WoC Team Manager
Please post anything that doesn't fit in another thread here.
Does the Visa team have a general timeframe as to when people should expect the next version?
If it isn't too far down the road, I'd rather d/l a more stable version.
Thanks and congrats on the great mod.
I want to play whit the earth map posted. Little problem, the earth look a bit stretch.
Exemple: The Alaska is f***King uge!!!
What's that size i am supose to play, medium?
is there a way around this problem.
i love the idea of the 3 area radius for citys, but i keep getting a problem where my culture area wont cover a resorce i want as it wont let me build a city near it exp= uranium i cant get my culture to cover it so i can mine it, old civ games let you build colonies on it untill your culture coverd it, is there any way around this??? apart from swapping back to 2 city radius?
Sorry, didn't mean to sound ungrateful...
do i need to completely empty my MY CUSTOM GAMES folder prior to installation?
is there a way around this problem.
i love the idea of the 3 area radius for citys, but i keep getting a problem where my culture area wont cover a resorce i want as it wont let me build a city near it exp= uranium i cant get my culture to cover it so i can mine it, old civ games let you build colonies on it untill your culture coverd it, is there any way around this??? apart from swapping back to 2 city radius?
A general time frame.
Hum we have 2 of our team members out do to real life commitments. So us other 2 are carrying on the ball. I would say d.l. the current version as its very stable. As for version 3 we Might get something done by the end of the month.
I am thoroughly impressed by the work of everyone involved in this project. It has increased my enjoyment of the game tenfold, simply amazing.
I just have some random gameplay questions about things in the mod, hopefully other users can help me out.
Great Doctor
None of the buildings listed in the docs and posts and such can add a Doctor specialist to a city for me. Universities and hospitals, the doctor is still greyed out. The AI occasionally gets a Great Doctor, but I just can not assign a single specialist. Is there a civic or tech required to assign a doctor specialist? I haven't changed any .ini settings, but it seems like nothing in there applies.
Great Statesman
Is it true that Great Statesmen can cause insurrections in enemy cities? If so, how does this happen? If i move a GS to a foreign city that is overlapping with my culture, the statesman button does not change for any insurrection options.
MAD system
How does this work? I thought if you took a nuke and targeted someone you are not at war with, it would assign it as a MAD target...but when I do it, the missile just moves to the friendly city. NOTE: I'm using tacs and not icbms, does this matter?
Dale's Combined Arms Stack Attack
Is this implemented? I'm not sure how it works, but when I stack attack nothing seems different, but maybe I'm not noticing it. Is this part of DCM supposed to give an advantage in actually attacking with a stack and outnumbering an opponent?
Land/Sea Constructors
Can you train these anywhere? The factory/manufacturing plant text seems to imply you can.
Upgrade Filter
The unit selection filters are great, especially the wounded/unwounded filter and the available promotion filter...however, what does the other filter next to the promotion filter do? I assume from the txt that it is a filter to see units which can upgrade, but it never seems to work for me. Am I wrong in what this is supposed to do?
JZoc Mod/Slow Game Turn
I read that if the end turn time gets too long, turning off the JZoC mod helps. I changed the ini setting, but when I start a new game it still says the mod is enabled. Is it actually off and just saying its there, or did I not turn it off correctly somehow?
Violating a Peace Treaty
I have a peace treaty with Civ A. I am fighting Civ B, who has a city that has one hold side covered with Civ A cultural borders. I shot a tac nuke at the Civ B city, resulting in damage to Civ A lands. This automatically caused me to go to war with Civ A, regardless of the Peace Treaty we were only 4 turn into. Not sure if this happens in unmodded Civ, or is only a facet of a tac nuke not an ICBM, but figured I should mention it.
So right now it is configured that you cannot assign doctor specialists in your cities?This is how TheLopez configured it....eventually we can change some things
ThanksNot sure about this one....you would have to check the original TheLopez thread.
Will you be taking our the direct bombardment option for siege weapons? I must say, I love blowing things up from afar. Ingame, tooDoesn't work....we will likely take out all of DCM and just put his Stack Attack in....then look at TheLopez for MAD.
Thanks, I'll check that out next time I start a game.Yes, but as with most options...it has to be turned on in the Custom Game. I suppose I need to post that all ViSa games should go through the Custom Game screen to see all the options.
Yes, the units you get from windfarm and national park national wonders. You use them to create sea and land windfarms, holiday resorts, and national parks. Can you ever build more of them, or do you only get the few for free when you finish those 2 national wonders? The text for the Manufacturing Plant building seems to imply you need it to build ConstructorsNot sure what you mean....unless this is the national/wind park units.
Thanksmrgenie has worked on disabling a number of slow turn causing items in the late game....not sure what will make it into V3.0 though. I am not 100% sure how to turn it off right now....sorry.
Don't wage war on me, it was an accident I swear!Sounds like a normal Civ thing, surely not unique to ViSa....you destroyed their land just like attacking a unit or city, I would declare war on you too![]()