ViSa Latest Version Download


WoC Team Manager
Aug 25, 2006
ViSa Expansion Pack 3
FULL v3.25 Available

Blue Marble Terrain has been added, but can be removed by moving/deleting the ViSa_v3\Assets\BlueMarble3.FPK file.

ViSa Expansion Pack 3 Download Area

If you currently have ViSa Modpack v2.1 or earlier installed, you DO NOT have to remove it to install ViSa Expansion Pack 3. ViSa Modpack v2.1 can exist with ViSa Expansion Pack 3 without any problems, so the choice is yours if you have some old games or MP to finish, then keep it around.

Previous ViSa v3 will need to be uninstalled....which is easily done via the Start Menu - ViSa Expansion Pack 3 group or via Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. This is NOT a patch but a full version only release.

This updated version is NOT save game compatible, so please finish your current game before updating.

Please play with language set to English as full translations to any other language are not fully supported at this time.​

ViSa Expansion Pack 3 Installation and Configuration

Full Version
  1. This mod is contained in an Automatic Installer, run the EXE and follow the directions.
  2. The mod now has its own icon to run, so when the Installer is complete just run ViSa from the icon.
  3. The Automatic Installer will clear the cache AND the custom assets directories. So if you have Blue Marble Terrain or some other things in custom assets then you will need to back them up or reinstall after ViSa is installed.
  4. Please use Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel to remove ViSa to clear the registry keys. DO NOT delete the ViSa_v3 directory in the Warlords\Mods folder.


The Modified Special Domestic Advisor is enabled by default, but ViSa has two other options that are set in the INI listed above that is located in the Warlords\Mods\ViSa_v3 directory.
  1. ViSa Domestic Advisor = Vanilla Domestic Advisor
  2. ViSa Domestic Advisor = Customizable Domestic Advisor
  3. ViSa Domestic Advisor = Modified Special Domestic Advisor

Numerous Mod Comps can be turned on/off either at the start of a game or during a game. This allows players to customize their gaming experience and turn off components that slow Civ down in the late game. These are also in the INI listed above.

MAJOR NOTE on Save Games

The MAF Work-Around by Nev creates TWO SAVE GAME FILES, one in the regular save location and another in the NCSaver directory. Both of these files are required to load a save and thus both must be copied/uploaded when giving another player your save game.

MP games do NOT have the NCSaver feature so they may get more MAF's but this allows easy loading of saved MP games.

Lastly, the NCSaver directory never gets emptied, so it can grow rather large (my two test computers were both near 4GB worth of files in the NCSaver directory) so it is suggested to clean it our periodically.

NCSaver directory is in \My Games\Warlords\Saves\NCSaver
ViSa Version 2.1

Spoiler :
Download Area

  • Automatic Installer Download for Full v2.00 for Warlords v2.0.8.0
  • RAR Download for Full v2.00 for Warlords v2.0.8.0 - Extract RAR and run Automatic Installer
  • RAR Download for Manual Patch v2.10 for Warlords v2.0.8.0 - includes fixes from ViSa v1.20 ***Please Read Known Bugs Section Below***
  • EXE Download for Manual Patch v2.10 for Warlords v2.0.8.0 - includes fixes from ViSa v1.20 ***Please Read Known Bugs Section Below***
  • Registry Key Fix for anybody upgrading from ANY version of ViSa BEFORE v2.00 ***Please Read Known Bugs Section Below***


  • RAR Download for Full v1.20 for Warlords v2.0.0.0 ***Only use for old save games***
  • Old Version for Patch v1.40 for Warlords v2.0.0.0 ***Only use for old save games***
  • Old Version for Patch v1.50 for Warlords v2.0.0.0 ***Only use for old save games***

If you haven't installed v2.00 as a full and clean install, it is STRONGLY recommended that you delete the entire \Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\VISA directory and install a fresh, full version of ViSa v2.00 and then the latest patch, which includes all previous patches. Version 2.00 Full includes registry settings that are required by ViSa python files.

A 'letter' increment in the Patch Build indicates a save game compatible update, whereas a 'number' increment usually means the update is not save game compatible.

Please play with language set to English as full translations to any other language are not fully supported at this time.​

ViSa Installation

Full Version
  1. This mod is contained in an Automatic Installer, run the EXE (extract from RAR if you chose that download) and follow the directions.
  2. To have the mod load automatically at game startup, edit the CIVILIZATION.INI file in your \My Documents\My Games\Warlords directory. Change the "Mods=0" to "Mods=Mods\VISA".
  3. The Automatic Installer will clear the cache AND the custom assets directories.
  4. Please use Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel to remove ViSa to clear the registry keys.

Patch Update
  1. The latest patch is contained in an EXE and RAR format. Please run the EXE or extract the RAR to the \Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\VISA directory.
  2. You may need to clear the cache by deleting everything in the C:\Documents and Settings\{YOUR USERNAME}\Application Data\My Games\Warlords\cache before starting the game (highly recommended).
Would it be possible to make a vanilla version of this mod? I have several friends who have vanilla but not warlords, and who don't plan to get the expansion, but who would like to play this mod.
Tboy check out this link:

There's a vanilla one there.....

