War exhaustion


Oct 14, 2009
When on a government that has war exhaustion and in a war, the situation arises that select cities need additional entertainment. There is one turn when you get unhappy citizens and can assign entertainers/scientists but unrest hasn't broken out yet.

What is your preferred way of checking which cities must be given entertainment?
In domestic report (F1) the last column shows the information needed in time to do something about it, but it is hard to read fast. The name column shows cities that are already in unrest in a red font, but that's too late. There is also a column happy/content which has the number of happy/content citizens in a more readable format. that column can sort the list by number of happy citizens, but that's not even a good heuristic to look for problems, so this column doesn't seem usable for the purpose at hand.
Is there any faster method than the rightmost column in F1? The world map appears to only mark cities that are already shut down, as well as the food situation.

I could just use luxury slider instead of entertainers, but this doesn't seem optimal. The problem is that the typical problem city is one without a cathedral. This is typically a medium to high corruption city, and thus the luxury slider needs to be higher than i'd like. In turn making too many happy citizens in core cities, which for me typically have cathedrals.

EDIT: I think the thread title is a bit of a misnomer. No matter.
If you download and use CivAssistII (found in the 'utilities' forum), you can set alerts which will tell you which cities will go into disorder next turn.
MapStat is another program that will give you that information. MapStat is part of Dianthus's CRpSuite set of programs and you can also find that via the Utilities forum.
I'm a noobie here, but if you are using Windows 7 Home Premium, be really careful about CivAssist II. Microsoft's .NET appears to get hosed if you try to install the version CAII wants. After that fiasco, a cold boot will start Civ3 only about 1/10. Otherwise it appears to lock (doesn't really, its running RUNDLL32 but so far as I know it won't finish opening the game, either.) EMan reports that Windows 7 Ultimate fixes the problem. Incidentally, once it gets hosed, it affects not just Civ. Poetic justice, Internet Explorer goes tits up, but Firefox doesn't.

MapStat doesn't use that, and the only thing its missing that I really would like is the shield summary. If I could quickly figure out how many of what unneeded military unit to disband to finish the build next turn, that would be sweet! That's the only reason I'd choose CAII over MapStat.
Do you have the download that gives you improved graphics for the citizens on the F1 display, it really helps in seeing the difference between happy/content/unhappy.

The difference between changing a few citizens to entertainers and changing the slider is how many cities are effected. If it's just a couple with singular issues sure use the citizens. But if a lot of cities are going over it can be really tedious to go into every city and then you have to go back after the war ends to change them back. Use the slider or change governments if you are a religious civ. Otherwise start looking for peace because it's only going to get worse.
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