Virote's Ancient Greek Scenario


The Great Dictator
Jul 7, 2004
Skaville UK Reputation: 1
Ack. I've probably waited too long to do this. Anyway, here's where I put all the general information about everything for the scenario, etc. etc.

The scenario is a full 500 turns, spanning from the Minoan period right the way through to Greece's eventual take-over by Rome. Each civ will be tailored towards a different victory condition, and although Domination/Conquest, and various Cultural and VP-related victories will be available to everyone, some civs will be tailored towards a special victory condition. Diplomatic and Space-Race victories are going to be specific to only a few civs.

The map I'm currently using is by Keroro, although I'm also using a map by varwanos for a more in-depth "Greek" version of the scenario, which brings in several civs listed below, who are not particularly described in much detail. (In other words, some of the "Scenario civs").
OK, first things first, the civs that are going to take part. Here's the list:

I've tried to include civs based on:
1. Their importance relevant to Ancient Greece (e.g. Sparta)
2. Their importance to where they are, and also having a large landmass (e.g. Assyria, Maurya)
3. Interesting features that I can see myself doing with the civ (e.g. the Centaur, the Amazons, a lot of Ethiopia's "empire").

I've also taken civs away, usually because I can give them to another civ, but I have still kept enough information in previous maps to use them. A short list will appear at the end of this list.

1. Sparta
Leader: King Leonidas
Traits: Militaristic and Religious
Victory: Must build the "Peleponnesian League", and win the vote.

2. Macedonia
Leader: King Alexander
Traits: Militaristic and Scientific

3. Mycenae
Leader: King Agamemnon
Traits: Militaristic and Seafaring
Victory: Must take the "Trojan Horse" to the victory point location in Troy (who you start ina locked alliance against).

4. Athens
Leader: Consul Pericles
Traits: Scientific and Seafaring
Victory: Must try and gain as much culture as possible in the city of Athens. If you are stuck for this, there will be a late-game wonder that allows you to win via a diplomatic victory.

5. Corinth
Leader: King Periander
Traits: Expansionist and Seafaring
Victory: Must build the "Peleponnesian League", and win the vote.

6. Thebes
Leader: King Cadmus
Traits: Scientific and Religious
Victory: Must build the "Peleponnesian League", and win the vote.

7. Phrygia
Leader: King Priam
Traits: Industrious and Seafaring
Victory: Must at least keep 1 "military" unit on Troy for the entire game. You are in a locked alliance against Mycenae.

8. Scythia
Leader: Chief Madius
Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist

9. Argos
Leader: King Pheidon
Traits: Expansionist and Agricultural
Victory: Must build "the Argo", load it up with a leader ("Hero"), and capture the Golden Fleece. This must then be taken to the VPL at Troy.

10. Epirus
Leader: King Pyrrhus
Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
Victory: Must try and complete the "Labors of Heracles" for a SS victory.

11. Persia
Leader: Emperor Darius
Traits: Industrial and Scientific

12. Crete
Leader: King Minos
Traits: Religious and Seafaring
Victory: Must try and enslave units, bring them back to Crete and sacrifice them. Improvements and Wonders usually have the "doubles sacrifice" flag to help ;).

13. Himalayan Alliance
Leader: King Porus
Traits: Expansionist and Religious

14. Doric
Leader: King Heracleidae
Traits: Scientific and Expansionist
Victory: Must use your cheep offensive units and "Immigrant" settlers to take as much of the world out at possible, before all your units change to more "defensive" stats.

15. Centaur
Leader: Enlightened Chiron
Traits: Industrious and Agricultural
Victory: Must generally go on a rampage. There are going to be loads of interesting units here, but settlers and workers have to be captured!

16. Lydia
Leader: King Croesus
Traits: Scientific and Commercial
Victory: Must try and complete the "Labors of Heracles" for a SS victory.

