ViSa INI Settings


WoC Team Manager
Aug 25, 2006
ViSa User Configurable Settings #1

ViSa Ini Tweaks
Spoiler :
; set the minimum distance between cities, default is 2, any value lower then 2 will be disregarded!
; MAX = 5 by the ViSa DLL to avoid the AI getting nuts, setting this to 100 will just be 5!
; when using Extended City Radius options in the Custom Game menu, the DLL will automatically add + 1 as minimum distance(MAX = 6)
Minimum Distance Between Cities = 2

; number of naturally Spread religions, set this to 7 means religion
; will always be spreading naturally, default vanilla setting is 1
Religion Natural Spread Number = 2

Dead Civ Scoreboard Mod
Spoiler :
; Change this to false if the dead civilizations should be displayed in the
; game scoreboard.
; Default value is true
Hide Dead Civilizations = true

; Change this to false if the civilization names should be displayed in their
; colors instead of being greyed out.
; Default value is true
Grey Out Dead Civilizations = true

; Change this to show the dead civilization score instead of the dead tag.
; Default value is true
Show Dead Tag = true

Cultural Influences Mod
Spoiler :
; Change this value to false if cultural borders should not go over ocean
; plots.
; Default value is true
Enable Borders Over Ocean = true

; Change this value to false if cultural borders should not grow slowly.
; Default value is true
Enable Slow Culture Borders = false

; Change this value to false if culture should not be carried through trade
; routes between cities belonging to different civilizations.
; Default value is true.
Enable Culture Over Trade Routes = true

; Change this value to false if the trade route culture should be based on a
; fixed number instead of on the culture of the cities the trade route is
; between.
; Default value is true
Trade Route Culture City Based = true

; Change this value to false if the culture from one end of the trade route
; should not be impeded by the culture of the city it is trying to "corrupt".
; Default value is true
Home City Culture Challenge Alien Culture = true

; Increase or decrease this value to change the amount of culture that should
; be added to each end of a trade route. This value will be ignored if the
; value of "Trade Route Culture City Based" is true.
; Default value is 1
Trade Route Culture Amount = 1

; Change this value to false to disable the culture shock effects when a city
; is lost by a civilization.
; Default value is true
Enable Culture Shock = true

; Change this value to false to disable the culture decay effects.
; Default value is true
Enable Culture Decay = true

; Increase or decrease this value to change the amount culture should decay in
; squares outside of an Empire's borders.
; Default value is 0.05
Culture Decay Amount = 0.05

; Change the value to false if cities founded on city ruins should not be given
; part of the culture from the city that created the city ruins.
; Default value is true
City Ruins Give Culture = true

; Change the value to false if the culture given by city ruins should be the
; same as the player who founded the city. If set to true then the culture
; given to the new city will be from the civilization that last owned the city
; that created the city ruins.
; Default value is true
City Ruins Give Old Culture = true

; Increase or decrease the value to change the number of years that city ruins
; give culture.
; Default value is 100
Max Years City Ruins Give Culture = 100

; Increase or decrease the value to change the max amount of culture in percent
; city ruins give.
; Default value is 20
Max Culture City Ruins Give = 20

; Change the value to false if the founder of a conquered city should not be
; allowed to be reassigned if the conqueror is not the original founder and the
; losing civilization is also not the original founder and the city's culture
; is at least double what it was when the founder lost it.
; Default value is true
Allow City Founder Reassignment = true

; Change the value to false if culture should be maintained after a city is
; captured by a civilization from another civilization.
; Default value is true
City Conquest Retains Culture = true

; Increase or decrease the value to change the max amount of culture in percent
; retained after a city is conquered.
; Default value is 20
Max Culture Retained = 20

Enhanced Tech Conquest Mod
Spoiler :
; Change the value to true if technology should be handed completely over from
; the conquered city to their new owners.
; Default value is false
Complete Technology Discovery = false

; Increase or decrease the value to change the number of or part of
; technologies conquered cities will hand over to their new owners.
; Default value is 1
Technology Transfer Count = 1

; Change the value to true if the amount of technologies conquered cities will
; hand over to their new owners should be random.
; Default value is false
Random Technology Transfer Amount = false

; Change the value to true if the conquering civilization can receive
; technology without the appropriate prerequisites or ignore their civilization
; technology restrictions.
; Default value is false
Technology Transfer Ignore Prereq = false

