WoC Team Manager
ViSa Expansion Pack 3
Description/List of Mods Included
Genetic Era v0.32
BetterAI Mod
Tech Editor Mod
AIAutoPlay Mod
Mastery/Total Victory Mod included with Genetic Era v0.32
Plant Forest and Make Jungle included with Genetic Era v0.32
GoodRandom v0.1 - use a decent random generator that doesn't have overflow problems
Inquisition Mod
Military Bases Mod
Building Civic Prereqs Mod
Building Heal Rate
Multi-Building Unit Requirement
Resource Tech Research Modifier Mod
MAF Workaround
Great Doctor popup art with quotes
Great Statesman popup art with quotes
New ViSa main menu and loading background
LeaderHead Non-Shader files from Amra
Armenia Civ
Upgradable Buildings included in ViSapedia
Domestic Advisor Du Jour - make it easy to switch DA's
New Wonder Movies - Civil Rights, Cold Fusion, Eugenics, Hubble Space Telescope, Human Genome, KGB, Military Strategies and Techniques, Moon Landing, NASA, Sputnik
New Civic category, Gender - Tribal Family, Polygamy, Patriarchy, Equal Suffrage, Birth Control
Diplomatic Victory Movie
Grand game speed - 2500 turns
Units - Predator missile, Interceptor plane, Glider 1 plane for Zulus, DayHawk plane for Polynesians
Buildings - Cold Fusion Plant, Particle Accelerator, Human Genome Project, Tackion Energy Plant, Tank Factory, Human Rights Supreme Court, Netherlands Shipyard
Removed DCM MAD and STACK ATTACK options
Gameplay Changes
Swordsman gets 25% defense bonus in Jungle
Removed Angry Citizens from Emancipation and Gov Funded Healthcare
Changed Base Attitude and Base Peace Weight for Bhutto, Dom Pedro II, Gjergj, Hiram, Ho Chi Minh, Menzies, Musharraf, Solomon, Taharqa, Teuta, Tymoshenko
Camelot Crusader movement increased from 1 to 2
Many, many, many tech costs changed
Many, many, many prereq techs changed
National wonders should list 4 now instead of 2
Great Wall wonder now requires 2 cities
Roman Roads wonder now requires 2 cities
All game speeds end in 2100 AD instead of 2050 AD
Commerce Change Percent to 5%
Dirty Power Health to -1
Reduced movement and strength for Ship of the Line
Reduced max instances of the Tallest Building to 2 and increased cost to build
Flavian Amphitheater moved to Drama, obsolete with Printing Press and cost increased from 350 to 450
Hippodrome obsolete with Economics and cost increased from 300 to 400
Many Units moved and tweaked for cost and ability
Lemons moved from Metal Carving to Improved Farming
Metal Carving renamed to Tools
Uranium, Rubber, Barley, Tobacco, Sulphur, Hemp, Oil bonuses changed
Reduced Global Warming % chance from 20 to 10
Increased % XP a Warlord unit receives per battle from 0 to 20
Increased XP a Warlord unit starts with from 20 to 30
Increased retained XP after upgrade from 16 to 30
Tallest Building culture increase a flat 5% instead of exponential