Voting Age 30


Lord Croissant
Jun 21, 2008
This thread is to talk about raising the voting age to 30.

Voting is where all the big decisions get decided.
Just look at our representatives in the USA.

Congress can only be 30 and up.
The President can be only 35 and up.

We should raise the voting age until people are hardened decision makers.

Fight in wars at 18?
Those young folks do what they are told.

20-somethings are CEO's?
Look how well that's working out lately.

It is only around 30 we start seeing judges, doctors, and corporate leaders really emerge.

Best to let the elders take full control on selecting the elders who already make the big decisions on our behalf.

The latest science supports the view that adolescence extends to the mid 20s.

Congress can only be 30 and up.
The President can be only 35 and up.
Another incredibly stupid beta version bug in the US early adopter system, like first past the post elections, no representation for territories, and the gun thing
Let's make it 44 instead and limit it to NZ males.
Screw that 1 man 1 vote. Me. Bwa ha ha.

I have great policies for the world.

1. France gets turned into a parking lot.
2. USA becomes a theme park. Well moreso.
3. Canadians become the world administrators.
4. Portugal get their empire back. But they have to go live there. Give the lands of Portugal to Morocco.
5. Return Constantinople to Greece. Then watch them screw up their economy.
6. UK royal family gets evicted. They can dance for tourists in Trafalgar square in their national dress.
7. Only members of CFC get to vote or stand for government.
8. Australia becomes a giant prison (again).
9. World capital is moved to Cromwell NZ.
10. Free German beer for under 16 years of age.

Vote Zard last vote you'll ever get.
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Also nobody is disputing the ancientness, just pointing out how that directly led to terrible rules because people didn't know any better yet.

The presidential pardon is a classic example, people back then just thought that was necessary because monarchies did it. When it turns out you can just... not have one dude with that sort of power at all.
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lmao the US was one image-obsessed weirdo blanching and one megalomaniacal Hobbesian nightmare getting mirked in a fluke duel away from going full Napoleonic coup within its first 20 years, I don’t think it has any business lecturing anyone about effective governmental systems.
I support the person in the other thread who said no voting age, let infants vote.
No it should not be raised to 30, I just see no (good) reason why it was lowered from 21 in the US.

And as I said in the other New Zealand voting topic, there should be some provision for the under-aged to apply to vote in very specific circumstances.
I have frozen embryos stored in cryobanks stored all around the USA, waiting for the law 'embryos are people too' so that I can sue for proxy vote due to their incompetence and then have my own voting block of 36,000 to 213,000 votes (depend on area) ready to unleash. An increase in the voting age would damage those plans.

Instead of waiting until 30, we could just fire up a brutal mechanism of earning the franchise. Service guarantees citizenship. A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety and the body politic defending it with his life.
You know what? While we're at it, let infants stand for election. If the kid at the next table wants to scream his head off, how about having them put that energy towards explains their position on climate change. :p
Another incredibly stupid beta version bug in the US early adopter system, like first past the post elections, no representation for territories, and the gun thing

It was done to prevent a repeat of William Pitt Jr getting ahead only on his last name. 35 for President was arbitrary as a specific number, but the intention was that by that point a candidate would have his own record to evaluate.

No it should not be raised to 30, I just see no (good) reason why it was lowered from 21 in the US.
Because they were old enough to be drafted. Even with conscription no longer in effect, they're automatically charged as adults if they commit a crime.

If you want to make the voting age 21, you need to make them juveniles for all but the most serious crimes, as well as exempt them from taxes and the Selective Service. (The draft should be abolished completely but I won't hold my breath for that to happen.)
I have frozen embryos stored in cryobanks stored all around the USA, waiting for the law 'embryos are people too' so that I can sue for proxy vote due to their incompetence and then have my own voting block of 36,000 to 213,000 votes (depend on area) ready to unleash. An increase in the voting age would damage those plans.

Instead of waiting until 30, we could just fire up a brutal mechanism of earning the franchise. Service guarantees citizenship. A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety and the body politic defending it with his life.
Buchenwald got nothing on ya. In that situation, of course.
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This planet would get cooked for real if boomer energy was even more represented in the electorate.
If you want to make the voting age 21, you need to make them juveniles for all but the most serious crimes, as well as exempt them from taxes and the Selective Service. (The draft should be abolished completely but I won't hold my breath for that to happen.)

You do realize that the only thing one "has to" do is obey the laws of physics? Everything else is optional.

To give an example your country literally allows people to die in its wars of imperialism and make babies at an age before they can legally drink. Where as in most other places things are the other way around.

Personally I am not an american so I can't speak for america. But for my own country I would support having 30 as the minimum voting age simply because I think it would change demographics for the better in a number of ways. People aged 18 to 20-something are just not experienced enough with real life to have become suitably cynical about it. And without that shield of cynicism they are easily swayed by propaganda spouted by all sorts of nasty actors including but not limited to NGO's, activists, populists and the proprietors of idiotic ideologies.

And it's not their fault either. Thinking for your self is hard and it does not come naturally. It is something that has to be beaten into you by the harsh reality of being screwed over and betrayed by people you trust and respect enough times to realize that you should not trust and respect anyone, especially if they say they have all the answers. And whilst that comes naturally to everyone it requires time.
All attempts to enact voter suppression in all forms, should be vigorously opposed and defeated.
So you would support giving the vote to babies?

And this is not a flippant question either. The only way to not suppress some voters would be to let everyone vote regardless of their age. And everyone agrees that is a bad idea. Which means we are all pro some level of voter suppression. So now we just have to settle on the exact number. And when it comes to that 18 or 21 or 30 are all just numbers that might as well be drawn out of a hat as they are based on nothing but broad generalizations about the population in question based off their age.
So you would support giving the vote to babies?

You have the constitutional right to vote when you become an adult in legal terms. Responsible for yourself, worker, taxpayer, citizen, conscript...

The idea that voting privilege should only be granted to 'hardened decisionmakers' as suggested in the OP is not only bizarre, but also impossible to implement. Define in legal terms which citizens are 'hardened decisionmakers' and which citizens are not. How can a first time voter be a hardened decisionmaker and hence be eligible to vote in the first place? Isn't that a contradiction in itself? There are so many ways to counter the argument; this is only one.

A 30 year old person becomes thus experienced and hopefully wiser, because they have had more than a decade to make good as well as bad adult decisions in and live with the consequences of those choices. Experience doesn't magically manifest itself in you when you turn 30. That's not how life works.

All I see is an excuse to implement voter suppression aimed at younger voters, who primarily vote on the center-leftist side of the spectrum. But I'm not surprised, considering the rising support for post-truth movements in especially the US.
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