; Change the value to false if full technology transfer should be allowed. By
; setting the value to true this will force players to spend at least one turn
; researching pillaged technology.
; Default value is true
Disable Full Technology Transfer = true

; Increase or decrease the value to change the base technology transfer
; percentage amount.
; Default value is 25
Base Technology Transfer Percent = 25

; Increase or decrease the value to change the percent amount per city
; population that will be used to transfer technology to the new owners of
; the conquered city.
; Default value is 5
Percentage Per City Population = 5

Not Just Another Game Clock Mod
Spoiler :
; Change this if you want to display the alternating time text information.
; Default value is true
Alternate Time Text = true

; Change this to alternate the amount of time between the two sets of text
; displayed. This will only be used if Alternating Time is set to true.
; Default value is 15
Alternating Time = 15

; Set this to true if you want to show the game turns
; Default value is true
Show Turns = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game clock turns
; Default value is true
Show Game Clock = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game completed as a percent.
; This should be set false if Show Game Completed Turns, Show Turns and
; Show Game Clock are set to true since it will cause the text to run
; through the image border.
; Default value is true
Show Game Completed Percent = false

; Set this to true if you want to show the game completed as a fraction
; This should be set false if Show Game Completed Percent, Show Turns and
; Show Game Clock are set to true since it will cause the text to run
; through the image border.
; Default value is false
Show Game Completed Turns = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game turns in the alternate text.
; This value will only be used Alternate Time Text is set to true.
; Default value is true
Alternate Show Turns = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game clock turns in the alternate
; text. This value will only be used Alternate Time Text is set to true.
; Default value is true
Alternate Show Game Clock = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game completed as a percent in
; the alternate text. This should be set false if Alternate Show Game
; Completed Turns, Show Turns and Show Game Clock are set to true since it
; will cause the text to run through the image border. This value will only
; be used Alternate Time Text is set to true.
; Default value is false
Alternate Show Game Completed Percent = true

; Set this to true if you want to show the game completed as a fraction in
; the alternate text. This should be set false if Alternate Show Game
; Completed Percent, Alternate Show Turns and Alternate Show Game Clock are
; set to true since it will cause the text to run through the image border.
; This value will only be used Alternate Time Text is set to true.
; Default value is true
Alternate Show Game Completed Turns = false

; Set this to true if you want to show the current era
; Default value is true
Show Era = true

; Set this to true if you want to reflect the current era by changing the
; game turn to a set color
; Default value is true
Show Reflect Era In Turn Color = true

; The following are the default color mappings for the different eras,
; if you have define a new era the code is flexible enough to allow you to
; specify your era color mapping as well, example: ERA_FOOBAR = COLOR_BLACK

Unit Allegiance Mod
Spoiler :
; Change the value to include the unit combat types of units belonging to the
; winner of combat that should not be allowed to influence the change of
; allegiance of enemy units.

; Change the value to include the unit combat types of units belonging to the
; loser of combat that should not be allowed to change their allegiance.

; Increase or decrease the value to change the chance that units will change
; their allegiance before being defeated in combat
; Default value is 5
Unit Allegiance Change Chance = 5

; Increase or decrease the value to change the amount of damage units will have
; after they change their allegiance.
; Default value is 50
Damage After Allegiance Change = 50

; If you want to disable the Allegiance of animals, set this to "true"
No Animal Allegiance = false

Unit Statistics Mod
Spoiler :
; This config file has several parts:

; 1. General: settings that don't fit anywhere else
; 2. Track xxx: Allows you to disable certain features. This affects both the calculation and visual representation of data.
; 3. Show xxx: Allows you to disable certain features: This affects only the visual representation
; 4. Unit Naming: Allows you to customize built-in name generators.

; Strictly speaking, category 2 (Track xxx) is no longer necessary, since all performance issues have been solved.
; But if you can't disable the visual representation in part 3 (Show xxx), you can do so in part 2 (and vice versa).


