ViSa Feature Details


WoC Team Manager
Aug 25, 2006
ViSa Expansion Pack 3

Description/List of Mods Included

Genetic Era v0.32
BetterAI Mod
Tech Editor Mod
AIAutoPlay Mod
Mastery/Total Victory Mod included with Genetic Era v0.32
Plant Forest and Make Jungle included with Genetic Era v0.32
GoodRandom v0.1 - use a decent random generator that doesn't have overflow problems
Inquisition Mod
Military Bases Mod
Building Civic Prereqs Mod
Building Heal Rate
Multi-Building Unit Requirement
Resource Tech Research Modifier Mod
MAF Workaround
Great Doctor popup art with quotes
Great Statesman popup art with quotes
New ViSa main menu and loading background
LeaderHead Non-Shader files from Amra
Armenia Civ
Upgradable Buildings included in ViSapedia
Domestic Advisor Du Jour - make it easy to switch DA's
New Wonder Movies - Civil Rights, Cold Fusion, Eugenics, Hubble Space Telescope, Human Genome, KGB, Military Strategies and Techniques, Moon Landing, NASA, Sputnik
New Civic category, Gender - Tribal Family, Polygamy, Patriarchy, Equal Suffrage, Birth Control
Diplomatic Victory Movie
Grand game speed - 2500 turns
Units - Predator missile, Interceptor plane, Glider 1 plane for Zulus, DayHawk plane for Polynesians
Buildings - Cold Fusion Plant, Particle Accelerator, Human Genome Project, Tackion Energy Plant, Tank Factory, Human Rights Supreme Court, Netherlands Shipyard
Removed DCM MAD and STACK ATTACK options

Gameplay Changes

Swordsman gets 25% defense bonus in Jungle
Removed Angry Citizens from Emancipation and Gov Funded Healthcare
Changed Base Attitude and Base Peace Weight for Bhutto, Dom Pedro II, Gjergj, Hiram, Ho Chi Minh, Menzies, Musharraf, Solomon, Taharqa, Teuta, Tymoshenko
Camelot Crusader movement increased from 1 to 2
Many, many, many tech costs changed
Many, many, many prereq techs changed
National wonders should list 4 now instead of 2
Great Wall wonder now requires 2 cities
Roman Roads wonder now requires 2 cities
All game speeds end in 2100 AD instead of 2050 AD
Commerce Change Percent to 5%
Dirty Power Health to -1
Reduced movement and strength for Ship of the Line
Reduced max instances of the Tallest Building to 2 and increased cost to build
Flavian Amphitheater moved to Drama, obsolete with Printing Press and cost increased from 350 to 450
Hippodrome obsolete with Economics and cost increased from 300 to 400
Many Units moved and tweaked for cost and ability
Lemons moved from Metal Carving to Improved Farming
Metal Carving renamed to Tools
Uranium, Rubber, Barley, Tobacco, Sulphur, Hemp, Oil bonuses changed
Reduced Global Warming % chance from 20 to 10
Increased % XP a Warlord unit receives per battle from 0 to 20
Increased XP a Warlord unit starts with from 20 to 30
Increased retained XP after upgrade from 16 to 30
Tallest Building culture increase a flat 5% instead of exponential
ViSa Version 2.1

Amra's Modpack
Spoiler :
Description/List of Mods Included
- 25 new civs with animated leaderheads (many with different animations)
- 140 new units including 2nd UU for ALL civs & Ethnically Diverse Units
- 135 new Great People with GP mod art & quotes
- 15 new resources & 5 new Wonders
- 25 new Unique Buildings
- First contact dialogue & more city names
- Full pedia entries (In English when translation not available)
- 5-man formations by anhu for Melee units
- Actual Quotes v3.0 by Willowmound
- Additional Color Values by SimCutie
- Better Ship Scale v1.0 by Elhoim
- Dawn of Man mod v0.2 by TheLopez
- Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod v0.2w by TheLopez
- Enhanced Tech Conquest v0.4.2 by Bhruic & TheLopez
- Ethnically Diverse Units v2.35 by Rabbit, White
- FexFx's Endurance and Marathon speeds
- Great Person Mod with Renamer Mod v1.0 by Patricius
- Mehmed II LH Bug Fix by Thunderfall
- Not Just Another Game Clock Mod v0.3.3w by TheLopez
- Promotion and Trait Mod v0.5 by Zuul
- Real UN Resolutions Names by Rufus T. Firefly
- TechWindow Mod v1c by Roamty
- Unit Allegiance Mod v0.4w by Snaitf & The Lopez
- Unit Statistics Mod v1.42 by Teg_Navanis
- New flags, Era graphics, misc unit skins & roads by various modders
- New techs & Improvements

Gameplay Changes
- Minimum city range increased from 2 to 3
- Tech trading has been moved from Alphabet to Guilds
- Upgrade costs reduced
- Ironclad moves 3 (not 2)
- Transport now has cargo capacity of 5 (instead of 4)
- Animal/Barbarian maximum XP values increased
- Maximum experience on upgrade changed from 10 to 16 allowing the unit to keep an extra promotion
- Aggressive trait gives the Combat promotion to melee, gun, recon, archer & mounted units (as opposed to only melee and firearms)
- Chopping down a Jungle now produces hammers (Third of forest production)
- Scouts can build forts & explore Ancient Temples

ViSa Modpack Additions/Changes
Spoiler :
* 37 buildings , not including unique buildings
* over 40 nations
* 200+ unique units and classes
* Dale's Combat Mod V1.03
* Religious Victory by Rodman49
* Partisan Unit System by GIR
* Air Forces Mod by TheLopez
* Mercenaries Mod by TheLopez - disabled for now due to MP issues and balance
* Tech Leak Mod by Sevo - totally re-wrote code and screens for ViSa
* 2 extra civic catagories and 1 more civics to each civic catagory
* Most of GIR's Mod Componants
* Cultural Influence by TheLopez
* Great Doctor Mod by TheLopez
* Great Statesman Mod by TheLopez
* Plot List Enhancement Mod by 12monkeys
* Scrolling Civic Screen
* JFort Mod by Jeckel
* Great Generals From Barbarian Combat Mod by TheLopez
* ViSapedia based on the great work by Sevo
* 3 City Radius Mod by RogerBacon ***ViSa added 2 or 3 radius selection in Custom Game screen
* Blitz Game Speed - 200 turn game by NeverMind
* Random Barb Spearman spawns
* Random Barb Navy spawns
* Customizable Domestic Advisor Mod by TheLopez
* Enhanced Foreign Advisor Mod by TheLopez
Version 3.25 ----------- 8/11/2007 (USA) - 11/8/2007 (World)

