Completed my big email'athon over the weekend pestering GoG, 2K, Firaxis, Atari, Nightdive and Retroism again. As usual 2K support said they couldn't help me
, all the Firaxis and Retroism emails bounced (as their emails were likely terminated after their parent company acquisitions), and GoG and Atari gave automated replies. However interestingly Nightdive support who've given me silence over previous years have now got back to me this time. A support staff member with both Nightdive & Atari in his sig thanked me for my ideas & support of Nightdive and that he'd forward my emails to their team. I made the point to them that if Nightdive & Atari have already managed to somehow publish Sid Meier's Colonization then why not go for Sid Meier's Civilization 1 & 2 (+Test of Time) as well since they're bigger more successful games that made more money and it's possible that Atari may even still own them too and if not then surely 2K would not ignore a request from Atari (unlike how they seemingly ignored Firaxis & GoG). So hopefully the Nightdive support fellow will indeed put this in front of the right eyes there and maybe just maybe they'll try to do with Civ1&2 what they did with Col!
And let's not forget that Nightdive quite like doing remasters too so it would be very cool if someone there started looking into this and waking Atari up to the issue as who knows what could happen. As always it's an absolute almost futile long shot but Nightdive and Atari have both been very busy in the retro space over the last few years and whoever there pushed for the Col deal is surely a Civ fan too. So I have a better feeling about this latest email'athon than previous ones!

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