; Change this to either enable or disable help panes in the unit statistics screens
; Default value is True
Show Help = True

; If this is enabled, all players share one high score list ("Track All Players" is required for this to have effect)
; Default value is False
Global High Score = False

;#####Track Information#####

; Change this to either enable or disable unit statistics for all players (required for hotseat games)
; Default value is false
Track All Players = False

; Change this to either enable or disable turn information tracking (turns fortified).
; Default value is true
Track Turn Information = True

; Change this to either enable or disable logging of your currently best units.
; Default value is true
Track Unit High Score = True

; Change this to either enable or disable movement tracking.
; Default value is true
Track Unit Movement = True

; Change this to either enable or disable unit statistics for non-combatants (settlers, workers, missionaries, great people).
; Default value is true
Track Non-Combat Units = True

; Change this to either enable or disable goody received tracking
; Default value is true
Track Goody Received = True

; Change this to either enable or disable unit promotion logging.
; Default value is true
Track Unit Promotions = True

;#####Show Information#####

; Change this to either enable or disable the display of other players' unit and player statistics.
; Leave disabled if you don't want any additional information about enemy units. Only works when "Track All Players" enabled.
; Default value is false
Show All Players = False

; Change this to show or hide the number of battles, units killed, units lost and retreats.
; Default value is true
Show Combat Count = True

; Change this to show or hide the damage your unit has inflicted/suffered.
; Default value is true
Show Damage Information = True

; Change this to show or hide the unit creation date.
; 0 = no service information
; 1 = "Turns in service: 8 (320 years)"
; 2 = "Years in service: 320 (8 turns)"
; 3 = "Turns in service: 8
; 4 = "Years in service: 320
; Default value is 1
Show Unit Service Information = 1

; Change this to show or hide combat odds statistics.
; Default value is true
Show Odds = True

; Change this to show or hide unit experience.
; Default value is true
Show Experience = True

; Change this to show or hide the unit event log
; Default value is true
Show Unit Event Log = True

; Change this to display the turn information in the unit events log
; Default value is true
Show Log Turn Information = True

; Change this to display the year information in the unit events log
; Default value is true
Show Log Date Information = True

; Change this to switch the order that the turn and year for the logged event
; are displayed. For example if set to false then a unit that was created in
; turn 0 and year 4000BC would be displayed as "Turn 0 (4000BC): <Unit type>
; created".
; Default value is true
Show Log Turn Information First = True

;#####Unit Naming#####

; Change this for different name generators.
; 0 = no unit naming (unit stats are lost when upgrading units!)
; 1 = Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Axeman 1, Axeman 2
; 2 = Random Name Generator by TheLopez
; 3 = Nexus Default I.E. Tank 1st Army 1st Corp 1st Div
; Default value is 0
Unit Naming = 0

; Change this to enable or disable the recycling of dead unit's names.
; Default value is true
Unit Name Recycling = true

; This only works if Custom Name = 3
; This determines numbering
; 0 = 1 ,2, 3 ... 7 for numbering IE Tank 1 Army 1 Corp 1 Div
; 1 = 1st, 2nd, 3rd for numbering IE Tank 1st Army 1st Corp 1st Div
; Default is 1
Unit Name Number = 1

; This only works if Custom Name = 3
; This determines Naming
; 0 = A, C, D for naming IE Tank 1st A 1st C 1st D or 1 A 1 C 1 D
; 1 = Army, Corp, Div for naming IE Tank 1st Army 1st Corp 1st Div or 1 Army 1 Corp 1 Div
; Default is 1
Unit Name Abreviation = 0

; This only works if Custom Name = 3
; This determines spacing
; 0 = no space between number and naming IE Tank 1stArmy 1stCorp 1stDiv
; 1 = space between number and name IE Tank 1st Army 1st Corp 1st Div
; Default is 0
Unit Name Spacing = 0

; This only works if Custom Name = 3
; This sets whether or not the name has unit desc in it or not
; 1 = Warrior 1stA 1stC 1stD (Warrior) vs
; 0 = 1stA 1stC 1stD (Warrior)
; default = 0
Unit Name Desc = 0

Tech Leak Mod
Spoiler :
; Technology pointspercentage leak over traderoutes, please be careful not to set
; this value too high!
Tech percent modifier = 0.001

Plot List Enhancement Mod
Spoiler :
[PlotList General]

; enables/disables the move highlighter
; default = true
Move Highlighter Enabled = true

; enables/disables the mission info of the plot list buttons (little text in the lower right corner of the unit button)
; default = true
Mission Info Enabled = true

; enables/disables the health bar
; default = true
Health Bar Enabled = true

; enables/disables the move bar
; default = true
Move Bar Enabled = true

; enables/disables the upgrade indicator (little up-arrow in the unit button)
; default = true
Upgrade Indicator Enabled = true

