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Please post all strategies and tips for ViSa here.
Hey, all. I love the Visa modpack, haven't ever actually played vanilla Warlords. Anyhow, I'm not that great of a player, so I was hoping for a few hints or suggestions on how to improve gameplay.
I can win fairly consistently on lower levels, but Noble level is a real challenge. I won my first game on that level yesterday, a space-race victory. What I did was use a tactic suggested to me by vanilla Civ4, just building a couple of workers first and not worrying about combat units until a little later in the game. Then I beelined to Bronze Working and timber-rushed a few early wonders.
The main sticking point in most of my games is money. It hit me in the latest game too, I was actually running at a deficit after knocking out a few of the barbarian cities on my borders. (I can't seem to raze cities, even though I don't have the 'No Razing' option checked; is that normal for Visa?) Doing any type of major expansion or conquest before I get Currency is a major headache, even if I try the cottage spamming route. Any suggestions for that problem?![]()
I have noticed a way to "build" gold before Currency ... if you start a Wonder that you're pretty certain some other Civ is going to get, then when they get it you get a gold reimbursement for your shields. I'm not sure how that actually compares to actually building gold though.
Another problem I have is that before I research Writing or Currency or Drama (I think those are the techs), I can't build anything but units or buildings. Yeah, duh, I know that's the point, but the more units/buildings I build, the higher a drain on my economy, and I just feel like I'm wasting time if I build units and then just delete them. Any suggestions for early game play in this respect?![]()
Anyhow, I'm off to play another Noble game ... any suggestions or comments would be appreciated!![]()
-- WC
Anyhow, that's related to the other problem I mentioned; if I have enough units for the moment, and really don't want to build anything else in the city to add to the upkeep, is there a way to tell it not to build anything at all for a while? Or do you have to build units and then immediately delete them?
BTW, one trick I thought of using (though I haven't had time to yet) was to find a barbarian city and put a unit outside that's stronger than what they have (say, a cataphract when they're building archers). It seems that the barbs aren't too bright, and they'll build a unit every five or six rounds or so and send him out alone to fight. If your unit can beat him handily one-on-one outside the city, he could theoretically rack up the promotions (and great general points) over time without a problem. Anybody ever try anything like that? Or is that pretty much a waste of time?
-- WC
Reduce the number of shields a city produces, that will slow it way down...but you can't just stop building unless you have access to culture/money
Not sure that would work very fast because points are awarded on difficulty....so easy won battles don't help alot.
Another problem I have is that before I research Writing or Currency or Drama (I think those are the techs), I can't build anything but units or buildings. Yeah, duh, I know that's the point, but the more units/buildings I build, the higher a drain on my economy, and I just feel like I'm wasting time if I build units and then just delete them. Any suggestions for early game play in this respect?![]()
I was in the same boat. But have now learned that those buttons will save us much irritation! They provide various ways to display unit stacks. Which I found to be a superb interface improvement. This stack management tool saves ALOT of time and frustration!!...i have one big question what is the bar whit the green and red plus and all the other litte buttons or something like that. i really dont have any idea and its quiet iritating that i dont know its use!
please help me![]()
Now I'm confused. Maybe I missed something somewhere, or just never realized it...but it costs your empire gold for each building you have in a city?
I know in Civ III it did, and it displayed that in the City Screen of the maintenance costs the buildings were putting on your economy. But I thought in Civ4 that when you make a building, it doesn't cost you anything. Am I wrong about this?
And if it costs your for making a building, is there some list somewhere that shows this, or anything like that?
okay i am an uber civ noob.
but i love the ViSa modpack and looking forward to v3.0
but i have one big question what is the bar whit the green and red plus and all the other litte buttons or something like that. i really dont have any idea and its quiet iritating that i dont know its use!
please help me![]()