Detailed notes are on the Bug Report section of the ViSa Website

- 0000439: [Unit Issues] Remove non-working Migrant (TAFirehawk)
- 0000436: [Graphics] Add Religion Holy Shrine Movies (Rockinroger)
- 0000435: [Tweaking Issues] Ho Chi Minh's close border attitude reduced (TAFirehawk)
- 0000421: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips (Rockinroger)
- 0000376: [Graphics] More Building Buttons need changed (Rockinroger)
- 0000427: [Graphics] Eugenics and Clone same button (Rockinroger)
- 0000430: [Graphics] Interceptor Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000415: [Technology Issues] Techs that dead-end (TAFirehawk)
- 0000419: [Text Problems or Errors] City Guard Artillery Name (TAFirehawk)
- 0000431: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Warlords Patch v2.13 Compatibility (Mrgenie)
- 0000434: [Graphics] Add Blue Marble Terrain v3 (TAFirehawk)
- 0000410: [Sounds] Heavy Tank has no sound (Rockinroger)
- 0000408: [Graphics] Statesman Nikita Khrushchev popup is pink (TAFirehawk)
- 0000418: [Tweaking Issues] Tank Factory -1 Happy (TAFirehawk)
- 0000417: [Tweaking Issues] Masonic Hall -2 Health (TAFirehawk)
- 0000426: [Technology Issues] Cloning Prereqs (TAFirehawk)
- 0000428: [Technology Issues] Virtual Reality Prereq (TAFirehawk)
- 0000416: [Tweaking Issues] Dubai Bay Cost Reduction (TAFirehawk)
- 0000420: [Building Issues] Manhattan Project (TAFirehawk)
- 0000432: [Graphics] mark anthony great person (Rockinroger)
- 0000423: [Graphics] Joseph Ransohoff (Rockinroger)
- 0000422: [Tweaking Issues] Recycling Center (TAFirehawk)
- 0000429: [Tweaking Issues] Tachyon Energy Plant (TAFirehawk)
- 0000424: [Tweaking Issues] Stem Cell Research Lab needs reduced benefit (TAFirehawk)
- 0000425: [Tweaking Issues] Late Game Production still too fast (TAFirehawk)
- 0000409: [Building Issues] Tallest tower can be build more that twice (TAFirehawk)
- 0000407: [AI behaviour] public school (Rockinroger)

Version 3.20 ----------- 7/11/2007 (USA) - 11/7/2007 (World)

Detailed notes are on the Bug Report section of the ViSa Website

- 0000404: [Graphics] Sea Settler (Rockinroger)
- 0000403: [Graphics] KGB Needs Movie (Rockinroger)
- 0000388: [Graphics] Sea Engineer Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000371: [Graphics] Smith's Trading Co. needs Movie (Rockinroger)
- 0000386: [Graphics] Buttons (Rockinroger)
- 0000406: [Tweaking Issues] Slow down late game (TAFirehawk)
- 0000405: [Unit Issues] The Arrow missile (Rockinroger)
- 0000349: [Unit Issues] Unit PreReqBuilding need fixed (Rockinroger)
- 0000396: [Building Issues] Factory Production Boost (Rockinroger)
- 0000401: [Building Issues] Mall/Supermarket Cost (Rockinroger)
- 0000398: [Building Issues] Equal Opportunity Act (Rockinroger)
- 0000394: [Building Issues] Museum Building (Rockinroger)
- 0000397: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tip (Rockinroger)
- 0000391: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips (Rockinroger)
- 0000393: [Building Issues] Public School Building (Rockinroger)
- 0000395: [AI behaviour] change default settings for custom game options (Rockinroger)
- 0000387: [Unit Issues] Blimps from Blimp factory (Rockinroger)
- 0000353: [Building Issues] Apollo Program (Rockinroger)
- 0000390: [Tweaking Issues] Modify Resource amounts on map (TAFirehawk)
- 0000389: [Graphics] missing great person art (Rockinroger)
- 0000383: [Uncategorized] United Nations - Free Religion appears twice (Rockinroger)
- 0000369: [Graphics] Attila Quote (Rockinroger)
- 0000385: [Unit Issues] Nacom can be built without Iron (Rockinroger)
- 0000381: [Building Issues] Biodome has no tech (Rockinroger)
- 0000377: [Unit Issues] Special Religious Units need hurry amount increase (Rockinroger)
- 0000378: [Building Issues] KGB and Scotland Yard need moved in Tech Tree (Rockinroger)
- 0000379: [Tweaking Issues] More Tech Prereq's (Rockinroger)
- 0000380: [Text Problems or Errors] Library of Congress Strategy Text (Rockinroger)
- 0000375: [Uncategorized] Add Genetic Era to Game Clock Mod (TAFirehawk)
- 0000374: [Text Problems or Errors] spies text error (Rockinroger)
- 0000370: [Technology Issues] Tweak Techs with additional prereq's (Rockinroger)
- 0000368: [Technology Issues] Paper Happy Face (Rockinroger)
- 0000366: [Graphics] Boating Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000372: [Text Problems or Errors] ViSapedia spelling error - 'Tackion' energy plant should be
Tachyon (Rockinroger)
- 0000315: [Graphics] Attilla the Hun hides his city sizes! (TAFirehawk)
- 0000017: [Graphics] Graphic missing for city being conquered (Rockinroger)
- 0000336: [Graphics] Roman Roads Button/Icon (Rockinroger)
- 0000348: [Graphics] Need an icon for the Aeronautics tech (Rockinroger)
- 0000335: [Graphics] Building Icons (Rockinroger)
- 0000330: [Unit Issues] All Great People need to start Golden Age (TAFirehawk)
- 0000350: [Graphics] Promotion icons pink (TAFirehawk)
- 0000334: [Graphics] Tech Icons (Rockinroger)
- 0000363: [Graphics] buttons (Rockinroger)
- 0000362: [Technology Issues] Military Tradition needs prereq Horseback Riding (Rockinroger)
- 0000361: [Technology Issues] Feudalism Prereq (Rockinroger)
- 0000360: [Technology Issues] Theology Prereq (Rockinroger)
- 0000359: [Technology Issues] Add Mining prereq to Tools (Rockinroger)
- 0000309: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips for Alphabet says it enables Tech Trading (Rockinroger)
- 0000284: [Building Issues] UB needed for Dutch (Rockinroger)
- 0000160: [Graphics] Johan de witt - Dutch empire (Rockinroger)
- 0000358: [AI behaviour] dutch shipping port (Rockinroger)
- 0000357: [AI behaviour] gunships upgrade to Apache and Light Apaches (Rockinroger)
- 0000307: [Text Problems or Errors] Tipu Sultan splash screen says 'Great Merchant', but he turns out
to be a Great Prophet (Rockinroger)
- 0000338: [Graphics] Great Doctor Popup Missing (Rockinroger)
- 0000101: [Uncategorized] Austria order (Rockinroger)
- 0000356: [Unit Issues] Political Agitator and Ecoterrorist Invisibility (TAFirehawk)
- 0000331: [Unit Issues] Spy invisibility (TAFirehawk)
- 0000332: [Technology Issues] Space Station needs moved (TAFirehawk)
- 0000344: [Tweaking Issues] Techs need to reduce Happy Faces (Rockinroger)
- 0000345: [Tweaking Issues] Techs need to reduce Healthy Faces (Rockinroger)
- 0000341: [Tweaking Issues] Windmill (Rockinroger)
- 0000351: [Tweaking Issues] Tools Tech and Spearman (Rockinroger)
- 0000355: [Tweaking Issues] Reduce Library-University-Observatory-Research Lab (Rockinroger)
- 0000354: [Tweaking Issues] Reduce Market-Grocer-Bank-Commodity Exchange (Rockinroger)
- 0000339: [Tweaking Issues] Masonic Hall (Rockinroger)
- 0000340: [Tweaking Issues] Botanical Garden (Rockinroger)
- 0000352: [Technology Issues] Remove +1 sight from Mining (Rockinroger)
- 0000333: [Unit Issues] Arquebusier is replacing Grenadier, not Rifleman (Rockinroger)
- 0000343: [Technology Issues] Enabling Permanent Alliances (Rockinroger)
- 0000337: [Text Problems or Errors] Christian Crusader Strategy Text (Rockinroger)
- 0000319: [AI behaviour] ship breaking ice (Rockinroger)
- 0000296: [Unit Issues] Siddha Monk does nothing (Rockinroger)
- 0000313: [Uncategorized] Magellen's Expedition problem (Rockinroger)
- 0000318: [AI behaviour] Orbitoal Bombers didnt get experience. (Rockinroger)

