Virote's Modern Units Thread


The Great Dictator
Jul 7, 2004
Skaville UK Reputation: 1
I was going to wait until I'd finished a unit pack for this, but as always, my free time is limited, so I thought I'd better post the first unit whilst I can... Some units in this thread may find their way into EFZI0, but most are for another project... Bonus points if you can guess what this project is about ;)

Office Workers

Pencil Thrower
This guy, as his name suggests, throws pencils. Although he probably wouldn't be able to find a place in most scenarios, I'm sure he'll be able to fill a niche in some. ;) Anyway, I need him for a scenario I've been working on for a number of years. Enjoy.
Spoiler Readme! :
Pencil Thrower by Virote_Considon

-Odintheking (Run animation)
-utahjazz7 (props/figures, tutorial)
-kinboat (props/figures)
-Moenir (Flicster)
-Steph (SBB)
-Firaxis (for civ!)
-Shar3D (for the pencil)
-And all those who've posted in my various poser-related threads!

^The [Pencil Thrower] is pretty much the standard $LINK<office=GOOD_Office>-based unit. It has average offensive and
defensive power, and a (fairly weak) bombardment.

Some points and problems to note:
-Apart from the default and run animations, all the animations in this unit are completely my own work - I haven't used any pre-existing animations, nor have I followed the tutorial like it's the Bible! This is a first for me :D

-I think the pencils are a little too small to see... :(

-This is my first unit with a fidget, I think :D

-There's a slight problem with the victory - it doesn't end in the default pose! I haven't noticed this in-game, though, although saying that, I'm not the most observational person when it comes to these things...

Office Manager
Okay, maybe I did have enough time to make another unit today! Here's the Office Manager. Again, he probably won't find much use...

Office Manager

Spoiler readme! :
Office Manager by Virote_Considon

-Odintheking (Run animation)
-utahjazz7 (props/figures, tutorial)
-kinboat (props/figures)
-Moenir (Flicster)
-Steph (SBB)
-Firaxis (for civ!)
-Whoever made the notepad and pen! (See second point below)
-And all those who've posted in my various unit-related threads!

^The [Office Manager] knows how to get things done, but when push comes to shove, he'd rather not get involved.
Still, he'll protect his status inside the company if need be, and thus has a reasonable amount of defense.
Furthermore, the expensive training programmes he has been put on give him an extra hitpoint!

Some points and problems to note:
-I don't think my arms are very realistic, especially during the attack... I'm sure this will get better as I animate more, though!

-I have absolutely no idea where the pen and the notepad come from. I'm sure they must come from the same place, but that is all... In fact, I don't even think I have their files anywhere; I had to import them from another unit I'm doing... If you know where this may have come from, I'll be very greatful... I'm feeling real bad right now not being able to give the appropriate credit!
That's a Very Novel Unit you made there Virote_Considon :goodjob:
... mild mannered John, known to everyone he works with as a courteous and dedicated employee, becomes "Office Worker" in times of trouble. Able to move quickly and throw Deadly Pencils accurately with tremendous force that can cripple or Kill evil villains. Yes, "Office Worker" fights a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and better working conditions with more pay :lol:
Wow Virote, you have an excellent phantasy. :goodjob: I hope you must not work under such conditions. :)
Fun unit, and well animated.:goodjob::)
I have never seen the movie to know of any resemblance or not :)

you could probably rent a copy from your local video store, or you could look at a few clips on youtube or veoh. It's a very funny movie. You should go and see it if you haven't already.
This is trippy! Whodda thought of this? Oh I know! Virote. :D
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