ViSa Strategy Guide

*looks around*

*nervously stands up*

I.... I'm

I'm a BUILDER!!!!

hey thats ok TAfirehawk is a builder also. I dont mind you guys building the wonders, because i will take you cities,:crazyeye: :goodjob: Hey thanks for the info on your computer. Its encouraging that some people do not get the DREADED MAF. I guess I just got to build it better and faster.
The "Builder"/"warmonger" strategies are not as simple as you would like to think for Civ4 and general and thsu by extension Visa. Visa makes a blending strategy of the two far more far more realistic then vanilla Ci4 before it.

I Play on Marathon FX and I tell you the pacing is excellent technologically, I actually feel like I have time to play around with my units, although I wish riflemen and infantry could be pushed a few techs later.

What I will do is describe the encounter to the best of my memory, of a game of Civilization IV - Visa at a lan party between three people.

Radek - Casimir of Poland
Me - Stalin of the Soviet Union (renamed)
Dano - Cherokee

I name thee, the Tale of the Land Rat and the Water Rat.

we played the game on standard/terra.

As such Radek, me and Daniel turned out to be right next to each other true not next next just geographically close.

At first me and Daniel argued about our borders I wanted at leats 1 city to the East of Moscow to act as a buffer and so did he, with cities having 3 radios rather then 2 made this tricky.

Eventually we came up with a compromise I'ld build a city a little to th south on the coast and he would build north a little ways above his side of a river. And agreed that the last remaining habitual land would be left as a no-mans land.

Radek did his little thing to my northwest, I eventually build novgorod VERY closer to one of his cities which I had not realized lacking proper maps. (ignoring the fact that this being a lan party I had infact seen his map when i looked at his screen)

This annoyed him but Novgorod turned out to be an awesome producing city later on as it had a tonne of hills.

With St. Petersburg and Moscow sharing a river with floot plains My economy did better then normal allowing me to build cities further west, building and yet failing to build (sometimes purposely) wonders gave me the cash infusion needed to keep my economy running.

As I expanded I found that the English founded a city in an inlet, this annoyed me because I needed that inlet to build ships o the northern part of the continent so I made an agreement with Radek (who was at war with both French and English AIs) whereupon I gained the city of Coventy which I renamed Vladvistok or however its actually spelt.

Upon peacing them, I found that despite sealing off this area of the continent to me, Radek and Dano there were 3 German settlements in my "Siberian" backdoor so I gathered my troops and took all three German cities with ease renaming them proper Russian named.

Now with some 8-12 cities on the continent with Dano only having 4, itwas obvious how the Balance of Power was going to swing.

So Dano having the sea far more easily accessible had rushed ocean going ships and found the new world first and with an army began exterminating the Barbarian civilizations there making his armies super experianced.

Soon Dano made a new city in the no-mans land against our previous agreement. So with this obviously hostile act I built up a line of forts along our common border and soon was manning it as well.

Our scores would no contiuously compete throughout the entire game, we also had an arms race which made both our economies suffer, mine probly hurt more as I made far less money.

There were enough times where I felt I had enough of a Numorical suporiority to attack but the size of his navy and the risk of him attacking my smaller cities prevented me from readily attacking at these times.

This is part one part 2 i'll provide soonish.
Hey, all. I love the Visa modpack, haven't ever actually played vanilla Warlords. Anyhow, I'm not that great of a player, so I was hoping for a few hints or suggestions on how to improve gameplay.

I can win fairly consistently on lower levels, but Noble level is a real challenge. I won my first game on that level yesterday, a space-race victory. What I did was use a tactic suggested to me by vanilla Civ4, just building a couple of workers first and not worrying about combat units until a little later in the game. Then I beelined to Bronze Working and timber-rushed a few early wonders.

The main sticking point in most of my games is money. It hit me in the latest game too, I was actually running at a deficit after knocking out a few of the barbarian cities on my borders. (I can't seem to raze cities, even though I don't have the 'No Razing' option checked; is that normal for Visa?) Doing any type of major expansion or conquest before I get Currency is a major headache, even if I try the cottage spamming route. Any suggestions for that problem? :confused:

I have noticed a way to "build" gold before Currency ... if you start a Wonder that you're pretty certain some other Civ is going to get, then when they get it you get a gold reimbursement for your shields. I'm not sure how that actually compares to actually building gold though.

Another problem I have is that before I research Writing or Currency or Drama (I think those are the techs), I can't build anything but units or buildings. Yeah, duh, I know that's the point, but the more units/buildings I build, the higher a drain on my economy, and I just feel like I'm wasting time if I build units and then just delete them. Any suggestions for early game play in this respect? :confused:

Anyhow, I'm off to play another Noble game ... any suggestions or comments would be appreciated! :cool:

-- WC
Hey, all. I love the Visa modpack, haven't ever actually played vanilla Warlords. Anyhow, I'm not that great of a player, so I was hoping for a few hints or suggestions on how to improve gameplay.