Version 3.10 ----------- 5/5/2007 (USA) - 5/5/2007 (World)

Detailed notes are on the Bug Report section of the ViSa Website

- 0000282: [Tweaking Issues] interception rate of airplanes too high (Rockinroger)
- 0000280: [Uncategorized] Game gets stuck (Mrgenie)
- 0000244: [Tweaking Issues] Grand speed tweaks (TAFirehawk)
- 0000248: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - !isDead() (Mrgenie)
- 0000260: [Unit Issues] Workers can plant a forest on a forest. (Mrgenie)
- 0000277: [Failed Assert] Failed Assert AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_OFFER_VASSAL in TutorialInfos (Mrgenie)
- 0000281: [Failed Assert] Failed Assert on PROJECT_APPOLO_PROGRAM (Mrgenie)
- 0000285: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD on Grand Speed (Mrgenie)
- 0000242: [Failed Assert] Assert failed see text (Mrgenie)
- 0000178: [Tweaking Issues] Dutch Windmill (Keldath)
- 0000276: [Text Problems or Errors] Gutenberg's Print Shop - Sids Tip (Rockinroger)
- 0000274: [Uncategorized] The 'only two national wonders' bug, Part Deux (TAFirehawk)
- 0000266: [Text Problems or Errors] '...only build two national wonders...' (TAFirehawk)
- 0000074: [Uncategorized] Unit Categories Early Aircraft (Mrgenie)
- 0000261: [Tweaking Issues] Barbarians declare peace and are in a safe haven (Mrgenie)
- 0000258: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD with debug DLL (Mrgenie)
- 0000238: [Text Problems or Errors] City name confusion on religion founding (Mrgenie)
- 0000188: [Text Problems or Errors] Bronzeworking discovered 15% faster with copper... huh? (Rockinroger)
- 0000255: [Text Problems or Errors] mod components in visapedia (Mrgenie)
- 0000208: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getVisibilityCount(eTeam) (Mrgenie)
- 0000042: [Unit Issues] Hwacha (Keldath)
- 0000022: [Unit Issues] Assault Ship (Keldath)
- 0000094: [Building Issues] Sea Mine (Keldath)
- 0000153: [Sounds] Ho Chi Minh (Keldath)
- 0000205: [Graphics] Shylon Pink (Keldath)
- 0000263: [Unit Issues] Punjab Tank Crash (Keldath)
- 0000127: [Unit Issues] Spear Horseman makes helicopter sound in combat. (Keldath)
- 0000125: [Graphics] HMSC Toronto Battleship (Keldath)
- 0000245: [Graphics] Maria Theresa and Mansa Musa colors (Keldath)
- 0000259: [Unit Issues] Scouts can explore temples, Why not explorers? (TAFirehawk)
- 0000097: [Unit Issues] Guided Cruise Missiles (Keldath)
- 0000035: [Graphics] Deer Rider (Keldath)
- 0000093: [Building Issues] Sea Farm (Keldath)
- 0000170: [Building Issues] Barracks2 and Barracks3 are owerpowered (Rockinroger)
- 0000179: [Building Issues] Stables Upgradeable (Rockinroger)
- 0000197: [Uncategorized] 3.01 Beta - Using slowest game speed all computer civs have judaism
- 0000174: [Unit Issues] Clone Unit (Keldath)
- 0000241: [Technology Issues] Cannot trade technologies even after discovering alphabet (TAFirehawk)
- 0000240: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD (Mrgenie)
- 0000155: [Unit Issues] Can't build missionaries (Mrgenie)
- 0000015: [AI behaviour] AI not using bombardment correctly (Mrgenie)
- 0000164: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Can't load save games in MP (Mrgenie)
- 0000146: [Uncategorized] Custom Game Option to turn off sea cities (Mrgenie)
- 0000158: [Graphics] Unit Categories in ViSaPedia (Mrgenie)
- 0000191: [Graphics] F6 - Tech Tree always jumps to start of tree (Mrgenie)
- 0000216: [Building Issues] Problems with Ikhanda (Zulu) (Mrgenie)
- 0000215: [Python Exception] Python Exception (Mrgenie)
- 0000210: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getUnitAICargo(UNITAI_SETTLE) (Mrgenie)
- 0000234: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - canAirDefend() (Mrgenie)
- 0000212: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - pLoopUnit->getDomainType() (Mrgenie)
- 0000233: [Text Problems or Errors] Help on Bonusrequirement for buildings (Mrgenie)
- 0000225: [Failed Assert] eIndex < GC.getNumSpecialBuildingInfos() (Mrgenie)
- 0000232: [Failed Assert] ePlayer < MAX_PLAYERS (Mrgenie)
- 0000231: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - pLoopUnit->getDomainType() != DOMAIN_AIR (Mrgenie)
- 0000221: [AI behaviour] FAssert (Mrgenie)
- 0000222: [AI behaviour] Assert (Mrgenie)
- 0000223: [AI behaviour] Assert (Mrgenie)
- 0000224: [Uncategorized] Settlers Religion (Mrgenie)
- 0000226: [Failed Assert] FAssert eIndex >= 0 (Mrgenie)
- 0000206: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getExtraWithdrawal() (Mrgenie)
- 0000229: [AI behaviour] CTD (Mrgenie)
- 0000228: [AI behaviour] FAssert (Mrgenie)
- 0000230: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - isHuman() || isBarbarian() || ((getGold() + iGoldChange) >= 0) (Mrgenie)
- 0000171: [Unit Issues] Defence/Attack promotions don't work on features properly (TAFirehawk)
- 0000220: [Tweaking Issues] Guilds (TAFirehawk)
- 0000218: [Text Problems or Errors] Trebuchet (TAFirehawk)
- 0000219: [Unit Issues] Heavy Tank from Bretons (TAFirehawk)
- 0000227: [AI behaviour] Fasset (Mrgenie)
- 0000180: [Tweaking Issues] Barracks (TAFirehawk)
- 0000209: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - iChange (Mrgenie)
- 0000203: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure (Mrgenie)
- 0000207: [Uncategorized] FAsserts Failure - getExtraEvasionProbability() (Mrgenie)
- 0000140: [Tweaking Issues] Combat Log - During Game Play (Mrgenie)
- 0000184: [AI behaviour] DCM AI Code (Mrgenie)
- 0000003: [AI behaviour] AI Great Doctors (Mrgenie)
- 0000175: [Building Issues] Library (TAFirehawk)
- 0000173: [Building Issues] Temple of Artemis (TAFirehawk)
- 0000186: [Unit Issues] Warlord Unit (TAFirehawk)
- 0000163: [Text Problems or Errors] Hint message still refers to two wonders per city (TAFirehawk)
- 0000176: [Building Issues] The Parthenon (TAFirehawk)
- 0000185: [Uncategorized] AutoAI popup message (TAFirehawk)

