note that the Carthaginians have a third island city, the isle of Cirta. We should aim to divest Hannibal of his island holdings!

Ideally we will take or raze two more cities on the same turn and then offer peace with a big tech discount.

IT - The French suffle some galleys around. The Carthaginians fight back by dropping of a Numidian Merc. We get another palace expansion - time ot clean up the junk yard.

540AD - We clear Sicily of the French (spear) and Carthaginian (Numidian Merc) invaders. Some new galleys complete on the mainland, destined for the Cadiz campaign.

IT - The French land an archer and a spear by Vadso. The Dutch land an archer, a longbow and a spear in the grassland in the south. I wonder why?

550AD - We only have the units to kill the French spear, up north, leaving the archer, but reinforcements are moved up. We load up our six galleys in the south, bound for Hadrumetum.

IT - Rome comes begging for peace, but is rebuffed. We haven't seen a Roman troop yet, and they give us war happiness. At the moment I need all the happiness I can get. The French spear impales itself against our pike in Vadso. The French land an archer, spearman pair. England declares on Carthage. That should increase their willingneww to make peace with us. The Dutch advance into our territory threatening Oea. This must be a prelude to a war declaration! I think I am going to be glad that I am a Monarchy.

560AD - We are average versus the Netherlands, accordingly to my military advisor and they are much more technically advanced than us, so war with them may not be so bad. Oea has been stripped of defenders, and only has a single pike, also the Hadrumentum fleet preparation has meant moving the protective units away, so we can not easily destroy this Dutch taskforce. However, on the weight of evidence, it seems that the best move is to order them out and see what happens. Unfortunately, that ROP with them means we can not do this, so I wonder what is up. I need to reinforce Oea, in any case. We reinforce Oea with a second pike and a medieval infantry, all fortified. We add the two trebuchets. This must put the odds decisively in our favour if Willem is up to mischief.

The French landing is easily dispatched, resulting in an elite victory and a promotion for a vet. Our loaded galleys will wait two turns before sailing on Hadrumentum, just so the timing of the strikes on Hadrumentum and Cadiz is the same, for greatest effect at the peace negotiating table.

IT - The Carthaginians come begging for peace. Can we get Invention? No! No peace then Hannibal. And,

The Dutch longbow commits suicide. We renew our ROP with Greece.

570AD - The southern Dutch force is eliminated easily. Up north there was a settler spear pair that has been sitting there for millenia. Either the settler has left Sicily, or is hiding in the corner. The spear has advanced onto our road network. Our MI up there need to heal, so will not attack this turn. Our attack forces are ready to move next turn.

IT - The Dutch land a longbow by Karasjok. The southern city of our shared island in the northern Mediteranean. The Dutch spear pillages back on Sicily.

580AD - The Dutch are no longer on Sicily, as an elite MI chalks up another victory. Our glorious galleys sail from southern Sicily to east of Hadrumentum mountain, but an English warrior is blocking our access to the mountain, and therefore the city. You idiot Liz! No such problem troubles the Cadiz force, with an easy landing.

IT - Greece and Carthage have signed a military alliance against England. France lands two spear and two warriors in the grassland to wards the south of Sicily. The Carthaginians land a longbow on my island city of Molde, protected by a lone spear. That does not look good.

590AD - We launch the Cadiz campaign. If we lose Molde, we will take it back in a couple of turns! Seige of Cadiz - the two trebuchets landed do nothing, but it only takes two MI to win the day. Cadiz is ours.

That is a nice discount on invention. Invention was otherwise out of my reach for some time. This achieves the whole purpose of launching this campaign against Hannibal. The land is a nice bonus. Also unless he wants to go to war again, Molde is safe! The berserk age is upon us! We are still at war with the French, the Romans and the Dutch.
I'm really liking this new story, Sandman. Hope this one turns out to be as exciting as your Netherlands game. :)
Thanks for checking in Oblivion, MjM and StevieJay.

