[RD] War in Ukraine: Other topics

Wikipedia directly contradicts you claim, as it says the plane was diverted to Makhachkala (which is Russian airport) and was unable to land there due to poor weather.
The pilots issued distress signal at 09:35, more than hour after the incident, and requested emergency landing at 09:49, already on their way to Aktau.

Quote from your source, bolding mine.
A surviving passenger said that on the third attempt to land in dense fog at Grozny, an explosion blew out some of the aircraft skin.[5]

At 08:16, the crew reported that the aircraft had suffered a bird strike[clarification needed]. Experiencing control difficulties, the crew requested that the aircraft be diverted to Makhachkala. At 08:22, the crew reported a hydraulics failure.[8][dubiousdiscuss] The aircraft then attempted to divert to Makhachkala's Uytash Airport in Dagestan, Russia. However, the weather in Makhachkala was also poor and the aircraft was unable to land. It was subsequently diverted to Aktau, Kazakhstan.[9][10] It disappeared from radar coverage at 08:40 AZT.[11]

The crew issued a distress signal by squawking 7700 at 09:35 AZT, reporting a failure of the control system.[12] At 09:49 AZT, the pilots requested an emergency landing at Aktau International Airport in Aktau, Kazakhstan, and attempted to manage the approach in direct mode,[13] with the estimated landing time set for 11:25 Kazakhstan time (AQTT, UTC+05:00).[14] At 11:00 AQTT, the Emergency Situations Department of the Mangystau Region dispatched emergency response teams and resources to Aktau airport.[14]
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I think it is time to ban all Russian ships from the Baltic.
And somebody needs to stop feeding the birds gunpowder.
Wikipedia directly contradicts you claim, as it says the plane actually tried to land in Makhachkala (which is Russian airport) and failed due to poor weather.
The pilots issued distress signal at 09:35, more than hour after the incident, and requested emergency landing at 09:49, already approaching Aktau.

Quote from you source, bolding mine.

And again, you're trying to obfuscate. The aircraft issued two distress signals. First, at 8.22, was loss of hydraulics, which wasn't yet code 7700, but nevertheless grounds for emergency landing.

And why was it experiencing GPS jamming? Why was it shot at after several attempts to land? There are many things that don't jibe. Russians say that Grozny was under attack by drones and closed skies protocol was enacted, but Ukrainian drones usually attack at night, and the plane was in active communication with traffic control, and wasn't warned that the protocol is in force.
And why was it experiencing GPS jamming?
GPS signal is often jammed in case of threat of drone attacks, sometimes even in Moscow.

What's your theory? Russia shoots down plane with Russian citizens on purpose, then air traffic controlers (after report from pilots that the plane was damaged by birds), tried to drop plane into the sea, also on purpose?

The aircraft issued two distress signals.
Wikipedia article says about one at 09:35. Nowhere it says they requested emergency landing at 08:22.
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GPS signal is often jammed in case of threat of drone attacks, sometimes even in Moscow.

What's your theory? Russia shoots down plane with Russian citizens on purpose, then air traffic controlers (who at the time believed the plane was damaged by birds), tried to drop plane into the sea, also on purpose?

At the moment, there are only two possible explanations. Gross incompetence and attempt to cover that up, or someone got Prigozhined.
I think it is time to ban all Russian ships from the Baltic.

If the vessel is indeed identified as the culprit, it would be a welcome change if the Finns confiscate the vessel and its cargo, thereby setting a precedent for everyone else in the region.
the plane was experiencing GPS jamming because the Ukranian team understands time is not with them and they are attacking Russian allies . The Russians might be paranoid but they can turn out to be right . South Korean coup might have caused clashes that would stop pathetic North Koreans who are totally worthless according to expert opinion that was surely offered here . Kadirov hasn't enjoyed the first drone attacks ; he just gave a medal to his nephew for shooting down all the drones attacking on the day . Azeri plane flying 300 kilometers out in some wrong direction puts it out of "Russian air defences" , something appreciated by the pilots . Like you people might feel better if you were not to beat that drum too much . The world might REALLY not be the way the media presents it .

basically the Ukranians said they did not . Something will happen somewhere sometime somehow . It otherwise emboldens people . Azeris have got drones , too .
@r16 What do you think actually happened? What caused the damage?
Last week, since last drones attack on Kazan, almost everyday airport in Kazan has restrictions (closed for takeoff/departure). And it's all ways happen yearly morning.
Ussualy restriction used 1-2 per month. Most times drones shutdown way before they reach Kazan or Elabuga.
In many times Ukraine drones attack on morning, as we saw many footage of this. Why not on this day in Grozny?

As per this accident - according to flightradar track plane was in good condition, after missle hit, so commander of plane decide (I think) fly away to Kazakhstan, to safe airport.