Version 3.00 ----------- 3/27/2007 (USA) - 27/3/2007 (World)

ADD Genetic Era v0.32 full except - Vote Info, Civic Info, duplicate Mausoleum, duplicate Solar Plant,
duplicate Sewer System, Geologist, Anti-Grav Armor, Anti-Grav Transport, Attack Drone
ADD Genetic Era v0.33 SDK - non-renewable resources and CvDisasterInfo not enabled, Domination
Victory including water tiles not enabled
ADD BetterAI Mod
ADD Tech Editor Mod
ADD AIAutoPlay Mod
ADD Mastery/Total Victory Mod included with Genetic Era v0.32
ADD Plant Forest and Make Jungle included with Genetic Era v0.32
ADD GoodRandom v0.1 - use a decent random generator that doesn't have overflow problems
ADD Inquisition Mod
ADD Military Bases Mod
ADD Building Civic Prereqs Mod
ADD Building Heal Rate
ADD Multi-Building Unit Requirement
ADD Resource Tech Research Modifier Mod
ADD MAF Workaround
ADD Great Doctor popup art with quotes
ADD Great Statesman popup art with quotes
ADD New ViSa main menu and loading background
ADD LeaderHead Non-Shader files from Amra
ADD Armenia Civ
FIX Upgradable Buildings included in ViSapedia
ADD Domestic Advisor Du Jour - make it easy to switch DA's

ADD Canute Leaderhead for Attila
ADD Buildings: EGrid, Fusionsreaktor, GENOM, greatlibrary2, TankFactory
ADD Units: Geuzen, spacefighter
ADD Shipping Port Building Button
ADD Geuzen and Schooner Unit Buttons
ADD Johan_de_witt and Willem_van_Oranje Leaderhead Buttons
ADD Dutch_Flag_005 Teamcolor
ADD BoundShape.nif to Trudeau
ADD New wonder movies

ADD Netherlands game info text
ADD New Civic category, Gender - Tribal Family, Polygamy, Patriarchy, Equal Suffrage, Birth Control
ADD Swordsman gets 25% defense bonus in Jungle
ADD SAM Infantry upgrades to Space Marine
ADD Units - Predator missile, Interceptor plane, Glider 1 plane for Zulus, DayHawk plane for Polynesians
ADD Player color for Huns
ADD Leaders Johan_de_witt and Willem_van_Oranje
ADD Buildings - Cold Fusion Plant, Particle Accelerator, Human Genome Project, Tackion Energy Plant,
Tank Factory, Human Rights Supreme Court, Netherlands Shipyard
ADD Diplomatic Victory Movie
ADD Grand game speed - 2500 turns
ADD Modern Worker and Modern Work Boat
ADD Mod Components section in ViSapedia
FIX Removed Angry Citizens from Emancipation and Gov Funded Healthcare
FIX Changed Base Attitude and Base Peace Weight for Bhutto, Dom Pedro II, Gjergj, Hiram, Ho Chi Minh,
Menzies, Musharraf, Solomon, Taharqa, Teuta, Tymoshenko
FIX Many, many, many Sid's Tips and ViSapedia entries
FIX Camelot Crusader movement increased from 1 to 2
FIX BuildingClass for Dutch Windmill changed, prereqtech changed to Improved Farming, cost
increased to 180 from 110, updated yield modifiers
FIX Tech prereq for new buildings
FIX Many, many, many tech costs changed
FIX Many, many, many prereq techs changed
FIX Fixed spelling on several units
FIX Portugal color is now brighter
FIX Duplicate Great Doctors and Great Statesman with old GP pics/quotes
FIX National wonders should list 4 now instead of 2
FIX Great Wall wonder now requires 2 cities
FIX Roman Roads wonder now requires 2 cities
FIX All game speeds end in 2100 AD instead of 2050 AD
FIX Commerce Change Percent to 5%
FIX Dirty Power Health to -1
FIX Reduced movement and strength for Ship of the Line
FIX Moved Plant Forest ability from Calendar to Paper
FIX Reduced max instances of the Tallest Building to 2 and increased cost to build
FIX Flavian Amphitheater moved to Drama, obsolete with Printing Press and cost increased from 350 to 450
FIX Hippodrome obsolete with Economics and cost increased from 300 to 400
FIX SOME translations and SOME missing language tags - still only fully compatible with English
FIX Doctor city specialist
FIX Tweaked all Game Speeds - GrowthPercent, TrainPercent, ConstructPercent, CreatePercent,
ResearchPercent, CulturePercent, InflationPercent, InflationOffset
FIX Moved Arctic Tank being free in tech Composites to Microprocessors
FIX Many Units moved and tweaked for cost and ability
FIX Lemons moved from Metal Carving to Improved Farming
FIX Metal Carving renamed to Tools
FIX Artillery and CG Artillery upgrade to Howitzer
FIX Sulphur, Pearls, Aluminum, Copper, Iron, Oil, Banana, Clam, Corn, Cow, Crab, Deer, Fish, Pig,
Rice, Sheep, Wheat, Dye, Fur, Gold, Silk, Cotton, Hemp, Potato, Rubber, Ancient Temple,
Lost Civilization, Coral, Methane, Varech, Fossils rate of appearance changed
FIX Uranium, Rubber, Barley, Tobacco, Sulphur, Hemp, Oil bonuses changed
FIX Removed Natural Gas from water - Methane is water only version
FIX Adjusted Healthcare and Gender Civics
FIX Reduced Global Warming % chance from 20 to 10
FIX Increased % XP a Warlord unit receives per battle from 0 to 20