17. Illyria
Leader: King Bardyllis
Traits: Agricultural and Seafaring

18. Thessaly
Leader: King Ixion
Traits: Scientific and Agricultural
Victory: Must build "the Argo", load it up with a leader ("Hero"), and capture the Golden Fleece. This must then be taken to the VPL at Troy.

19. Celts (Representing the Celts that sacked Delphi and settled in Turkey)
Leader: Brennus Galatae
Traits: Militaristic and Agricultural
Victory: Must try and use your "Druid" units to enslave. These slaves must then be sacrificed. The Druid' stats remain mostly stagnant, but they get added powers and the such, for instance, the shield (and therefore cultural) value of their slaves could go up from one upgrade to the next.

20. Phoenicia
Leader: King Hiram
Traits: Commercial and Seafaring
Victory: Must build "the Argo", load it up with a leader ("Hero"), and capture the Golden Fleece. This must then be taken to the VPL at Troy.

21. Hittites
Leader: King Mursilis
Traits: Expansionist and Commercial

22. Amazon
Leader: Queen Hippolyte
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
Victory: Must enslave the men and sacrifice. You cannot build settlers, but all your units will be free, and you can easily take cities if you need them ;).

23. Ethiopia
Leader: King Memnon
Traits: Religious and Agricultural
Victory: Must build "the Argo", load it up with a leader ("Hero"), and capture the Golden Fleece. This must then be taken to the VPL at Troy.

24. Iberia
Leader: King Arganthonios
Traits: Comercial and Agricultural

25. Maurya
Leader: Emperor Chandragupta Maurya
Traits: Religious and Commercial

26. Thrace
Leader: Overking Cersobleptes
Traits: Militaristic and Agricultural

27. Dacia
Leader: King Burebista
Traits: Religious and Agricultural

28. Egypt
Leader: Pharoh Ramesis
Traits: Industrious and Religious

29. Etruria
Leader: King Lars Tolumnius
Traits: Industrious and Commercial

30. Assyria
Leader: King Sargon
Traits: Militaristic and Commercial

31. Magna Graecia
Leader: King Dionysus
Traits: Scientific and Seafaring
Victory: Must try and complete the "Labors of Heracles" for a SS victory.

(Note: If a civilization doesn't have a specified victory, that means I haven't looked at them properly, but they will probably be aiming for a domination/conquest ;))
(Note 2: Victories may be out of date!)

Scenario Civs
-The Sea People
-Pontus (separate from Amazons)
-Ionian League
-Pylos/Messenia (separate from Sparta)
-Achaean League
The Ancient Era Tech Tree- in the Eyes of Mycenae

The Tech Tree will be a whole four eras long, but most civs (or groups of civs) will have a separate branches of the tech tree for themselves, mostly focusing on their intended victory condition. For example, Sparta and Corinth are supposed to "Colonize" to get some resources, which are then used to build the small wonder "Games" and the great wonder "The Peleponnesian League" (Which requires the former wonder). Having built the League, they are eligible for a Diplomatic victory.

However, the Dorians have many techs with fairly cheap units with OK attack and 1 defense at the beginning, but after a while, the units start to cost more, even resulting in population points to build most units. Eventually, the Dorians will turn into just another Greek civ, and will represent Ionia, as well as other eastern Greek leagues and strongholds. They will then be able to build the 12 Labors of Heracles like a few other Greek civs.

Civs who have tech trees I can work off:
GENERIC, Sparta, Corinth, (Achaean League), Thebes, Argos, Thessaly, Ethiopia, Phoenicia, Mycenae, Crete.
Tech Tree through the eyes of Sparta- updated Nov. 18th
Argos' view of the tree
Mycenaean Tech Tree
Minoan Tech Tree
The units in this scenario will vary greatly from civ to civ. For instance, the Celts will be able to build "Druids", who's A/D values will remain mostly stagnent. However, with each "upgrade", they will learn a new ability, such as Enslavement and Stealth Attack.