I can win fairly consistently on lower levels, but Noble level is a real challenge. I won my first game on that level yesterday, a space-race victory. What I did was use a tactic suggested to me by vanilla Civ4, just building a couple of workers first and not worrying about combat units until a little later in the game. Then I beelined to Bronze Working and timber-rushed a few early wonders.

The main sticking point in most of my games is money. It hit me in the latest game too, I was actually running at a deficit after knocking out a few of the barbarian cities on my borders. (I can't seem to raze cities, even though I don't have the 'No Razing' option checked; is that normal for Visa?) Doing any type of major expansion or conquest before I get Currency is a major headache, even if I try the cottage spamming route. Any suggestions for that problem? :confused:

I have noticed a way to "build" gold before Currency ... if you start a Wonder that you're pretty certain some other Civ is going to get, then when they get it you get a gold reimbursement for your shields. I'm not sure how that actually compares to actually building gold though.

Another problem I have is that before I research Writing or Currency or Drama (I think those are the techs), I can't build anything but units or buildings. Yeah, duh, I know that's the point, but the more units/buildings I build, the higher a drain on my economy, and I just feel like I'm wasting time if I build units and then just delete them. Any suggestions for early game play in this respect? :confused:

Anyhow, I'm off to play another Noble game ... any suggestions or comments would be appreciated! :cool:

-- WC

Well you need to make your focus money, both in what you build and what you don't took me awhile but I turn city priority to money at various times to keep a positive cash flow. It is harder now with the v2.08 AI, but keeping the number of cities down is a big help too.

The raze city was fixed in Patch v2.1
> Well you need to make your focus money, both in what you build and what
> you don't took me awhile but I turn city priority to money at various
> times to keep a positive cash flow. It is harder now with the v2.08 AI, but
> keeping the number of cities down is a big help too.

Yeah, I'm realizing that. Do you find the AI city governor to work pretty well? I'm used to micromanaging everything from CivIII.

Keeping the number of cities down is a decent idea. I'm trying the city specialization thing, but having a difficult time not building barracks everywhere; there are times I just need a lot of units really fast!! I'm not a warmonger ... really, I'm not ... I just like to make sure I win combats.

I was going crazy earlier today; I had several cataphracts attacking a barb city with only a few archers in it and they LOST almost every round, including the ones where the odds were something like 96.4% in their favor! Not to mention that one of my cats defected to their side. I came back several rounds later with a half dozen cats and ground troops and took the city with no problem. But I think my neighbors thought I was going crazy.

Anyhow, that's related to the other problem I mentioned; if I have enough units for the moment, and really don't want to build anything else in the city to add to the upkeep, is there a way to tell it not to build anything at all for a while? Or do you have to build units and then immediately delete them?

> The raze city was fixed in Patch v2.1

THAT will help. I noticed that I wasn't running the latest version but figured I'd wait 'til tomorrow to upgrade it. The razing thing has been a little annoying, especially when the barbarian cities are in places where you really don't want them to be. I got used to it though.

BTW, one trick I thought of using (though I haven't had time to yet) was to find a barbarian city and put a unit outside that's stronger than what they have (say, a cataphract when they're building archers). It seems that the barbs aren't too bright, and they'll build a unit every five or six rounds or so and send him out alone to fight. If your unit can beat him handily one-on-one outside the city, he could theoretically rack up the promotions (and great general points) over time without a problem. Anybody ever try anything like that? Or is that pretty much a waste of time?

-- WC
Anyhow, that's related to the other problem I mentioned; if I have enough units for the moment, and really don't want to build anything else in the city to add to the upkeep, is there a way to tell it not to build anything at all for a while? Or do you have to build units and then immediately delete them?

Reduce the number of shields a city produces, that will slow it way down...but you can't just stop building unless you have access to culture/money

BTW, one trick I thought of using (though I haven't had time to yet) was to find a barbarian city and put a unit outside that's stronger than what they have (say, a cataphract when they're building archers). It seems that the barbs aren't too bright, and they'll build a unit every five or six rounds or so and send him out alone to fight. If your unit can beat him handily one-on-one outside the city, he could theoretically rack up the promotions (and great general points) over time without a problem. Anybody ever try anything like that? Or is that pretty much a waste of time?

-- WC

Not sure that would work very fast because points are awarded on easy won battles don't help alot.
Reduce the number of shields a city produces, that will slow it way down...but you can't just stop building unless you have access to culture/money

Gotcha, yeah. I started playing around with the city governor buttons today (the 'emphasize whatever' buttons); they can really come in handy. Sometimes they automatically reallocate when I change the emphasis and sometimes they don't, though; is there a trick to it?