ADD TurnsToComplete for both Culture and Great People in the City Display screen from Chinese American
ADD Modification Block in CvEventManager under onCombatResult
ADD Listing of status (enable/disable) of mod components in the events window
ADD Mod component control in INI
ADD INI check if all values are initialized properly
ADD Modcheck routines
FIX G Era wrong exclamations and some other bugs
FIX CvViSaEventManager changes for Genetic Era files
FIX GeneticEraEventManager removed duplicate imports
FIX Removed DCM MAD and STACK custom game options
FIX Improvement issues with GIR and rewrite of the code into eventmanager
FIX Removed max unitlist by dale for his stackattack
FIX PLE buttons when entering and moving cities
FIX PLE button when only capital exists bug
FIX Flying mod error fixed
FIX Outside border error fixed
FIX Main eventmanager completely reworked
FIX Techleak rewritten partly
FIX Unitstats incompatability with G Era
FIX Techleak new EventManager compatibility
FIX Dale's mod
FIX Tallest Building culture increase a flat 5% instead of exponential

You have removed in VISA 3 Dale's Combat Mod V1.03 (bombard system) ??????????? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

You have removed in VISA 3 Dale's Combat Mod V1.03 (bombard system) ??????????? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

No, you need to read that again. We removed the MAD and Stack Attack components, not Ranged Bombard.
When TA Firehawk mentions Tackion Energy Plant, he means Tachyon Energy Plant. So I guess we know who it is who can't spell tachyon!

Alondin, Chief Troublemaker
Any info / thread link for what this feature is all about? Already tried search, but didn't find anything useful.

I haven't had time to link all the mods....its from TheLopez and part of his modcomp pack.
Is there a readme file of the unit, tech, building etc. changes and additions? The Manual link in the ViSa thread in the Modpacks forum does not work, and I haven't found one elsewhere. Sure the 'pedia works, but when I have it in front of me I want to PLAY, not read about playing. However, I'd quite like to have something to print out and look at whilst in transit between workstation and Civstation, when reading's all I can do.

Is there a readme file of the unit, tech, building etc. changes and additions? The Manual link in the ViSa thread in the Modpacks forum does not work, and I haven't found one elsewhere. Sure the 'pedia works, but when I have it in front of me I want to PLAY, not read about playing. However, I'd quite like to have something to print out and look at whilst in transit between workstation and Civstation, when reading's all I can do.


The details are on the ViSa Website Bug Tracker.
The details are on the ViSa Website Bug Tracker.

Cheers, TAf, I signed up and looked around, but I think I got in over my head there. It appears to be a list of recent changes due to bug reports only, and a whole system for bug tracking, reporting and correcting. There is nothing in the manual section (guess that is a work in progress). What I was after was a list of new techs, units etc, and what is different about pre-existing Warlords units etc in ViSa. A readme of what ViSa does to Warlords, in effect.

Is such a thing available, or is ViSa simply too huge now to do that?
@MrWhereItsAt go here to find the most comprehensive list of changes. and yes ViSa is to huge to list everything changed.

Thanks, but once I've signed in to access it the page just turns up blank... Well, not BLANK, it does have the ViSa header, and says

Copyright © 2000 - 2006 Mantis Group
email address (removed so as to not promote getting spammed)
14 total queries executed.
13 unique queries executed.

But that's it. Any ideas why it works for you but not me?
and here it is! I hope.
Spoiler :

ViSa - Change Log

ViSa - 3.25

List for Items past v3.20

- 0000439: [Unit Issues] Remove non-working Migrant (TAFirehawk)
- 0000436: [Graphics] Add Religion Holy Shrine Movies (Rockinroger)
- 0000435: [Tweaking Issues] Ho Chi Minh's close border attitude reduced (TAFirehawk)
- 0000421: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips (Rockinroger)
- 0000376: [Graphics] More Building Buttons need changed (Rockinroger)
- 0000427: [Graphics] Eugenics and Clone same button (Rockinroger)
- 0000430: [Graphics] Interceptor Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000415: [Technology Issues] Techs that dead-end (TAFirehawk)
- 0000419: [Text Problems or Errors] City Guard Artillery Name (TAFirehawk)
- 0000431: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Warlords Patch v2.13 Compatibility (Mrgenie)
- 0000434: [Graphics] Add Blue Marble Terrain v3 (TAFirehawk)
- 0000410: [Sounds] Heavy Tank has no sound (Rockinroger)
- 0000408: [Graphics] Statesman Nikita Khrushchev popup is pink (TAFirehawk)
- 0000418: [Tweaking Issues] Tank Factory -1 Happy (TAFirehawk)
- 0000417: [Tweaking Issues] Masonic Hall -2 Health (TAFirehawk)
- 0000426: [Technology Issues] Cloning Prereqs (TAFirehawk)
- 0000428: [Technology Issues] Virtual Reality Prereq (TAFirehawk)
- 0000416: [Tweaking Issues] Dubai Bay Cost Reduction (TAFirehawk)
- 0000420: [Building Issues] Manhattan Project (TAFirehawk)
- 0000432: [Graphics] mark anthony great person (Rockinroger)
- 0000423: [Graphics] Joseph Ransohoff (Rockinroger)
- 0000422: [Tweaking Issues] Recycling Center (TAFirehawk)
- 0000429: [Tweaking Issues] Tachyon Energy Plant (TAFirehawk)
- 0000424: [Tweaking Issues] Stem Cell Research Lab needs reduced benefit (TAFirehawk)
- 0000425: [Tweaking Issues] Late Game Production still too fast (TAFirehawk)
- 0000409: [Building Issues] Tallest tower can be build more that twice (TAFirehawk)
- 0000407: [AI behaviour] public school (Rockinroger)