Also, civs will have slightly better units than "ordinary" depending on when I want them to "shine", for instance, in the middle of the game, Sparta should be able to crush almost anyone, whereas at the end of the game, the Hindu Alliance and Macedonia should be the two superpowers waiting to clash.

Current unit lines pretty much finished:

An old screenshot showing the units of Corinth, Sparta, Thebes and the Achaean League

Here's an old screenshot with various Ethiopian units in it.
Although most Victory Conditions will be available to all, each civ will be pointed towards its intended victory condition. For instance, Athens, who I want to win via either culture, or a "rushed" Diplomatic win (which will be in the form of a wonder that obsoletes itself quite quickly), will have access to many large-culture producing improvements.

Likewise, Persia will be in a locked alliance against many civs from the start, and its goal is to build a large enough army to defeat its many enemies, and then steamroll over the rest of the world for a Domination victory. However, against the likes of Hatti, Ethiopia, Assyria, Lydia, the Amazons, Thrace and Troy, this is not going to be any easy victory!
"So, what other fun stuff do you have planned for us, Virote?"

Well, first of all, the lands will be littered with Heros and Gods willing to fight on your side, and Monsters ready to attack you. Also, as you go on your travels, you may un-earth hidden "invisible" units, that act as nothing but immobile, hidden nationality outposts, and other fun stuff like that.

The heroes and Gods that you can capture (As well as the Minotaur, if you're Crete) can upgrade so that they're usable in "the field". The heroes will be high-stat units (although not game-breakers) and Gods will be über units, but with abilities that might make you think twice about using them. (For instance, they're now the only units that can build good army units, as the "Leader" is just a generic hero).

The game will start with 4 locked alliances, with 2 alliances being against 2 alliances each, and the other 2 against all three rivals. The alliances are:
Doric(with plenty of Hidden-Nationality Back-stab :backstab: action )
(At war with Troy+Allies+the Evil alliance)
Mycenae is at war with Troy+Allies for the obvious reasons, and they are also at war with Troy's "superior", the Hittites. The Dorians are likewise at war with Hatti so that they (as the evil invaders) can wreck havoc on the weakening Hittites.

Lydia (Neo-Hittites attacking their former ancestors )
(At war with Team Mycenae, The Evil Mutual Alliance and Persia)
Teamed up to fight the Greeks and the old oppressors. Also at war with Persia to try and take out the Eastern threat as early as possible.

(At war with ALL)
An alliance brought on by the mutual agreement between the two Super powers of the near and Middle East, to combat the threat of rebellion and retain their position as the dominant forces. Being "mutual" allies, they tend to get themselves in disagreements a lot. For example, Hatti cannot access Syria or below without troops who are not "Wheeled", whilst the Assyrian colony of Kanesh is also being "blocked" by their helpful allies.

4. PERSIA AND FRIENDS (Note: Persia has no friends)
(At war with the Trojan Allies and the Mutual Alliance)
Persia starts the game trying to break the back of the superpowers, and also to further its advancement in Asia (and Africa).
I would be posting a description of what I this building is, but the advert cut in when I was previewing my post, hence making me forget what I was going to say.

Anyway, here's a Theatre, which Corinth, Thebes, the Achaean Leage and Sparta can build. Text 100% my own words, too :cool: :

Here's an in-game screenshot showing a few of Mycenae's units. Although outdated, Mycenae's first era units should still look something like this.

Since you have finally said "Eof". first I want to congratulate you, then I´ll warn you that it´s very hard, third, I´m at oyur disposal.
Looks nice so far! :thumbsup:

But you should definetely change the leader of Dacia. Zamolxis was their god, not any of their kings. All the ancient mods use Decebal as the leader for Dacia, but I'm not very sure why (maybe because we have a representation of him?). The greatest leader of Dacia was Burebista, the one who reigned in about 86 BC (I have to read my history books from school again), and whose kingdom was 3/2 times as big as Decebal's one. Decebal is the last king, the one who fought with Trajan and got beaten in 106, after 2 Daco-Roman wars. The one who united the independant cities and whose kingdom was biggest was Burebista. I wouldn't mind having Decebal, it's a pretty good choice, but please change Zamolxis.
Theta said:
Theres a map with persia on it if you want.
EDIT: Sorry, i didn't notice you needed ethiopia.

