Vomit and civ3 pollution...

Warlord Sam

2500 hours and counting..
Oct 27, 2001
My dog just threw up all over my floor. Before going to start cleaning it up, I noticed something. It looked EXACTLY like the pollution from civ3. Same color, same splattering, same consistency. Makes you wonder where some of the designers got their concept ideas from, eh?
No hard feelings Sam, but that is disgusting. :lol:
humm the civ 3 pollution looks like a pool of rusty water if you ask me. My dog's barf doesn't look anything like civ 3 pollution. This is prolly good, since I don't think yellowish water that smells like bile, or half digested dogfood would look like industrial pollution, however disgusting it may be.:rotfl:
Originally posted by Marzipan
humm the civ 3 pollution looks like a pool of rusty water if you ask me. My dog's barf doesn't look anything like civ 3 pollution. This is prolly good, since I don't think yellowish water that smells like bile, or half digested dogfood would look like industrial pollution, however disgusting it may be.:rotfl:

oooooooo..... I jost lost my breakfast..........
And I just had my dinner.

Don't blame me, I tried my best to put a warning in the thread title. Heh heh, you guys just *know* you wanted to see the thread while eating (or having recenlty ate)... its that sick lure of the horror movies, or the morbid curiousity that draws our heads towards the scene of a gruesome and bloody demise.

... right, guys?

... I'm not the only one, right? Guys?

:eek: www.rotten.com :eek:
I think the pollution is supposed to be orange clouds of pollution...it does look vile all the same encouraging you to clean it up.
No Sam, you are not the only one. When I see a thread title like that I just have to read it! :D
I think I read it half because of the word "vomit" and half since I want to talk about pollution. Which do you like better the civ3 pollution or the civ2 kind with skulls. If you nuke a area of land far from any cities and see all 9 tiles of pollution it looks kinda cool the way the tiles merge into each other like a fractal or plasma.
When my cat vomits, it is much more possible to detect the specific contents... --ok the previous specific contents-- of his stomach than it is with that Civ III pollution. I suppose dogs could be different though. Maybe it's in the diet. My cat generally throws up because of something he has eaten (plants, songbirds, rodents, candy --no, I didn't feed it to him, but one year we had a Pinata and he got a piece-- etc.)

(For those who don't know, a pinata (with a little thing over the n that this text editor doesn't seem to have) is a paper mache construct you fill with candy and beat with a stick. We do some strange things here in the border states.);)
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