ViSa - 3.15

Items for Patch v3.20

- 0000404: [Graphics] Sea Settler (Rockinroger)
- 0000403: [Graphics] KGB Needs Movie (Rockinroger)
- 0000388: [Graphics] Sea Engineer Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000371: [Graphics] Smith's Trading Co. needs Movie (Rockinroger)
- 0000386: [Graphics] Buttons (Rockinroger)
- 0000406: [Tweaking Issues] Slow down late game (TAFirehawk)
- 0000405: [Unit Issues] The Arrow missile (Rockinroger)
- 0000349: [Unit Issues] Unit PreReqBuilding need fixed (Rockinroger)
- 0000396: [Building Issues] Factory Production Boost (Rockinroger)
- 0000401: [Building Issues] Mall/Supermarket Cost (Rockinroger)
- 0000398: [Building Issues] Equal Opportunity Act (Rockinroger)
- 0000394: [Building Issues] Museum Building (Rockinroger)
- 0000397: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tip (Rockinroger)
- 0000391: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips (Rockinroger)
- 0000393: [Building Issues] Public School Building (Rockinroger)
- 0000395: [AI behaviour] change default settings for custom game options (Rockinroger)
- 0000387: [Unit Issues] Blimps from Blimp factory (Rockinroger)
- 0000353: [Building Issues] Apollo Program (Rockinroger)
- 0000390: [Tweaking Issues] Modify Resource amounts on map (TAFirehawk)
- 0000389: [Graphics] missing great person art (Rockinroger)
- 0000383: [Uncategorized] United Nations - Free Religion appears twice (Rockinroger)
- 0000369: [Graphics] Attila Quote (Rockinroger)
- 0000385: [Unit Issues] Nacom can be built without Iron (Rockinroger)
- 0000381: [Building Issues] Biodome has no tech (Rockinroger)
- 0000377: [Unit Issues] Special Religious Units need hurry amount increase (Rockinroger)
- 0000378: [Building Issues] KGB and Scotland Yard need moved in Tech Tree (Rockinroger)
- 0000379: [Tweaking Issues] More Tech Prereq's (Rockinroger)
- 0000380: [Text Problems or Errors] Library of Congress Strategy Text (Rockinroger)
- 0000375: [Uncategorized] Add Genetic Era to Game Clock Mod (TAFirehawk)
- 0000374: [Text Problems or Errors] spies text error (Rockinroger)
- 0000370: [Technology Issues] Tweak Techs with additional prereq's (Rockinroger)
- 0000368: [Technology Issues] Paper Happy Face (Rockinroger)
- 0000366: [Graphics] Boating Button (Rockinroger)
- 0000372: [Text Problems or Errors] ViSapedia spelling error - 'Tackion' energy plant should be Tachyon (Rockinroger)
- 0000315: [Graphics] Attilla the Hun hides his city sizes! (TAFirehawk)
- 0000017: [Graphics] Graphic missing for city being conquered (Rockinroger)
- 0000336: [Graphics] Roman Roads Button/Icon (Rockinroger)
- 0000348: [Graphics] Need an icon for the Aeronautics tech (Rockinroger)
- 0000335: [Graphics] Building Icons (Rockinroger)
- 0000330: [Unit Issues] All Great People need to start Golden Age (TAFirehawk)
- 0000350: [Graphics] Promotion icons pink (TAFirehawk)
- 0000334: [Graphics] Tech Icons (Rockinroger)
- 0000363: [Graphics] buttons (Rockinroger)
- 0000362: [Technology Issues] Military Tradition needs prereq Horseback Riding (Rockinroger)
- 0000361: [Technology Issues] Feudalism Prereq (Rockinroger)
- 0000360: [Technology Issues] Theology Prereq (Rockinroger)
- 0000359: [Technology Issues] Add Mining prereq to Tools (Rockinroger)
- 0000309: [Text Problems or Errors] Sid's Tips for Alphabet says it enables Tech Trading (Rockinroger)
- 0000284: [Building Issues] UB needed for Dutch (Rockinroger)
- 0000160: [Graphics] Johan de witt - Dutch empire (Rockinroger)
- 0000358: [AI behaviour] dutch shipping port (Rockinroger)
- 0000357: [AI behaviour] gunships upgrade to Apache and Light Apaches (Rockinroger)
- 0000307: [Text Problems or Errors] Tipu Sultan splash screen says 'Great Merchant', but he turns out to be a Great Prophet (Rockinroger)
- 0000338: [Graphics] Great Doctor Popup Missing (Rockinroger)
- 0000101: [Uncategorized] Austria order (Rockinroger)
- 0000356: [Unit Issues] Political Agitator and Ecoterrorist Invisibility (TAFirehawk)
- 0000331: [Unit Issues] Spy invisibility (TAFirehawk)
- 0000332: [Technology Issues] Space Station needs moved (TAFirehawk)
- 0000344: [Tweaking Issues] Techs need to reduce Happy Faces (Rockinroger)
- 0000345: [Tweaking Issues] Techs need to reduce Healthy Faces (Rockinroger)
- 0000341: [Tweaking Issues] Windmill (Rockinroger)
- 0000351: [Tweaking Issues] Tools Tech and Spearman (Rockinroger)
- 0000355: [Tweaking Issues] Reduce Library-University-Observatory-Research Lab (Rockinroger)
- 0000354: [Tweaking Issues] Reduce Market-Grocer-Bank-Commodity Exchange (Rockinroger)
- 0000339: [Tweaking Issues] Masonic Hall (Rockinroger)
- 0000340: [Tweaking Issues] Botanical Garden (Rockinroger)
- 0000352: [Technology Issues] Remove +1 sight from Mining (Rockinroger)
- 0000333: [Unit Issues] Arquebusier is replacing Grenadier, not Rifleman (Rockinroger)
- 0000343: [Technology Issues] Enabling Permanent Alliances (Rockinroger)
- 0000319: [AI behaviour] ship breaking ice (Rockinroger)
- 0000296: [Unit Issues] Siddha Monk does nothing (Rockinroger)
- 0000318: [AI behaviour] Orbitoal Bombers didnt get experience. (Rockinroger)