; enables/disables the promotion indicator (light blue frame around the unit button)
; default = true
Promotion Indicator Enabled = true
; enables/disables the wounded indicator (wounded units get a darker colored button in the upper left corner of the unit icon)
; default = true
Wounded Indicator Enabled = true

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[PlotList Item Spacing]

; vertical interval in pixels of the plot list buttons
; default = 42
Vertical Item Spacing = 42
; horizontal interval in pixels of the plot list buttons
; default = 34
Horizontal Item Spacing = 34

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; the Info Pane is the area which contains all the mouse over information of the plot list elements
[PlotList Info Pane]

; defines the Info Panes X position in pixels
; default = 5
X Position = 5

; defines the Info Panes Y position in pixels from the lower screen border
; default = 160
Y Position = 160

; defines the Info Panes X size in pixels (pane width)
; default = 290
X Size = 290

; defines the hight in pxiels of a stadnard text line. If you have problems that a info pane containes a scrollbar, you may adjust this value.
; don't touch it unless you're sure what you're doing!!!
; default = 24
Pixel Per Line Type 1 = 24

; defines the hight in pxiels of a text line with a "bullet" in front. THose text lines are, for any reason, smaller than a stadnard text line.
; If you have problems that a info pane containes a scrollbar, you may adjust this value.
; don't touch it unless you're sure what you're doing!!!
; default = 19
Pixel Per Line Type 2 = 19

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; the Info Pane is the area which contains all the mouse over information of the plot list elements
; here some colors of the displayed information can be set up
; you can use any of the color constants from the file "CIV4ColorVals.XML"
[PlotList Info Pane Colors]

; color of the unit name/type
; default = COLOR_YELLOW
Unit Name Color = COLOR_YELLOW

; color for the upgrade priece if you have enough money
; default = COLOR_GREEN
Upgrade Possible Color = COLOR_GREEN

; color for the upgrade priece if you have not enough money
; default = COLOR_RED
Upgrade Not Possible Color = COLOR_RED

; color for the specialites of a unit which are caused by a promotion
; default = COLOR_LIGHT_GREY
Promotion Specialties Color = COLOR_LIGHT_GREY

; color for the specialites of a unit which are unit type dependant
; default = COLOR_WHITE
Unit Type Specialties Color = COLOR_WHITE

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; here you can set up the colors of the stacked bars for movement and health
; you can use any of the color constants from the file "CIV4ColorVals.XML"
[PlotList Stacked Bar Colors]

; color for health
; default = COLOR_GREEN
Health Color = COLOR_GREEN

; color for wounded
; default = COLOR_RED
Wounded Color = COLOR_RED

; color for remaining movement
; default = COLOR_BLUE
Movement Color = COLOR_BLUE

; color for spent movement
; default = COLOR_YELLOW
No Movement Color = COLOR_YELLOW
ViSa User Configurable Settings #2

Great Doctor Mod
Spoiler :
; Increase or decrease the value to change chance that a great doctor will
; teach one or more units one of his skills. The default value represents
; a 4&#37; chance that the great doctor will teach his craft
; Default value is 0.04
Great Doctor Teach Chance = 0.04

; Change this to false if all the units on the same plot as the great
; doctor should have a chance of being taught.
; Default value is true
Teach Random Unit = true

; Change this to false to suppress the great doctor teaching messages.
; Default value is false
Suppress Great Doctor Messages = false

; Change this to true if great doctors should be consumed after building a
; field hospital.
; Default value is false
Building Field Hospital Consumes Great Doctor = false

; Increase or decrease the value to change the amount field hospitals will
; heal units. For example the default value of 0.15 translates to the field
; hospital healing units 15% each turn.
; Default value is 0.15
Field Hospital Healing Amount = 0.15

; Change this to enable or disable the bonus great doctors give when in the
; same plot as field hospitals.
; Default value is false
Great Doctors Staff Field Hospitals = false

; Increase or decrease the value to change the impact great doctors have
; when in the same plot as a field hospital. The higher the number the
; more a damaged unit will be healed. The default value represents a
; 50% increase in healing when a great doctor is present at a plot with
; a field hospital. So when "Field Hospital Healing Amount" is set to 0.15 and
; the value of "Great Doctor Field Hospital Bonus" is set to 0.5 field
; hospitals will then heal units 22.5% each turn.
; Default value is 0.5
Great Doctor Field Hospital Bonus = 0.5