But just for the record, if they hadn't made a vanilla one, it would have been far easier for your friends to pickup a cheap copy of Warlords than writing a new version for vanilla just for them! ;)

It's probably really cheap by now anyway, so go bully them into buying it!! :)
Tboy hi

there a vanilla file in the maik vusa site,
browes the old versions,

the version is fully working - but many things are miising and not polished as they are in the wr version - but it has the main stuff of visa.

acctually its also the last version i got to play with since we started visa........

it also workes on mp.

Hey folks, I know this is probably the dumbest question thats going to posted in here (and I've sent a PM to TAFirehawk just now), but impatience is getting the best of me, so here goes:

Does the "Assets" folder in the Patch 2.10 --> OVERRIDE --> the "Assets" folder in the Programs > Firaxis > Civ4 > Warlords > Mods > ViSa subfolder?

Even though the "Assets" folder in the ViSa mods folder (original i.e. not the patch) is so much larger?:

711 MB, 540 files and 74 folders


and the "Assets" folder in the Patch which is: 26.9 MB, 227 files and 59 folders (i.e. considerably smaller)

Simply put, is it correct in thinking that i should cut and replace / override the Assets Folder from the Patch OVER the original Assets folder in the Mods / Visa / subfolder (even though the Assets folder from the Patch is so much smaller?)

I hope I am making sense.

Also same question applies to the ViSa configuration settings (i.e. do i just override the ViSa one with the Patch one?)

Thanks in advance.

(see I told you I was techno idiot)
Extract to the folder - there's no need to cut and paste.
For those counting, we are over 3,500 Full v2.0 downloads and somewhere between 2,000-3,500 Patch v2.1 downloads :D
OK - quick question about world builder -- it seems that my map has no aluminium - I need to add it. When I try to go to worldbuilder a pop up window asks if I'm sure - I answer "yes" - the little wheel turns about three times then turns back to the pointer and suddenly the screen goes blank and visa exits - a window pops up asking if I want to send an error report to microsoft - which naturally, I don't. -- Any idea what might be going on and how do I fix it? -- By the way - I reinstalled Visa after this occured with no change.
OK - quick question about world builder -- it seems that my map has no aluminium - I need to add it. When I try to go to worldbuilder a pop up window asks if I'm sure - I answer "yes" - the little wheel turns about three times then turns back to the pointer and suddenly the screen goes blank and visa exits - a window pops up asking if I want to send an error report to microsoft - which naturally, I don't. -- Any idea what might be going on and how do I fix it? -- By the way - I reinstalled Visa after this occured with no change.

Very strange, we go into WB all the problems.

Must be trying to access something that isn't there, so a re-install should have worked, very odd.

Try a different game as that particular game may be bugged.
hi everyone:
I downloaded the latest version of visa(bot exe and rar format bot none of them is working) but I couldn't install it. I got an error after "extracting files from arciheve..." smt like "Windows couldn't find C:Documents and settings\Alinur Dengiz\application data\visa modpack team\visa modpack v.200\install\5FC773A\test.msi . Be sure that you've written the name correctly and try again " My windows is turkish so I translated the message to Eng. I'm sorry If I posted this in a wrong place. Please help me..
hi everyone:
I downloaded the latest version of visa(bot exe and rar format bot none of them is working) but I couldn't install it. I got an error after "extracting files from arciheve..." smt like "Windows couldn't find C:Documents and settings\Alinur Dengiz\application data\visa modpack team\visa modpack v.200\install\5FC773A\test.msi . Be sure that you've written the name correctly and try again " My windows is turkish so I translated the message to Eng. I'm sorry If I posted this in a wrong place. Please help me..

Others have had issues with non-English systems....which we don't support, sorry.

I will say you can take the EXE and right-click and Extract (I have WinRAR and 7Zip installed) and do things sure to do the Registry Fix too.
ok I copied all the assets folder into Warlords/Mods/Visa I did the registry fix . So should I play this with a scenerio ? It's working but when I started a custom game I only saw the map gfx on the map and the units . I couldn't see the interface(button etc.) Thanks for your help!
ok I copied all the assets folder into Warlords/Mods/Visa I did the registry fix . So should I play this with a scenerio ? It's working but when I started a custom game I only saw the map gfx on the map and the units . I couldn't see the interface(button etc.) Thanks for your help!

It is not a need to go to Advanced and load the mod from the list or edit the INI as directed in the first post.
Thank you very much, you helped a lot, some modders here aren't as responsible and helpful as you.. Goodluck on this great mod.

You are welcome....and most other mods don't have the diverse and well defined team that we have here :)
will ViSa 3.0 be compatable with windows vista ? ViSa 2.2 isn't, it loads but I get no interface on the unit screen.
will ViSa 3.0 be compatable with windows vista ? ViSa 2.2 isn't, it loads but I get no interface on the unit screen.

mrgenie is developing it on Vista actually, so it is safe to say it works just fine. We also have testers on Vista.
Ah good, I got ViSa to work on Vista,... I had to hunt for awhile to find the warlords cache is, since there is no docs & settings folder in Vista. However now I'm running into a memory allocation error,... which kicks me out of the game. It happens during saving, (either auto save or regular saving.) Any way to disable auto save in Visa? I got to 1070AD before I couldn't go on anymore.

For those who are playing on Vista, I found you have to completely unistall the game, saves, cache, mods, ...everything. Then re-install the game, (both Civ 4, patch for Civ4, Warlords, patch for warlords, then your mods. After that it works great, except for the memory error during saves.
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