Want to help? Post Here

johny smith

Mar 10, 2007
I wanted to start a thread for people who want to lend a hand with Rapture. I needs tons of xml help, and someone who understands the general layout of the mod. After that if you have better suggestions on how to achieve the main idea I am all ears.

Principle concepts are

1. There is a neolithic era added to the beginning of the game.
2. Neolithic and Ancient Eras is only for pagan religions.
3. Normal default religions began in the Classical Era.
4. Newer denominations from schisms should cause rebellions in the likelihood of splitting empires.

Just a lot things to work on to incorporate the ideas. So if anyone ones wants to help in any area I can use the help. I can sign you up for the SVN or what ever method is easier to send the files for you. Thanks in advance for your interest.:)
Hi guys due to my Gf's health issues, (Breast Cancer surgery and radiation and chemo). My time for helping Johny rewrite the tech tree, will dwindle. So with that said I am looking for some help writing XML for the techs. Its not hard, just got to do some research for the game text. Wikipedia is awesome for that. LOL.
Spoiler :
		<English>"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven." ~ Yiddish Proverb</English>
		<French>"Chacun est malaxé hors de la même pâte mais pas fait cuire au four dans le même four." ~ Proverbe Yiddish</French>
		<German>"Jeder wird geknetet, aus dem gleichen Teig heraus aber gebacken nicht im gleichen Ofen." ~ Yiddish Sprichwort</German>
		<Italian>"Tutto è impastato dalla stessa pasta ma non è cotto nello stesso forno." ~ Proverbio Yiddish</Italian>
		<Spanish>"Cada uno se amasa fuera de la misma pasta pero no se cuece al horno en el mismo horno." ~ Proverbio jídish</Spanish>
		<English>. .. .. .. .. .In ancient history, the first evidence of baking occurred when humans took wild grass grains, soaked them in water, and mixed everything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, this paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made anytime fire was created. Around 2500 B.C., records show that the Egyptians had bread, and may have learned the process from the Babylonians. The Greek Aristophanes, around 400 B.C., also recorded information that showed that tortes with patterns and honey flans existed in Greek cuisine. Dispyrus was also created by the Greeks around that time and widely popular; was a donut-like bread made from flour and honey and shaped in a ring; soaked in wine, it was eaten when hot. The first evidence of stone ovens was in Italy, where they made Pizza and Pasta.[PARAGRAPH:1]Baking flourished in the Roman Empire. In about 300 B.C., the pastry cook became an occupation for Romans (known as the pastillarium). This became a respected profession because pastries were considered decadent, and Romans loved festivity and celebration. Thus, pastries were often cooked especially for large banquets, and any pastry cook who could invent new types of tasty treats was highly prized. Around 1 A.D., there were more than three hundred pastry chefs in Rome, and Cato wrote about how they created all sorts of diverse foods, and flourished because of those foods. Cato speaks of an enormous amount of breads; included amongst these are the libum (sacrificial cakes made with flour), placenta (groats and cress), spira (our modern day flour pretzels), scibilata (tortes), savaillum (sweet cake), and globus apherica (fritters). A great selection of these, with many different variations, different ingredients, and varied patterns, were often found at banquets and dining halls. The Romans baked bread in an oven with its own chimney, and had mills to grind grain into flour.</English>
		<French>. .. .. .. .. .Dans l'histoire antique, la première évidence du traitement au four s'est produite quand les humains ont pris des grains d'herbe sauvage, imbibé leur dans l'eau, et mélangé tout ensemble, l'écrasant dans un genre de bouillon-comme pâte. La pâte a été faite cuire en la versant sur une roche plate et chaude, ayant pour résultat une substance genre pain. Plus tard, cette pâte a été rôtie sur les braises chaudes, qui ont facilité la fabrication du pain, car elles pourraient maintenant être faites n'importe quand mettez le feu a été créé. Environ 2500 AVANT JÉSUS CHRIST, des disques prouvent que les Egyptiens ont pris le pain, et ont pu avoir appris le processus des Babyloniens. L'Aristophanes grec, environ 400 AVANT JÉSUS CHRIST, informations sur les enregistrements également qui ont prouvé que les tortes avec des modèles et