Great Statesman Mod
Spoiler :
[Great Statesman]

; Change this to either enable or disable the improve diplomatics relations
; ability of the great statesmen.
; Default value is true
Enable Improve Diplomatic Relations = true

; Increase or decrease this value to change the amount great statesmen improve
; diplomatic relations between their civilization and another civilization.
; Default value is 5
Diplomatic Relations Improvement Amount = 5

; Change this to either enable or disable the start insurrection ability of the
; great statesmen.
; Default value is true
Enable Great Statesman Start Insurrection = true

; Change this to true if great statesmen should be allowed to start
; insurrections in friendly cities.
; Default value is false
Start Insurrection In Friendly Cities = false

; Change this to true if great statesmen should be allowed to start
; insurrections in player capital cities.
; Default value is false
Start Insurrection In Player Capitals = false

; Change this to false if insurrections should not allow cities to flip to the
; player's civilization.
; Default value is true
Insurrection Can Flip City = true

; Increase or decrease the value to change the base amount of time the
; insurrection will last.
; Default value is 6
Base Insurrection Time = 6

; Change this to false if the base insurrection time should be based on the
; player's cultural influence.
; Default value is true
Insurrection Time Player Culture Based = true

; Change this to have the legal civic option bureaucracy give free statemen to
; civilizations that have the legal civic option bureaucracy set. The free
; statesmen are added to the civilization's capital city.
; Default value is true
Bureaucracy Civic Adds Statesmen = true

; Change this to increase or decrease the number of free statesmen that are
; added to a civilization's capital city if they select bureaucracy as their
; legal civic option.
; Default value is 2
Bureaucracy Statesman Bonus = 2

Specialist Stacker Mod
Spoiler :
; Modify this if you want to change the distance between the stacked specialists.
; Default value is 9
Specialist Stack Width = 9

; Set this to false if you don't want to have the yellow highlight displayed when
; citizens are forced to be specialized.
; Default value is true
Highlight Forced Specialists = true

; Set this to true if you want to stack the super specialists.
; Default value is false
Stack Super Specialists = false

; Change this if you want to display a different number of super specialists when
; Stack Super Specialists is set to false.
; Default value is 6
Max Super Specialist Buttons = 6

; Modify this if you want to change the distance between the stacked super specialists
; Default value is 15
Super Specialist Stack Width = 15

; Set this to false if you want to show every super specialist in the city. This
; feature will only work if bStackSuperSpecialists is set to true and works best of
; you have set DynamicSuperSpecialistsSpacing to true.
; Default value is true.
Display Unique Super Specialists Only = true

; If this is set to true then the Super Specialist Stack Width set value will not
; be used.
; Default value is true
Dynamic Super Specialists Spacing = true

; Set this to true if you want to stack the angry citizens.
; Default value is false
Stack Angry Citizens = false

; Change this if you want to display a different number of angry citizens when
; Stack Angry Citizens is set to false.
; Default value is 6
Max Angry Citizen Buttons = 6

; Modify this if you want to change the distance between the stacked angry citizens.
; Default value is 15
Angry Citizen Stack Width = 15

; If this is set to true then the Angry Citizen Stack Width set value will not
; be used.
; Default value is true
Dynamic Angry Citizen Spacing = true

Fort Zone of Control Mod
Spoiler :
; This option allows you to turn this mod on/off.
; True - This will activate the JFort Mod.
; False - This will deactivate the JFort Mod.
; Default = True
JZoC Features Enabled = True

; ######## These options let you control what abilities the center tile ########
; ######## of a Zone of Control will have to use on passing enemy units. ########

; Should units movement be treated as 1 when moving inside an
; enemy Zone of Control.
; True - Units only move 1 square at a time in enemy ZoC.
; False - Units get no movement penalty inside enemy ZoC.
; Default = True
ZoC Slows Enemy Movement = True

; ######## These options allow control over the specific abilities of Forts. ########

; Should the Forts get an attack on enemy units when they pass the fort.
; True - Forts can attack passing enemy units.
; False - Forts will not attack passing enemy units.
; Default = True
Forts Can Attack Enemy = True

; How many units must man a Zone of Control for its abilities to take effect.
; If you do not have atleast this number of units in a fort it will not slow or
; attack enemy units.
; This number must be an integar equal to 0 or higher.
; If value is less then 0 then it will default to 1.
; If value is 0 then all forts will fire on all units.
; Default = 1
Fort Required Staff Units = 1