590AD cont - Our plans have changed somewhat now. Obviously Hadrumentum is out for the tiem being. We were not going ot be able to keep it anyway. As is the Isle of Cirta. The Dutch are the biggest threat to us, as they have at least Astronomy, and Navigation, plus their defenders are Swiss Mercs with defense 4. They present a possible sticky point tech target, but I would prefer a decent buildup of berserks to push that point home. So instead, I think I will target the Dutch NE Mediteranean possessions. These cities are close enough to me to actually be useful cities. Then we will go afte Rome. At the moment, the few sea tiles protects us from Rome, as they are technically backward, and so lack astronomy. They also only have eight cities, but have equal military strength to ourselves. Also the Greeks are losing their war, and so Rome will be stronger soon. Finally, Rome is close enough to my capital to furnish relatively productive cities (I hope). Here is the map

So the initial plan is to reinforce and hold our positions on Sicily, and at Molde, and then to take the Dutch cities of Holwerd and Mastricht. Hopefully we can then sue for peace, and maybe get some cash thrown in. Speaking of cash, once again the no luxuries is really starting ot bite. We have zero gold, and are making 3gpt. Unit support is costing us 51gpt. We get 2 free units for a town, and 4 for a city under Monarchy paying 1gpt for the rest. So we need more cities, and possibly even some unit fatalities if it aids the cause. We have 14 archers for upgrading, but obviously affording this is going to be a problem. The only action I can see right now is

I might want to build libraries somewhere...
That is not enough to upgrade even one archer to a berserk! We will have to wait on the builds. At least we are solvent for a bit.

Back on Sicily the two French spear are eliminated, leaving two warriors. Most of the Cadiz force reboards the galleys. A settler heads towards the far NW corner in order to form a small fishing village, just for the two free unit support it will give! Min research is set to gunpowder. Now my priority is the upper line to Astronomy, but I am hoping to get there through pointy stick, not min research!

IT - The Dutch drop off a regular warrior on our mainland by Birka (hahahha). The Greeks request a military alliance against the English. No thanks, Alexander, we have enough foes already! The French warriors advance on Oea. Oea resistance ends.

600AD - An archer dispenses with the Dutch 'threat'.

IT - Another Dutch longbow is about to threaten Karasjok.

610AD - We quickly unload a galley containing an archer and a pike. The archer kills the longbow. On Siciliy we finish off the French warriors. We give peace to France for 11 gold (all Joan has). This will make it easier to defend Sicily. The French are behind us by the Republic and Invention.

IT - France joins England in the campaign against the Carthaginians.

620AD - We found Risor. We have managed to work our gold up to 24 per turn. Next turn we will be able to upgrade our first archer to a berserk! Also nest turn, our assault force at Holwerd should be able to land. I am trying to take a short cut home with a couple of galleys north of Molde.

IT - Both galleys sink! Not worth the risk. (El Loco your movement 5 would have saved the day there, by the way). Two longbows are threatening Karasjok.

630AD -

And we land in our targeted Dutch terrain

We have landed two trebuchets, 2 pikes, a settler, and 5 MI.

IT - The Dutch complete Magellans Voyage. The longbows impale themselves on our defenders.

640AD - Seige of Holwerd - We are facing regular swiss mercs. The trebuchets score a hit on both defenders. Our MI again go two zip. Holwerd is ours. Maastricht is a city on a hill. Do I try and take this as well or take peace for cash, now that we have hurt the Dutch a bit? I decide that the Dutch will pay more now, because on the hill assault we are likely to lose troops. Right now we have taken a city, and killed four troops (their two attackers in the IT) without loss. I take the cash.
biggamer132 said:
I'm really liking this new story, Sandman. Hope this one turns out to be as exciting as your Netherlands game. :)
Glad you are enjoying the story, biggamer. It looks like I am getting the same tech hole as I had in the Netherlands game.
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