des flans de miel ont existé en cuisine grecque. Dispyrus a été également créé par les Grecs autour de ce temps et largement populaire ; était a beignet-comme le pain fait à partir de la farine et du miel et formé dans un anneau ; imbibé en vin, il a été mangé si chaud. La première évidence des fours en pierre était en Italie, où ils ont fait la pizza et les pâtes. [PARAGRAPH:1] Le traitement au four s'est épanoui dans l'empire romain. Dans environ 300 AVANT JÉSUS CHRIST, le cuisinier de pâtisserie est devenu un métier pour des Romains (connus sous le nom de pastillarium). Ceci est devenue une profession respectée parce que des pâtisseries ont été considérées décadentes, et les Romains ont aimé la festivité et la célébration. Ainsi, des pâtisseries ont été souvent faites cuire particulièrement pour de grands banquets, et n'importe quel cuisinier de pâtisserie qui pourrait inventer de nouveaux types de festins savoureux était fortement estimé. Environ 1 A.D., là était plus de trois cents chefs de pâtisserie à Rome, et Cato a écrit au sujet de la façon dont ils ont créé toutes les sortes de nourritures diverses, et s'est épanoui en raison de ces nourritures. Cato parle d'une énorme quantité de pains ; inclus parmi ces derniers sont le libum (gâteaux sacrificatoires faits avec de la farine), le placenta (les gruaux et le cresson), le spira (nos pretzels modernes de farine de jour), le scibilata (tortes), le savaillum (gâteau doux), et l'apherica de globus (beignets). Un grand choix de ces derniers, avec beaucoup de différentes variations, différents ingrédients, et modèles divers, ont été souvent trouvés aux banquets et aux réfectoires. Les Romains ont fait le pain dans un four avec sa propre cheminée, et ont eu cuire au four des moulins pour rectifier le grain dans la farine.</French>
		<German>. .. .. .. .. .In der alten Geschichte trat der erste Beweis des Backens, als Menschen Körner des wilden Grases nahmen auf, getränkt ihnen im Wasser, und zusammen gemischt alles und stampfte es in eine Art Suppe-wie Paste. Die Paste wurde gekocht, indem man ihn auf einen flachen, heißen Felsen, mit dem Ergebnis einer brotartigen Substanz goß. Später wurde diese Paste auf heißer Glut gebraten, die Brotherstellung einfacher bildete, da sie jetzt zu jeder Zeit gebildet werden könnte, feuern Sie wurde verursacht ab. Herum 2500 B.C., Aufzeichnungen zeigen, dass die Ägypter Brot aßen, und können den Prozess von den Babylonians erlernt haben. Der griechische Aristophanes, herum 400 B.C., auch notierte Informationen, die zeigten, dass tortes mit Mustern und Honig Flans in der griechischen Küche existierten. Dispyrus wurde auch vom Griechen um diese Zeit und weit populär verursacht; war a Krapfen-wie das Brot, das vom Mehl und vom Honig gebildet wurde und in einen Ring geformt war; getränkt im Wein, wurde es gegessen, als heiß. Der erste Beweis der Steinöfen war in Italien, in dem sie Pizza und Teigwaren bildeten. [PARAGRAPH:1] Backen blühte im römischen Reich. In ungefähr 300 B.C., wurde der Gebäckkoch eine Besetzung für die Römer (bekannt als das pastillarium). Dieses wurde ein respektierter Beruf, weil Gebäck als dekadent galt, und Römer liebten Festlichkeit und Feier. So wurde Gebäck häufig besonders für große Bankette gekocht, und jeder möglicher Gebäckkoch, der neue Typen der geschmackvollen Festlichkeiten erfinden könnte, war in hohem Grade taxiert. Herum 1 A.D., dort waren mehr als drei hundert Gebäckchefs in Rom, und Cato schrieb über, wie sie alle Art der verschiedenen Nahrungsmittel verursachten, und blühte wegen jener Nahrungsmittel. Cato spricht von einer enormen Menge Broten; unter diesen geschlossen das libum (die Opferkuchen gebildet worden mit Mehl), die Plazenta (Grützen und Kresse), das spira (unsere modernen Tagesmehlbrezeln), das scibilata (tortes), das savaillum (süßer Kuchen) und das globus apherica ein (Stückchen). Eine große Vorwähler von diesen, mit vielen verschiedenen Veränderungen, verschiedene Bestandteile und mannigfaltige Muster, wurden häufig an den Banketten und an speisenden Hallen gefunden. Das Römer gebackene Brot in einem Ofen mit seinem eigenen Kamin und hatte die Mühlen, zum des Kornes in Mehl zu reiben.</German>