ViSa - 3.10

ViSa Expansion Pack 3 Patch

- 0000216: [Building Issues] Problems with Ikhanda (Zulu) (Mrgenie)
- 0000191: [Graphics] F6 - Tech Tree always jumps to start of tree (Mrgenie)
- 0000158: [Graphics] Unit Categories in ViSaPedia (Mrgenie)
- 0000146: [Uncategorized] Custom Game Option to turn off sea cities (Mrgenie)
- 0000140: [Tweaking Issues] Combat Log - During Game Play (Mrgenie)
- 0000203: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure (Mrgenie)
- 0000209: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - iChange (Mrgenie)
- 0000227: [AI behaviour] Fasset (Mrgenie)
- 0000230: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - isHuman() || isBarbarian() || ((getGold() + iGoldChange) >= 0) (Mrgenie)
- 0000228: [AI behaviour] FAssert (Mrgenie)
- 0000229: [AI behaviour] CTD (Mrgenie)
- 0000206: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getExtraWithdrawal() (Mrgenie)
- 0000226: [Failed Assert] FAssert eIndex >= 0 (Mrgenie)
- 0000224: [Uncategorized] Settlers Religion (Mrgenie)
- 0000223: [AI behaviour] Assert (Mrgenie)
- 0000222: [AI behaviour] Assert (Mrgenie)
- 0000221: [AI behaviour] FAssert (Mrgenie)
- 0000231: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - pLoopUnit->getDomainType() != DOMAIN_AIR (Mrgenie)
- 0000232: [Failed Assert] ePlayer < MAX_PLAYERS (Mrgenie)
- 0000225: [Failed Assert] eIndex < GC.getNumSpecialBuildingInfos() (Mrgenie)
- 0000233: [Text Problems or Errors] Help on Bonusrequirement for buildings (Mrgenie)
- 0000212: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - pLoopUnit->getDomainType() (Mrgenie)
- 0000234: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - canAirDefend() (Mrgenie)
- 0000210: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getUnitAICargo(UNITAI_SETTLE) (Mrgenie)
- 0000215: [Python Exception] Python Exception (Mrgenie)
- 0000164: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Can't load save games in MP (Mrgenie)
- 0000015: [AI behaviour] AI not using bombardment correctly (Mrgenie)
- 0000155: [Unit Issues] Can't build missionaries (Mrgenie)
- 0000240: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD (Mrgenie)
- 0000197: [Uncategorized] 3.01 Beta - Using slowest game speed all computer civs have judaism
- 0000208: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - getVisibilityCount(eTeam) (Mrgenie)
- 0000255: [Text Problems or Errors] mod components in visapedia (Mrgenie)
- 0000238: [Text Problems or Errors] City name confusion on religion founding (Mrgenie)
- 0000258: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD with debug DLL (Mrgenie)
- 0000261: [Tweaking Issues] Barbarians declare peace and are in a safe haven (Mrgenie)
- 0000074: [Uncategorized] Unit Categories Early Aircraft (Mrgenie)
- 0000242: [Failed Assert] Assert failed see text (Mrgenie)
- 0000285: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] CTD on Grand Speed (Mrgenie)
- 0000281: [Failed Assert] Failed Assert on PROJECT_APPOLO_PROGRAM (Mrgenie)
- 0000277: [Failed Assert] Failed Assert AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_OFFER_VASSAL in TutorialInfos (Mrgenie)
- 0000260: [Unit Issues] Workers can plant a forest on a forest. (Mrgenie)
- 0000248: [Failed Assert] FAsserts Failure - !isDead() (Mrgenie)
- 0000280: [Uncategorized] Game gets stuck (Mrgenie)
- 0000104: [Text Problems or Errors] Migrant (Mrgenie)
- 0000282: [Tweaking Issues] interception rate of airplanes too high (Rockinroger)
- 0000244: [Tweaking Issues] Grand speed tweaks (TAFirehawk)
- 0000178: [Tweaking Issues] Dutch Windmill (Keldath)
- 0000276: [Text Problems or Errors] Gutenberg's Print Shop - Sids Tip (Rockinroger)
- 0000274: [Uncategorized] The 'only two national wonders' bug, Part Deux (TAFirehawk)
- 0000266: [Text Problems or Errors] '...only build two national wonders...' (TAFirehawk)
- 0000188: [Text Problems or Errors] Bronzeworking discovered 15% faster with copper... huh? (Rockinroger)
- 0000042: [Unit Issues] Hwacha (Keldath)
- 0000022: [Unit Issues] Assault Ship (Keldath)
- 0000094: [Building Issues] Sea Mine (Keldath)
- 0000153: [Sounds] Ho Chi Minh (Keldath)
- 0000205: [Graphics] Shylon Pink (Keldath)
- 0000263: [Unit Issues] Punjab Tank Crash (Keldath)
- 0000127: [Unit Issues] Spear Horseman makes helicopter sound in combat. (Keldath)
- 0000125: [Graphics] HMSC Toronto Battleship (Keldath)
- 0000245: [Graphics] Maria Theresa and Mansa Musa colors (Keldath)
- 0000259: [Unit Issues] Scouts can explore temples, Why not explorers? (TAFirehawk)
- 0000097: [Unit Issues] Guided Cruise Missiles (Keldath)
- 0000035: [Graphics] Deer Rider (Keldath)
- 0000093: [Building Issues] Sea Farm (Keldath)
- 0000170: [Building Issues] Barracks2 and Barracks3 are owerpowered (Rockinroger)
- 0000179: [Building Issues] Stables Upgradeable (Rockinroger)
- 0000174: [Unit Issues] Clone Unit (Keldath)
- 0000241: [Technology Issues] Cannot trade technologies even after discovering alphabet (TAFirehawk)
- 0000171: [Unit Issues] Defence/Attack promotions don't work on features properly (TAFirehawk)
- 0000220: [Tweaking Issues] Guilds (TAFirehawk)
- 0000218: [Text Problems or Errors] Trebuchet (TAFirehawk)
- 0000219: [Unit Issues] Heavy Tank from Bretons (TAFirehawk)
- 0000180: [Tweaking Issues] Barracks (TAFirehawk)
- 0000207: [Uncategorized] FAsserts Failure - getExtraEvasionProbability() (Mrgenie)
- 0000184: [AI behaviour] DCM AI Code (Mrgenie)
- 0000003: [AI behaviour] AI Great Doctors (Mrgenie)
- 0000175: [Building Issues] Library (TAFirehawk)
- 0000173: [Building Issues] Temple of Artemis (TAFirehawk)
- 0000186: [Unit Issues] Warlord Unit (TAFirehawk)
- 0000163: [Text Problems or Errors] Hint message still refers to two wonders per city (TAFirehawk)
- 0000176: [Building Issues] The Parthenon (TAFirehawk)
- 0000185: [Uncategorized] AutoAI popup message (TAFirehawk)

