Waking Up The Neighbours - Doing diplo with a gong

I like the idea of building animosity towards SABRE in the public forum for grabbing the Otters.

In the last game it seemed like everyone was honorable until we got to the point MIA was more than a bit ticked that the Nuts were dealing w/ KISS in apparent violation of a treaty.

KISS bounced back and forth mightily the possibility that Nuts were stringing us along while enabling MIA to rip us a new one and then splitting the lands to duke it out on even terms. If only that had been the case. Anyway, I would love to set up a similar scenario late in the game except have the paranoia be justified in the end.

Very much looking forward to this.
So where are the other teams for the fog gazers out there?
I get the feeling that this is a "fractal" type of map that you see in Civ IV. I also think it is probably a wrap around so that we will make contact in either direction.
I get the feeling that this is a "fractal" type of map that you see in Civ IV. I also think it is probably a wrap around so that we will make contact in either direction.

Since this is a wrap-around map I'm betting a barrel of fine ale that our landmass extends south into the "north".

The ale is in my personal locker at the Grey Hare.
What does the 'fractal' map look like? Is it similiar to Archipelago?

Well, here's a fractal. If you want to learn more about the math behind fractals take a look at the book "chaos".

If you want to take a look at the mind behind the map we're playing take a look at the book "One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest". :p

That ought to endear me to the management. :mischief:

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