		<Italian>. .. .. .. .. .Nella storia antica, la prima prova di cottura ha accaduto quando gli esseri umani hanno preso i grani dell'erba selvatica, impregnato loro in acqua e misto tutto insieme, schiacciandolo in un genere brodo-come di colla. La colla è stata cucinata versandola su una roccia piana e calda, con conseguente sostanza tipo pane. Più successivamente, questa colla è stata arrostita sui embers caldi, che hanno reso la fabbricazione del pane più facile, poichè potrebbero ora essere fatti in qualunque momento inforni è stato generato. Intorno 2500 B.C., annotazioni indicano che gli Egiziani hanno mangiati il pane e possono imparare il processo dai Babylonians. Il Aristophanes greco, intorno 400 B.C., informazioni anche registrate che hanno indicato che i tortes con i modelli ed i tondelli del miele sono esistito in cucina greca. Dispyrus inoltre è stato generato dai Greci intorno a quel tempo ed ampiamente popolare; era la a ciambella-come pane fatto da farina e da miele ed a forma di in un anello; impregnato in vino, è stata mangiata una volta calda. La prima prova dei forni di pietra era in Italia, in cui hanno prodotto la pizza e la pasta. [PARAGRAPH:1] La cottura è fiorito nell'impero romano. In circa 300 B.C., il cuoco di pasticceria si è trasformato in in un'occupazione per i Romani (conosciuti come il pastillarium). Ciò si è trasformata in in una professione rispettata perché le pasticcerie sono state considerate decadenti ed i Romani amavano la festività e la celebrazione. Quindi, le pasticcerie sono state cucinate spesso particolarmente per i grandi banchetti e tutto il cuoco di pasticceria che potrebbe inventare i nuovi tipi di ossequi saporiti era altamente stimato. Intorno 1 A.D., là era più di trecento cuochi unici di pasticceria a Roma e Cato ha scritto circa come hanno generato tutte le specie degli alimenti vari ed è fiorito a causa di quegli alimenti. Cato parla di una quantità enorme di pani; sono inclusi fra questi il libum (torte sacrificali fatte con farina), la placenta (chicchi e crescione), lo spira (le nostre ciambelline salate moderne della farina di giorno), lo scibilata (tortes), il savaillum (torta dolce) e il apherica di globus (frittelle ripiene). Una grande selezione di questi, con molte variazioni differenti, ingredienti differenti e modelli vari, è stata trovata spesso ai banchetti ed ai corridoi pranzanti. I Romani hanno cotto il pane in un forno con il relativo proprio camino ed hanno avuti laminatoi per frantumare il grano in farina.</Italian>
		<Spanish>. .. .. .. .. .En historia antigua, la primera evidencia de la hornada ocurrió cuando los seres humanos tomaron granos de la hierba salvaje, empapado les en agua, y mezclado todo junta, triturándolo en una clase caldo-como de goma. La goma fue cocinada vertiéndola sobre una roca plana, caliente, dando por resultado una sustancia parecida al pan. Más adelante, esta goma fue asada en las ascuas calientes, que hicieron fabricación del pan más fácil, pues podrían ahora ser hechas en cualquier momento encienda fue creado. Alrededor 2500 A.C., los expedientes demuestran que los egipcios comían el pan, y pudieron haber aprendido el proceso de los babilónico. El Aristophanes griego, alrededor 400 A.C., información también registrada que demostró que los tortes con los patrones y los cospeles de la miel existieron en la cocina griega. Dispyrus también fue creado por los Griegos alrededor de ese tiempo y extensamente popular; era a buñuelo-como el pan hecho de la harina y de la miel y formado en un anillo; empapado en vino, fue comida cuando es caliente. La primera evidencia de los hornos de piedra estaba en Italia, en donde hicieron la pizza y las pastas. [PARAGRAPH:1] La hornada prosperó en el imperio romano. En cerca de 300 A.C., el cocinero de pasteles hizo una ocupación para los romanos (conocidos como el pastillarium). Esto se convirtió en una profesión respetada porque los pasteles eran considerados decadentes, y los romanos amaron festividad y la celebración. Así, los pasteles fueron cocinados a menudo especialmente para los banquetes grandes, y cualquier cocinero de pasteles que podría inventar los nuevos tipos de convites sabrosos era altamente estimado. Alrededor 1 A.D., allí era más de trescientos cocineros de pasteles en Roma, y Cato escribió sobre cómo él creó todas las clases de alimentos diversos, y prosperó debido a esos alimentos. Cato habla de una cantidad enorme de panes; se incluyen entre éstos el libum (tortas sacrificatorias hechas con la harina), la placenta (las avenas mondadas y berro), el spira (nuestros pretzeles modernos de la harina del día), el scibilata (tortes), el savaillum (torta dulce), y el apherica del globus (buñuelos). Una gran selección de éstos, con muchas diversas variaciones, diversos ingredientes, y los patrones variados, fue encontrada a menudo en los banquetes y los refectorios. Los romanos cocieron al horno el pan en un horno con su propia chimenea, y tenían molinos para moler el grano en la harina.</Spanish>