ViSa - 3.05

Testing for Patch v3.10

ViSa - 3.00

Public release of ViSa Expansion Pack 3

ViSa - 2.90

Testing for V3.00

- 0000052: [Unit Issues] Wespe (Rockinroger)
- 0000092: [Building Issues] Explored Temple (2) (TAFirehawk)
- 0000128: [Text Problems or Errors] Splash screen for founding first national wonder says the limit is 2. (Rockinroger)
- 0000152: [Unit Issues] Mounted Warrior can't use roads (TAFirehawk)
- 0000147: [Graphics] Graphics on Civ Scoreboard (Mrgenie)
- 0000162: [Text Problems or Errors] ViSapedia (Mrgenie)
- 0000161: [Text Problems or Errors] civil service tech (Mrgenie)
- 0000124: [Unit Issues] Tunnels (Mrgenie)
- 0000148: [Graphics] Gold Icon (Mrgenie)
- 0000009: [Unit Issues] Scouts have worker buttons again (Kaiser Franz)
- 0000007: [Tweaking Issues] Money late game (TAFirehawk)
- 0000137: [Graphics] domestic advisor (Rockinroger)
- 0000131: [Unit Issues] pollitical aggitator button (Mrgenie)
- 0000136: [Building Issues] "dirty" building show that they give a health bonus (Mrgenie)
- 0000132: [Technology Issues] asphalt tech pop up says +57 in road movement (Mrgenie)
- 0000008: [Graphics] Some city icons don't display (Mrgenie)
- 0000039: [Unit Issues] Endeavor (Keldath)
- 0000004: [AI behaviour] Great Statesmen AI (Mrgenie)
- 0000141: [City Screen] City build screen has pieces missing? (Mrgenie)
- 0000142: [City Screen] City build screen has pieces missing? (Mrgenie)
- 0000121: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Can't load save games (Torin)
- 0000139: [Building Issues] Barracks 2 and 3 xml (TAFirehawk)
- 0000005: [AI behaviour] Barbarians Great Statesmen (Mrgenie)
- 0000134: [Uncategorized] PLE scroll not working (Mrgenie)
- 0000116: [Graphics] Landsknecht showing pink graphic (TAFirehawk)
- 0000011: [Tweaking Issues] Unit - Endeavour (TAFirehawk)
- 0000113: [Graphics] Shylon graphic shows up as pink (TAFirehawk)
- 0000020: [Text Problems or Errors] Chinook Light Armor (TAFirehawk)
- 0000089: [CTD "Crash to desktop"] Fossils (TAFirehawk)
- 0000068: [Unit Issues] Sturmgeschutz (TAFirehawk)
- 0000080: [Text Problems or Errors] Nubian Stable (Rockinroger)
- 0000038: [Text Problems or Errors] Elite Guard (Rockinroger)
- 0000058: [Text Problems or Errors] Modern Grenadier and Modern Infantry (Rockinroger)
- 0000099: [Text Problems or Errors] Dom Pedro II and Ragnar Lodbrok (Rockinroger)
- 0000071: [Text Problems or Errors] Urban Planer (Rockinroger)
- 0000027: [Text Problems or Errors] Anassassi Infantry (Rockinroger)
- 0000086: [Text Problems or Errors] Equal Opportunity Act (Rockinroger)
- 0000031: [Unit Issues] Chief Archer (Rockinroger)
- 0000034: [Unit Issues] Day Hawk (Rockinroger)
- 0000040: [Unit Issues] Gloucester Gladiator (Rockinroger)
- 0000041: [Unit Issues] Humvee (Rockinroger)
- 0000045: [Unit Issues] Iilushin 2 (Rockinroger)
- 0000047: [Unit Issues] Light APC (Rockinroger)
- 0000049: [Unit Issues] Tank Buster (Rockinroger)
- 0000048: [Unit Issues] Mule (Rockinroger)
- 0000051: [Unit Issues] Chinese Junk (Rockinroger)
- 0000057: [Unit Issues] Milstar Satellite (Rockinroger)
- 0000037: [Unit Issues] Ecoterrorist (Rockinroger)
- 0000053: [Unit Issues] Mobil Sam, Advanced Mobil Sam & Jungle Rocket Launcher (Rockinroger)
- 0000055: [Unit Issues] Landsfanor (Rockinroger)
- 0000054: [Unit Issues] Korath (Rockinroger)
- 0000064: [Unit Issues] Punjab (Rockinroger)
- 0000076: [Building Issues] Albanian University (Rockinroger)
- 0000078: [Building Issues] Biopod Center (Rockinroger)
- 0000070: [Unit Issues] Trebuchet -- Both of them (Rockinroger)
- 0000036: [Unit Issues] Desert Crawler and Desert Humvee (Rockinroger)
- 0000043: [Unit Issues] Hydra MLRS (Rockinroger)
- 0000067: [Unit Issues] Strike Fighter, Stealth Bomber & Stealth Fighter (Keldath)
- 0000133: [Text Problems or Errors] Tank - 34 - History in Pedia shows T-54 (Kaiser Franz)
- 0000044: [Text Problems or Errors] Hypaspist
- 0000098: [Text Problems or Errors] Attila
- 0000018: [Text Problems or Errors] Tackion Energy Plant spelled wrong
- 0000130: [Uncategorized] KGB
- 0000082: [Building Issues] Ziggurat
- 0000021: [Unit Issues] Hydra M.L.R.S
- 0000025: [Unit Issues] Armored Buggy
- 0000030: [Unit Issues] Black Sea Warrior
- 0000016: [City Screen] Resources in the City screen outgrow the panel (Mrgenie)
- 0000108: [Graphics] Plotlist not updated properly (Mrgenie)
- 0000122: [Tweaking Issues] Methane spread in Ocean (Mrgenie)
- 0000123: [Building Issues] Building Civic prereqs (Mrgenie)
- 0000120: [Text Problems or Errors] Tallest Building Text (Mrgenie)
- 0000013: [Unit Issues] Great Doctors appearing very seldom (Mrgenie)
- 0000014: [Unit Issues] Military Acadamy (Mrgenie)

ViSa 3 Manual - Change Log

ViSa 3 Maps & Scenarios - Change Log

Giant Earth for ViSa 3 - Change Log

Smartmap for ViSa 3 - Change Log

It's a LOT of changes! Alondin, Master of the Obvious
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