That's OK. I don't need a map of Persia, for one, I'm happy with them in their important city of Babylon, and two, it means I don't need to think about adding many more civs in the region. I also don't need "Ethiopia" (which was the generic Greek term for the lands south of Egypt- Nubia is a more likely candidate for the Greek Ethiopia). They reside in their realistic homelands of "Arabia". (There's an empty space where they are, and they needed somewhere to go. Convinient, eh?)

Speaking of which, who should occupy the 2 remaining spaces, and what are everyones views on the civs/traits/leaders in there?

@Mirc: Falsipedia (My only Dacian source without pages of cars and the such) told me that Zalmolxis was a king, treated like a god. I figured he was a pretty important king. But I think you're probably more right than Wiki, living in Romania.
Virote Considon said:
@Mirc: Falsipedia (My only Dacian source without pages of cars and the such) told me that Zalmolxis was a king, treated like a god. I figured he was a pretty important king. But I think you're probably more right than Wiki, living in Romania.
Well, legends are pretty uncertain, so your source might not be totally wrong. :) But if Zamolxis existed, then he was not important as a leader, but maybe as a religious personality. The religion of the Dacians was very interesting. It was polytheist, but they had a god (Zamolxis) that they worshiped almost all the time, with very little references to other gods/sacred beings. It was like a "masked" Monotheism. Also they believed that people who die in battle, or who suicide before being caught after losing a battle go to heaven; they were sad when someone was born and happy when someone died (kind of resembling the viking religion in this aspect).
*whips up notepad* This could be useful for the Dacian techs and/or their 'pedia!

Also, Mirc (and all), do you think that the Dacians and Thrace should have the same tech tree or different ones?
Virote_Considon said:
20. Phoenicia
Leader: King Hiram
Traits: Expantionist and Seafaring

or they could be Commercial and Seafaring

Virote_Considon said:
22. Amazon
Leader: Queen (I have Cassiopia in this document UI'm reading, although in game it's a proper Amazon queen!)
Traits: Militaristic and Religious

Antiopé or Hippolyte (the one who fought Heracles)
beboy said:
or they could be Commercial and Seafaring
Good Point. I think somewhere along the line, when the traits were more... regimented... I already had Com+Sea civ, but now that there isn't one, and many civs seem to have duplicate trait combos, I think it would be a very good choise!

beboy said:
Antiopé or Hippolyte (the one who fought Heracles)
Ah. Thanks for jolting my memory. It was Hippolyte. :)
Virote Considon said:
Also, Mirc (and all), do you think that the Dacians and Thrace should have the same tech tree or different ones?
They were culturally and ethnically close, but their language, art and organization was different. It's up to you. :D
One of the maps by Varwanos (SP?), although with some slight variations (a blob to represent Italy, a couple of Islands for the Amazons, Impassable marshes to stop the AI from settling around the outside). I like the current map I'm using, because it's got enough space in those crowded regions, especially around Argos and Mycanea (which was closer to Corinth, AND included Tyrins until not too long ago, when I found more accurate placements and "merged" Tyrins with Mycanea) and the Centaur (who are close to Thessaly, and I think they are pretty close to Macedonia).
Mirc said:
They were culturally and ethnically close, but their language, art and organization was different. It's up to you. :D
I suppose that I could give them both the same tech tree, but "flavour" it to make the two civs follow different paths.

Actually, another question I have is: Do flavours affect tech costs in Diplomacy?
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