WoC Team Manager
Please post all of your suggestions and requests here.
ViSa Modpack Team ListNational Security Agency National Wonder to reduce Tech Leak
Roads and Lands
Replaced by Unit Mod by TheLopez
Look at code for Barb Great Generals
Roads and Lands
Replaced by Unit Mod by TheLopez
Look at code for Barb Great Generals
Player Request List
My Multiplayer Military Mod
MAD System fixed - may switch to version by TheLopez instead of Dale
Secret Tech Mod
Revolution Mod
Variable Wonder Cost formula
Limited Era Modpack by Jeckel
Aero Engineer unit to create Airfields like in Civ3
Animated Leaders: Charlemagne (by C.Roland), Vitorrio (By C.Roland), Adolf Hitler v2.0 (by Hadrean, Kodzi & Elhoim) Hirohito (by WYZ sub10) & Saddam (by Iloveplayciv)
True Prophets Mod by Kidinnu
abbamouse Realistic Religions mod by abbamouse
SD Religion by Stone-D
Stack Aid Mod from Total Realism Mod
Missile transport on Battleship and/or Cruiser
Great Engineer Machine Shop/Motor Pool
Ice Breaker - modern sea unit to terraform ice to water
Reveal map from Satellites every 5 turns instead of once when tech is discovered
Visapedia update: Under Game Concepts; Victory
Visapedia update: Under Great People; Statesman and Doctors
Pirates Mod by TheLopez
Fix tactical nukes being made without Manhattan Project
Trade Routes Mod by Chinese_American
Rework Civics by 1shmael
Items with a * are anticipated to be in V3.1
MAD System fixed - may switch to version by TheLopez instead of Dale
Secret Tech Mod
Revolution Mod
Variable Wonder Cost formula
Limited Era Modpack by Jeckel
Aero Engineer unit to create Airfields like in Civ3
Animated Leaders: Charlemagne (by C.Roland), Vitorrio (By C.Roland), Adolf Hitler v2.0 (by Hadrean, Kodzi & Elhoim) Hirohito (by WYZ sub10) & Saddam (by Iloveplayciv)
True Prophets Mod by Kidinnu
abbamouse Realistic Religions mod by abbamouse
SD Religion by Stone-D
Stack Aid Mod from Total Realism Mod
Missile transport on Battleship and/or Cruiser
Great Engineer Machine Shop/Motor Pool
Ice Breaker - modern sea unit to terraform ice to water
Reveal map from Satellites every 5 turns instead of once when tech is discovered
Visapedia update: Under Game Concepts; Victory
Visapedia update: Under Great People; Statesman and Doctors
Pirates Mod by TheLopez
Fix tactical nukes being made without Manhattan Project
Trade Routes Mod by Chinese_American
Rework Civics by 1shmael
Items with a * are anticipated to be in V3.1