		<English>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Baking[COLOR_REVERT] increases [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_FOOD] 4%.</English>
		<French>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Baking[COLOR_REVERT] augmentations [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_FOOD] 4%.</French>
		<German>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Backen[COLOR_REVERT] Zunahmen [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_FOOD] 4%.</German>
		<Italian>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Cottura[COLOR_REVERT] aumenti [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_FOOD] 4%.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Baking[COLOR_REVERT] aumentos [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_FOOD] 4%.</Spanish>
		<English>"We all boil at different degrees." ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson</English>
		<French>"Nous toute l'ébullition à différents degrés." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</French>
		<German>"Wir alles Blutgeschwür an den verschiedenen Grad." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</German>
		<Italian>"Noi tutto il punto di ebollizione ai gradi differenti." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</Italian>
		<Spanish>"Nosotros toda la ebullición en diversos grados." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</Spanish>
		<English>. .. .. .. .. .As a culinary technique, boiling probably followed roasting and preceded baking. Because boiling requires containers that are both water-and fireproof, the development of pottery at least ten thousand years ago had to precede boiling. And the large pots hanging in the fireplaces of the earliest kitchens attest to the fact that many meals were slowly simmered, sometimes over a period of days.</English>
		<French>. .. .. .. .. .Comme technique culinaire, bouillant la torréfaction suivie probablement et le traitement au four précédé. Puisque l'ébullition exige les récipients qui sont tous deux eau-et ignifugent, le développement des dix-millièmes de poterie au moins il y a des années dues précéder l'ébullition. Et les grands pots accrochant dans les cheminées des cuisines les plus tôt certifient au fait que beaucoup de repas ont été lentement fermentés, parfois pendant des jours.</French>
		<German>. .. .. .. .. .Als kulinarische Technik vermutlich gefolgte Röstung und vorausgegangenes Backen kochend. Weil das Kochen Behälter erfordert, die beide sind Wasser-und feuerfest machen, gemusst die Entwicklung von Zehntausend der Tonwaren vor mindestens den Jahren dem Kochen vorausgehen. Und die großen Töpfe, die in den Kaminen der frühesten Küchen hängen, bezeugen zur Tatsache, dass viele Mahlzeiten langsam gesiedet wurden, manchmal über eine Zeitdauer von Tagen.</German>
		<Italian>. .. .. .. .. .Come tecnica culinaria, bollente torrefazione probabilmente seguita e cottura preceduta. Poiché bollire richiede i contenitori che sono entrambi acqua-e rendono incombustibile, lo sviluppo dei diecimila delle terraglie almeno gli anni fa dovuti per precedere l'ebollizione. Ed i POT grandi che appendono nei camini delle cucine più in anticipo attestano a volte al fatto che molti pasti sono stati stati latenti lentamente, durante i giorni.</Italian>
		<Spanish>. .. .. .. .. .Como técnica culinaria, hirviendo la asación probablemente seguida y la hornada precedida. Porque la ebullición requiere los envases que son ambos agua-e ignifugan, el desarrollo de los diez milésimos de la cerámica por lo menos hace los años tenidos que para preceder la ebullición. Y los potes grandes que cuelgan en las chimeneas de las cocinas más tempranas atestiguan al hecho de que muchas comidas fueron hervidas a fuego lento lentamente, a veces durante días.</Spanish>
		<English>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Boiling[COLOR_REVERT] increases [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_HEALTHY] 1.</English>
		<French>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Ébullition[COLOR_REVERT] augmentations [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_HEALTHY] 1.</French>
		<Italian>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Ebollizione[COLOR_REVERT] aumenti [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_HEALTHY] 1.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[COLOR_TECH_TEXT]Ebullición[COLOR_REVERT] aumentos [ICON_RESEARCH] 2%, [ICON_CULTURE] 4%, [ICON_HEALTHY] 1.</Spanish>