I've noticed too that once in a while a city will actually start starving, even though there are plenty of unworked food tiles around. If I pull up the city screen and click the center tile once, it rearranges things and everything's good again. What's up with that? Is the AI not bright enough to do that by itself? Is there an 'avoid starvation' button you have to click?? :crazyeye:

Not sure that would work very fast because points are awarded on easy won battles don't help alot.

OK, good to have confirmation of that. I noticed something like that happening but never paid enough attention to experience points to be able to tell for sure.

-- WC
Another problem I have is that before I research Writing or Currency or Drama (I think those are the techs), I can't build anything but units or buildings. Yeah, duh, I know that's the point, but the more units/buildings I build, the higher a drain on my economy, and I just feel like I'm wasting time if I build units and then just delete them. Any suggestions for early game play in this respect? :confused:

Now I'm confused. Maybe I missed something somewhere, or just never realized it...but it costs your empire gold for each building you have in a city?
I know in Civ III it did, and it displayed that in the City Screen of the maintenance costs the buildings were putting on your economy. But I thought in Civ4 that when you make a building, it doesn't cost you anything. Am I wrong about this?

And if it costs your for making a building, is there some list somewhere that shows this, or anything like that?
okay i am an uber civ noob.
but i love the ViSa modpack and looking forward to v3.0
but i have one big question what is the bar whit the green and red plus and all the other litte buttons or something like that. i really dont have any idea and its quiet iritating that i dont know its use!
please help me :)
...i have one big question what is the bar whit the green and red plus and all the other litte buttons or something like that. i really dont have any idea and its quiet iritating that i dont know its use!
please help me :)
I was in the same boat. But have now learned that those buttons will save us much irritation! They provide various ways to display unit stacks. Which I found to be a superb interface improvement. This stack management tool saves ALOT of time and frustration!!

The first four buttons change how the stacks are viewed. The other buttons control which units in the stack will be displayed. For example you can set it to not display Air and Naval units. Or to not display Wounded units etc etc

First you 'click' one of the first four buttons to select how you will view this stack. Then you select one or more of the other buttons to control which units will see displayed. Very effecient for large stack management!

By default this first option is choosen (first button on the left).
It shows only a single line of units. Have to scroll to find units. Can only see 9 units at a time.
Spoiler :

The button second from the left will show everything in the stack.
Spoiler :

After selecting the 'Everything Stack'. I then selected two buttons from the group to the right of the Red and Green :health:. One of these buttons looks like an Aircraft and the other looks like the bow of a Boat. These buttons remove these units from the stack display. And so they have a red border whereas other buttons have a green border.
Spoiler :

I can now quickly stack up my Amphibious units into groups that I will load into transports. Then I will click the Car and Plane buttons and unclick the Boat. Then I will see just my Navy (and units in transports). Then I position Navy for amphibious assault and barrage the cities defenses. Then I go back to city and click the Car and Boat and unclick the Plane. Then I will only see my air units and I can effeciently order their missions. This interface improvement saves me alot of time. I think its brilliant!

Now I'm confused. Maybe I missed something somewhere, or just never realized it...but it costs your empire gold for each building you have in a city?
I know in Civ III it did, and it displayed that in the City Screen of the maintenance costs the buildings were putting on your economy. But I thought in Civ4 that when you make a building, it doesn't cost you anything. Am I wrong about this?

And if it costs your for making a building, is there some list somewhere that shows this, or anything like that?

Each building doesn't cost like in Civ 3 but it contributes to the overall cost of your empire, just check the Advisor :)
okay i am an uber civ noob.
but i love the ViSa modpack and looking forward to v3.0
but i have one big question what is the bar whit the green and red plus and all the other litte buttons or something like that. i really dont have any idea and its quiet iritating that i dont know its use!
please help me :)

All the modcomps we have used (well almost all) are linked to the original thread so everybody can see what everything does....this is in the Feature thread.
Personal Strategy question:

Which Victory condition do you prefer or play the most? and why?

  1. Time
  2. Conquest
  3. Domination
  4. Cultural
  5. Space Race
  6. Diplomatic
  7. Religious (Available with certain mods only)
  8. Total Victory (soon to be added to ViSa...but if you've used it before with another mod)

As for myself, I prefer either Conquest or Diplomatic...mainly because they are the ones you have to work the hardest at obtaining...

That being said, I cannot wait until the Total Victory condition is is exactly what I have hoped Firaxis would have added when Civ4 originally came out...but unfortunately as usual, it takes people who aren't on the payroll and who really care about the game to come up with something as awesome as that.
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