; What is the base percent chance that Forts will hit any given unit.
; Valid values are 1 to 100.
; All other values will default to 75.
; Default = 75
Fort Base Attack Chance = 75

; What is the max percent damage that a single Fort attack can do to a unit.
; Valid values are 1 to 100.
; All other values will default to 20.
; Default = 20
Fort Base Max Attack Damage = 20

; Should multiple Forts covering the same tile give a bonus to the max damage
; those forts can deal to units in that tile in a single attack.
; Example, if 3 Forts are all adjacent to the same desert tile, then they would have
; a chance to do slightly more damage to units in that one desert tile then they would
; in tiles that only 1 or 2 forts were adjacent to.
; True - Multiple Fort coverage gives max damage bonus.
; False - No bonus for multiple Forts around a tile.
; Default = True
Fort Network Gives Max Damage Bonus = True

; If 'Fort Network Gives Max Damage Bonus = True'
; For each Fort after the first, this bonus will be added to max damage for each fort attack.
; This cumulative bonus is added to all forts sharing a given tile.
; Example, Rome has the following Zone of Control
; hill1 hill2 hill3
; fort1 fort2 fort3
; snow1 snow2 hill4
; unitA unitB fort4
; hill5 hill6 hill7
; fort5 fort6 fort7
; and going with the default values of 'Fort Base Max Attack Damage = 20'
; and 'Fort Network Max Damage Modifier = 5'.
; This gives fort1, fort2, fort5, and fort6 a max damage of 40 percent per hit on unitA.
; All seven forts would then have a max damage of 55 percent on unitB.
; The valid values are -100 to 100.
; Default = 5
Fort Network Max Damage Modifier = 5

; !! IMPORTANT NOTE !!: This option is not implimented yet. Please ignore it.
; What is the max number of times a single Fort can attack any given player turn.
; Note: In a game with 7 players (6 players + the barbarians) each fort will
; be able to attack this many times on each player's turn, for a total
; of 7 times this value in attacks each game turn.
; 0 will give Forts infinate attacks.
; Default = 20
Fort Max Attacks Per Player Turn = 20

; ######## These are misc options. ########

; Do you want to see messages when units are slowed or attack by forts.
; True - Show all ZoC messages.
; False - Don't show ZoC messages.
; Default = True
Show ZoC Messages = True

Great Generals From Barbarian Combat Mod
Spoiler :
; Change the value to true if great generals should be allowed to be generated
; through combat with barbarians.
; Default value is True
Enable Great Generals From Barbarian Combat = True

; Change the value to true if great generals should be allowed to be generated
; through combat with animals.
; Default value is True
Enable Great Generals From Animal Combat = True

; Change the value to true if great generals should be allowed for barbarians.
; Default Value is True
Enable Barbarian Great Generals = True

Monument Mod
Spoiler :
; Change this value to change the "always war" vanilla option, where you as human vs AI always had war
; but the AI vs AI had no war, into an "always war" between ALL players, including the AI vs AI
Always War = 0

; change this setting to the Max Experience level where your Military Academy still upgrades your units
Military Academy Max Experience = 5

Enhanced Foreign Advisor
Spoiler :
; Change the value to false if the leader names should not be displayed.
; Default value is true
Show Leader Names = true

; Change the value to false if borders should not be displayed around the rows.
; Default value is true
Show Row Borders = true

; Change the value to increase or decrease the space at the top and bottom ends
; of the screen.
; Default value is 60
Minimum Top Bottom Space = 60

; Change the value to increase or decrease the space at the right and left ends
; of the screen.
; Default value is 25
Minimum Left Right Space = 25

; Change the value to increase or decrease the extra border at the left and right
; ends of the column groups in the import and export screens.
; Default value is 8
Group Border = 8

; Change the value to increase or decrease the extra space before the label of
; the column groups in the import and export screens.
; Default value is " "
Group Label Offset = " "

; Change the value to increase or decrease the minimum space between the columns.
; Default value is 5
Minimum Column Space = 5

; Change the value to increase or decrease the minimum space between the rows.
; Default value is 1
Minimum Row Space = 1

; Change the value to false if the true amount of resources should be shown. If
; the value is set to true then the amount for each surplus resource is
; subtracted by one so it shows how many can be traded away without losing access
; to the resource.
; Default value is true
Show Extra Resource Amount = true

