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Virote's Ancient Greek Scenario

19. Celts (Representing the Celts that sacked Delphi and settled in Turkey)
Leader: ?
Traits: Religious and Agricultural
Those celts were the Galatians or Galatae, the three main tribes being the Tolistobogioi, the Tektosages and the Trokmoi. Their King should be Brennus. Not the same guy who sacked Rome but another. Brennus is actually a Title, not a name, which explaines this apparent coincidence.
Ah, thanks for cleaning that up, Tathlum.

Edit: Any Chance of a (small) city list? It only needs to be a couple of cities, just so I can put the Celts in a proper location. (ATM they're somewhere in Turkey that looks "about" right).
The Sea People, are those the same as the Philistines? If so, Goliath could be called "Alyattes", which is reportedly a more native name. Plus, it doesn't hurt to make him "king".

Celts in Turkey? I thought they were in the Thracian region?
TopGun69 said:
The Sea People, are those the same as the Philistines? If so, Goliath could be called "Alyattes", which is reportedly a more native name. Plus, it doesn't hurt to make him "king".
Yes, they are the same peoples. King Alayattes does sound good, too!

TopGun69 said:
Celts in Turkey? I thought they were in the Thracian region?
After they ransacked Delphi, some of them moved right in to the middle of Anatolla (SP?).
Celts in Turkey? I thought they were in the Thracian region?

They were in both and more besides. For example Belgrade was founded by the Scordiscs tribe of Celts. Don't believe Roman propaganda, they were a bit more able and sophisticated than you might think...

Edit: Any Chance of a (small) city list? It only needs to be a couple of cities, just so I can put the Celts in a proper location. (ATM they're somewhere in Turkey that looks "about" right).

Sure, how many? And can I use names from both sides of the Hellespont?
EDIT the three main cities (one for each tribe) were Ankara (yes Turkeys capital-Tectosages), Pressinus (Tolistobogioi), Tavium (Trokmoi),
Three enough or do you need more? ps these three are all in Turkey.
Okay, those three plus Drunementon and Belgrade off the top of my head, I'd have to look things up for more. Tomorrow ok?

Assuming tomorrow isnt quick enough;

Oppidum (fortified Celtic towns) in Turkey;

Hattisa (yes Hattisa is originaly Hittite)

Oppidum in Europe that gave rise to the Galations (like the afformentioned Scordiscs)

Zidovar (some of those are modern names, dont know original Celtic ones)

And finally, cities in the Roman Province of Galatia ( a bit of a stretch, but not too mush considering how much control/influence the Galatians had at times in Asia Minor)


Adding them to the 5 I gave earlier makes 25 city names. If that is not enough I can throw in some tribal names (each tribe, no doubt having a capital oppidum/hillfort named for them and ending in -briga, -nemton, or -dunum)
Are you using the ancient Greece map? :)

Also: Mycenae did not exist at the time that its successor states (Athens, Corinth etc) formed. Argos was the closest to it, since Argolis included the territory of the old city of Mycenae, and some other cities (Tiryns, Nemea etc) ;)

edit: i read some more of your posts, and since you mentioned Babylon and Arabia, i guess you are using the byzantine empire map?

varwnos said:
Are you using the ancient Greece map? :)

Also: Mycenae did not exist at the time that its successor states (Athens, Corinth etc) formed. Argos was the closest to it, since Argolis included the territory of the old city of Mycenae, and some other cities (Tiryns, Nemea etc) ;)

edit: i read some more of your posts, and since you mentioned Babylon and Arabia, i guess you are using the byzantine empire map?


I don't know exactly what map I'm using, although that one looks about it. Persia and Ethiopia are only in "rough" locations, that look "about right".

Also, Mycenae DID exist, as this scenario stretches from the Minoan period right the way through to the Roman Invasion. :)

Thanks for supplying the map, btw!:goodjob:
Tathlum said:
Okay, those three plus Drunementon and Belgrade off the top of my head, I'd have to look things up for more. Tomorrow ok?

Assuming tomorrow isnt quick enough;

Oppidum (fortified Celtic towns) in Turkey;

Hattisa (yes Hattisa is originaly Hittite)

Oppidum in Europe that gave rise to the Galations (like the afformentioned Scordiscs)

Zidovar (some of those are modern names, dont know original Celtic ones)

And finally, cities in the Roman Province of Galatia ( a bit of a stretch, but not too mush considering how much control/influence the Galatians had at times in Asia Minor)


Adding them to the 5 I gave earlier makes 25 city names. If that is not enough I can throw in some tribal names (each tribe, no doubt having a capital oppidum/hillfort named for them and ending in -briga, -nemton, or -dunum)

Wow! Thanks for all of them names! I doubt I'd need any more!
If the map also has part of northern Africa, then it is my "eastern roman empire map" (the one i posted before is the "byzantine empire map") :)

Here is the e.roman empire map:
I'm pretty sure it's the one before- it goes almost to the top of the black sea, and has that little peninsular that goes into it. The "Golden Fleace" is hidden there.
Ok, the byzantine empire map had an earlier version, which was a bit smaller/distorted. So it could be that one. The version i posted can be found in my signature if you want to compare :) (or you could post a pic of your minimap)
@ Varwnos:



Thanks for the information. I havn't got as far as adding any techs/units to the Centaur yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll be fun, too :)...
That is the one i posted, yes :)

What is the Centaur civ about?

And what are those islands in the Black sea? The Golden fleece was in the region later called "Crimea", iirc in the land of the Tauroi (Taurides) (if i am not horribly mistaken the golden fleece appears in the play Ifigenia in Taurides)
varwnos said:
That is the one i posted, yes :)

What is the Centaur civ about?

And what are those islands in the Black sea? The Golden fleece was in the region later called "Crimea", iirc in the land of the Tauroi (Taurides) (if i am not horribly mistaken the golden fleece appears in the play Ifigenia in Taurides)

The Centaur civ is a way for me to represent the "Centaurs" without making them Barbarians.

The islands in the Black Sea are the the Amazon Homelands. They would be over the other side of the Black Sea, but Scythia isalready there, as are too many marshes. However, I may give Scythia some invisible resources so that the Marshes and Mountains surrounding them become more productive... I dunno... I'll see how they play, first.
Wow! Thanks for all of them names! I doubt I'd need any more!
Tá fáilte roimh agat.

Just let me know if you need help with placement. You must be quite happy with the level of interest this thread is developing.
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