Most of the work is simply copy/paste. I can handle the translations, i hope. If your interested pm Johny or me. If you have no clue, thats great also. I had no clue either when I started helping with ViSa. We can help teach you. I mean I did not even know what XMl stood for when I started 3 years ago. So if a old carpenter like me can figure this out you can!!

Also if anyone has the ability to record we could use someone to record the Tech Quotes. To me the Tech is not complete until the Quote recoding is done. Its in a MP3 format.
Thanks roger for all of the help again.

Yes the tech tree needs help. If anyone is wondering what is up with the tech tree in the beginning it is because I am waiting some code from faichele on his quantified resources and neolithic work.

A moving semi-city is being worked so that you begin a camp that acts as a city that can build units and represent things in the camp with a screen. Also with the quantified resources there equipment would be displayed on the unit. It would require a certain amount of resources to make a unit, and buildings will convert resources into another resource for example coal and iron converted to steel.

So saying that faichele has been busy in real life, and is slowly coming closer to the completion of these goals. With these features that is the plan with the tech tree. In the future tech channels for particular civilizations may come in as well.

So to summarize this will not be only religions. This will be quantified resources, a much more realistic stone age, and extreme amount of religions. Future things besides that I have thought about is doing something with the corporation system as well. But again the game will be totally different for them with quantified resources.

So this is not a small project by no means. Which is why it may never get finished, but everything that is really good takes work to complete. I hope their is some interest. I will always being working on this when I have time hopefully to a completion. And ideas alone can help.
I do not want to be unhonest, but please to not use google translations. Let the english text stay there.

<English>"We all boil at different degrees." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</English>
<German>"Wir alles Blutgeschwür an den verschiedenen Grad." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</German>

Translating it back: "We all carbuncle at different degre."
Right: "Wir alle sieden an verschiedenen Graden."

I would help, if i had time, but my bachelor thesis is more important atm.

The English is more accurate. But come on that is funny. Is it not? Yes maybe we should skip the translations before we all Blutgeschwür:lol:

Did any of them look ok when translated?

The English is more accurate. But come on that is funny. Is it not? Yes maybe we should skip the translations before we all Blutgeschwür:lol:

Did any of them look ok when translated?

:lol: yes, it's funny.

Small parts are good, but looking at the whole text, there's a real grammar problem.
Maybe german is just a difficult language (many foreigners say that).

For the boiling example: It seems, that the "carbuncle" translation is only a german thing, the other languages do not have that "option".
The spanish translation for the boiling quote seems right, but i can only read a bit spanish (and can't talk or write it [okay, i guess the "la" is to much in it]).
Thanks J, text noted and fixed. The best translator is always human, online translators will Never be 100% accurate! They will be hopefully close if as this instance is way out of whack, just please post it and we will correct it. Also you are correct when you say your thesis is 150% more important, this is after all only a modification of a game. I do like the translations for other languages in. Looks better IMHO but I also am aware they wont be 100% accurate. Now if i didnt have to be a framer/drywaller/carpenter first then a modder 2nd i'd check them all. Dang it cant i retire yet, grrrr.
Spoiler :
		<English>"We all boil at different degrees." ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson</English>
		<French>"Nous toute l'&#233;bullition &#224; diff&#233;rents degr&#233;s." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</French>
		<German>"Wir alle sieden an verschiedenen Graden." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</German>
		<Italian>"Noi tutto il punto di ebollizione ai gradi differenti." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</Italian>
		<Spanish>"Nosotros toda la ebullici&#243;n en diversos grados." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson</Spanish>
Yes there is a schism mission in the SDK. You did not try it? It is done by the great prophet. Just wanted to verify to him to work with that.
The schisms still need some work, but here is an example of the manual schism with a prophet.
Yes there is a schism mission in the SDK. You did not try it? It is done by the great prophet. Just wanted to verify to him to work with that.

Sorry, no time to play :(.

And i thought, it hadn't been implemented yet.
You should add the pictures to the Welcome-thread ;).

The schisms still need some work, but here is an example of the manual schism with a prophet.

Where's the problem?
Problem is only works with parent religions but is being worked on for the denominations. Automatic schism need work. That is why I am thinking python nonrandom events maybe for them instead.

Edit: Added the screenshots to the welcome thread.
That is the problem now. But there is some code now that lists them in a group in the SDK for manual schisms that needs fixed more or less. So python could solve that as well.

The automatic schisms function different. Need to do non-random events for them.
I'd be willing to do the audio for the quotes if someone were to collect them all up in one spot. Also, I'd only be able to do the english quotes.
I'd be willing to do the audio for the quotes if someone were to collect them all up in one spot. Also, I'd only be able to do the english quotes.

That would be great if you could do that. I'll see about getting them ready for you, everything in Neolithic and Ancient era is ready. Unless the mad tech scientist Johny has changed things there on me! lol
I'd be willing to do the audio for the quotes if someone were to collect them all up in one spot. Also, I'd only be able to do the english quotes.

Yes thanks. I am going crazy on the later part of the tree now. The first part should be finished I think.
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