; Change the value to false to show the surplus resource amounts below the
; resources. If the value is set to false it is recommended that "Surplus
; Resource Height" be changed to 110. If the value is set to true then the
; surplus amounts are shown as an overlay on top of the lowe left corner of the
; resources.
; Default value is true
Show Surplus Resource Amount On Top = True

; Change the value to increase or decrease the height of the panel showing the
; surplus resources.
; Default value is 80
Surplus Resource Height = 80

; Change the value to false to ungroup the resource columns. If set to true the
; resource columns will be grouped into import and export columns.
; Default value is true
Group Import Export Resources = true

; Change the value to false to hide the columns displaying the resources that are
; in active deals.
; Default value is true
Show Active Resource Deals = true

; Change the value to increase or decrease the width of the column displaying the
; gold amount in active resource deals.
; Default value is 25
Resource Gold Column Width = 25

; Change the value to increase or decrease the spacing between the two panels.
; Default value is 0
Resource Panel Spacing = 0

; Change the value to false if large icons (64x64) should be used for
; technologies instead of small icons (32x32).
; Default value is true
Use Small Technology Icons = true

; Change the value to increase or decrease the width of the column displaying the
; gold amount in active technology deals.
; Default value is 25
Technology Gold Column Width = 60

Tech Tree Editor
Spoiler :
; Change this to change the location where the resulting CIV4TechInfos.xml file
; will be saved. So if the default value is left to "Test" then the
; CIV4TechInfos.xml file would be written in a directory called "Test" inside
; of the Tech Tree Editor mod folder.
; Default value is Test
Save Directory Location = Test

; Change the value to false if the assets directory structure shouldn't be
; created at the directory specified by the "Save Directory Location".
; Default value is True
Create Asset Hierarchy = True

; Change the value to false if the changes made shouldn't be saved into the
; assets directory for the tech editor. Changing it to false will require
; manual copying of the saved files from the directory specified in the
; "Save Directory Location" configurable option to the editor's asset directory
; when wanting to edit existing mod files.
; Default value is True
Save Changes In Editor Assets Directory = True

Military Bases
Spoiler :
; Change this value to false if drill sergeants shouldn't be enabled in the
; mod.
; Default value is true
Drill Sergeants Enabled = true

; Change this value to false if drill sergeants should not be required to train
; units in military bases.
; Default value is true
Drill Sergeants Required To Train = True

; Change this value to increase or decrease the amount of experience units will
; gain from the training given by drill sergeants who have joined a city. If
; "Drill Sergeants Required To Train" is set to false then this value will
; stack with the value in "Base Training Experience".
; Default value is 1
Drill Sergeant Experience Bonus = 1

; Change this value to increase or decrease the number of units each drill
; sergeant can train. This value will only be used if drill sergeants are
; required to train units.
; Default value is 3
Units Per Drill Sergeant = 3

; Change this value to false if units should get experience point every turn
; instead of randomly, depending on their current level and experience points.
; Default value it true
Units Gain Experience Randomly = true

; Change this value to increase or decrease the amount of experience units gain
; when they are trained successfully.
; Default value is 1
Base Training Experience = 1

; Change this value to false if there should be no max level that units can be
; trained in the military bases.
; Default value is true
Max Level Unit Trained Capped = True

; Change this value to increase or decrease the number of levels that units can
; be trained in the military bases.
; Default value is 5
Max Level Unit Trained = 5

; Change this value to false if army bases should be disabled from the mod. If
; set to false then land units will not be able to be trained.
; Default value is true
Enable Army Base = true

; Change this value to false if navy bases should be disabled from the mod. If
; set to false then sea units will not be able to be trained.
; Default value is true
Enable Navy Base = true

; Change this value to false if airforce bases should be enabled in the mod. If
; set to true then air units will be able to be trained.
; Default value is false
Enable Airforce Base = false

Inquisition Mod
Spoiler :
; Change the value to false if the religion of the inquisitor should not be
; required to be present at the city where an inquisition should be started.
; Default value is True
Require State Religion For Religion Removal = True

; Change the value to false if the state religion of the owner of the target
; city should not match the state religion of the owner of the inquisitor unit
; to start an inquisition at the target city.
; Default value is True
Require City Owner State Religion Match For Religion Removal = True

