I'm going to move on to units now that I've made some building proposals. Mostly, I'm fine with the unit roster as it currently stands. I have found some places where a new unit could be worked into the existing units without much disruption. I'm also really looking to expand certain units into full upgrade lines.
My rule for finding spots for new units is the "rule of thirds". A unit should not be replaced by its upgrade within the same third of an era. I came up with this when I looked at the first chain of Gunpowder units.
The biggest problem with adding new units is artwork. A building can get by without artwork (all that's really needed is a button) but a unit has to have models. I've found what I could in the downloads and I've looked at a bunch of mods, so I've tried to do the best I can.
My rule for finding spots for new units is the "rule of thirds". A unit should not be replaced by its upgrade within the same third of an era. I came up with this when I looked at the first chain of Gunpowder units.
- Arquebusier is early Renaissance.
- Musketman is middle Renaissance.
- Rifleman is late Renaissance.
The biggest problem with adding new units is artwork. A building can get by without artwork (all that's really needed is a button) but a unit has to have models. I've found what I could in the downloads and I've looked at a bunch of mods, so I've tried to do the best I can.