; Change the value to false if inquisitors should be able to remove religions
; from any city they can enter.
; Default value is True
Require Open Borders For Religion Removal = True

Mod Special Domestic Advisor
Spoiler :
; True : only buildings and wonders are displayed which can be constructed by the civ
; False : always all buildings are disaplyed
; Default value is True
Show Only Available Buildings = True

; True : only a single sign with a factor is dispalyed. Like "x4" if you have 4 specialists in the city. Good for low screen resolutions
; False : for each specialist a single sign is displayed
; Default value is True
Show Compressed Specialists = True

; True : in world wonder and team project screen, only information about known civs are displayed
; False : in world wonder and team project screen, information about all civs are displayed
; Default value is True
Show Known Civs Only = True
ViSa-Component-Control.ini Settings

;Jeckel Zone of Control
JZoC Features allowed = True

; Lopez Unit Statistics
Unit Statistics allowed = True

; Techleak Mod
Techleak Allowed = True

; GIR City Guard
GIR City Guard allowed = True

; GIR Crusade Wonder
GIR Crusade Wonder allowed = True

; GIR NSFTC ( Military Academy granting random XP to units in your empire )
GIR Training NSFTC = True

; Change this value to change the "always war" vanilla option, where you as human vs AI always had war
; but the AI vs AI had no war, into an "always war" between ALL players, including the AI vs AI
GIR Always War = False

; Partisan Mod
Partisan allowed = True

; Genetic Era Mod
Genetic Era = True

; Great Person splash screen
Great Person Splash = True

; Which Domestic Advisor you want to load? you can choose out of 3 options(for now)
; ViSa Domestic Advisor = Vanilla Domestic Advisor
; ViSa Domestic Advisor = Customizable Domestic Advisor
; ViSa Domestic Advisor = Modified Special Domestic Advisor
ViSa Domestic Advisor = Vanilla Domestic Advisor
How about the sevomod, which looks very interesting? It is in the visipedia but does not seem to be activated (e.g. new traits for civs).
How about the sevomod, which looks very interesting? It is in the visipedia but does not seem to be activated (e.g. new traits for civs).

We have nearly everything from those modpacks, but not everything....and I just added the entire posts from those modpacks. I wasn't involved in ViSa when the first ones were added so I don't know exactly which ones are in or not.

And I will get the INI settings updated....eventually ;)
How do you modify these values? I found the only visa.ini file I could and changed the values, but when I reload the pack nothing changes. Its like its not reading the file... what am I doing wrong?
How do you modify these values? I found the only visa.ini file I could and changed the values, but when I reload the pack nothing changes. Its like its not reading the file... what am I doing wrong?

Reload the pack....??? what does that mean?

Some INI values will only change with a new game.

And there are 2 INI files BTW.
; number of naturally Spread religions, set this to 7 means religion
; will always be spreading naturally, default vanilla setting is 1
Religion Natural Spread Number = 2

Clarification: if I set this number to "0" will the game not assign a religion to a newly-built settler unit? I prefer spreading via the "wait until a holy city or another city with that religion spreads it" or just using missionaries.
; The following are the default color mappings for the different eras,
; if you have define a new era the code is flexible enough to allow you to
; specify your era color mapping as well, example: ERA_FOOBAR = COLOR_BLACK

What are all the possible colors that can be coded here?
So I could basically use any color I can think of like COLOR_MAROON, COLOR_TURQUOISE or COLOR_FOREST_GREEN and they are more than likely to be available?

So I could basically use any color I can think of like COLOR_MAROON, COLOR_TURQUOISE or COLOR_FOREST_GREEN and they are more than likely to be available?


I think a better approach might be to find and list out the available colors
in the Civ4ColorVals.xml file, and use them as a guide.

Alondin, Master of the Obvious
V3.20 already has this done.....and I 'made' a new color, Orange.

Info is on the Bug Report site.
Is the FAIR START MOD included in Version 3.25?
Dont know if I can get an answer after this long but Im trying to change one setting in the visa mod ini files you set up. I found the 2 ini tweak files and was trying to set the civ distance moddifier to 3 from 2. I change the number from 2 to 3 and try to save and it prompts me to C:\program files(x86)\firaxis games\Sis meier Civilization\.

It then says cant create file make sure path or file name is correct? For some reason it doesnt accept the file Im prompted with? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.:confused:
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