Wow so unexpected! LoL
EU should start seizing/sinking any Russian ship at sight.
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Azerbaijan's president accuses Moscow of trying to hide the causes of the crash from Kazakhstan

However, the initial versions are also quite solid and based on facts. The facts are that the Azerbaijani civilian plane was damaged from the outside in Russian territory, near the city of Grozny, and it almost lost control. We also know that our plane was rendered uncontrollable by electronic warfare means. This is the first threat to the plane. At the same time, as a result of fire from the ground, the tail section of the plane was also severely damaged, and immediately, on the same day, when our crew was already organizing those video materials in the city of Aktau, the public was also informed about this issue. The fact that the fuselage is riddled with holes, of course, indicates that the bird version, which was initially launched by, I don't know, by whom, was completely removed from the agenda. It is possible that when the plane was damaged, hit, the pilot could have perceived it as a collision of birds with the plane. Because probably no one would have thought that in a country that is friendly to us, our plane would be fired at from the ground. But unfortunately, some circles in Russia preferred to dwell on this version. One of the points that regretted and surprised us was that the official Russian agencies put forward versions about the explosion of some gas cylinder. That is, this clearly showed that the Russian side wants to cover up the issue, and of course, this does not bring shame to anyone. Of course, our plane was shot down accidentally. Of course, there can be no question of any deliberate terrorist act here. Therefore, admitting one's guilt, apologizing in time to Azerbaijan, which is considered a friendly country, and announcing this to the public - all these were measures and steps that had to be taken. Unfortunately, for the first three days, we heard nothing from Russia except absurd versions.
Of course, the details of the accident will be fully investigated. I have no doubt about that. I must also state that Azerbaijan was in favor of a group of international experts engaging in this work from the very first day. The Russian side officially suggested to us that the Interstate Aviation Committee investigate this case. But we categorically refused. The reason is clear. Because it is no secret that this organization consists mostly of Russian officials and is headed by Russian citizens. The factors of objectivity could not be fully ensured here. If we had seen fair and adequate steps taken by Russia immediately after the accident, perhaps we would not have objected to it. But we saw that attempts to cover up the issue were obvious here.
Therefore, after the "black boxes" are opened, it will be known why the plane failed to land? When exactly was the plane fired at from the ground? Why did the plane not attempt to land at the nearby airports, the closer ones were Minvod and Makhachkala. Was the plane sent to Aktau, or was it an objective choice? There are various hypotheses. Some believe that the plane was deliberately sent by the ground service, by Grozny, because the plane was already out of control and there was a high probability that the plane would fall into the sea. In this case, the cover-up attempts will be successful and the bird version will be presented as the main version.
Because in many cities of Russia, airspace is periodically closed, and a special operational regime is applied there. They call this "operation caviar", and returning to the issues I mentioned in the first question, I must also state that. One thing should also be clarified: when was that "operation caviar" announced? Because according to the information we have, that "operation caviar" was announced after our plane was already exposed to external influence. In other words, if this is so, it once again shows that local services did this to cover up the issue.
We have openly stated our demands to the Russian side. On December 27, these demands were officially conveyed to them. What does this consist of? First, the Russian side must apologize to Azerbaijan. Second, it must admit its guilt. Third, it must punish the guilty, bring them to criminal responsibility, and pay compensation to the Azerbaijani state and the injured passengers and crew members. These are our conditions. The first of them was already met yesterday. I hope that our other conditions will also be accepted. All these conditions are fair. There are no extraordinary demands or issues here, and this is based on international experience and normal human behavior.

(google translation)
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First, the Russian side must apologize to Azerbaijan. Second, it must admit its guilt. Third, it must punish the guilty, bring them to criminal responsibility, and pay compensation to the Azerbaijani state and the injured passengers and crew members. These are our conditions. The first of them was already met yesterday.
Not really, but it's a good start. Compared to the downing of MH17 when they didn't even apologize.
The wording of Putin was like "we apologize for the incident that happened in Russian airspace", but he didn't explicitly admit any guilt.
oh , have no idea about what's expected to be got out of releasing this external threat that makes the plane uncontrollable . Like if it is Russian , this can not be an accident . Are people aware of the two Boeing incidents ?
oh , have no idea about what's expected to be got out of releasing this external threat that makes the plane uncontrollable . Like if it is Russian , this can not be an accident . Are people aware of the two Boeing incidents ?
Fighterbomber commented about that too. Absurd from technological point of view, but it's a political statement.
ı will have a hundred examples of idiotic Russian actions , if there is a need

ı will have a hundred examples of Russians not caring for human life , if there is a need

so , let us say , Russia has decided to punish Azeris for the helicopter the latter shot down in 2020 , as the Armenians were trying to betray the ceasefire they had signed . Russia does this at a time when it is in war and hopes of political victory already quite diminished by Trump's backstabbing that's already in evidence

against the most powerful and whatnot of the Turkics . That has the backing of Israel and New Turkey . At a time Iran is grossly weakened according to all pundits . So that Netanyahu can try real hard pushing Trump into bombing Iran . Which the Azeris might feel to join to liberate South Azerbaycan . You know , in Iran , with 20 or 30 or 40 million Azeris . Putin wouldn't like that . So , he orders a kill switch attack , which most anyone on the planet would really doubt Russians capable of doing , because of the examples from Ukraine

then he orders a missile shot because Russians can't kill switch even their own , they are this pathetic . Can't kill the plane at one go . You see they tried to crash the plane on the tarmac twice , now , they are sending it into the Caspian to make crime go away . As if the Caspian is so deep that the plane , the black boxes and the shrapnel ridden tail will never be found . Like when he tells Aliyev that he shouldn't invade Iran , Aliyev would or want or dare facing his own public . Oh , those Russians as Boney M's Rasputin says

fighterbomber is solidly missing the point if he doesn't study the incidents
oh , have no idea about what's expected to be got out of releasing this external threat that makes the plane uncontrollable . Like if it is Russian , this can not be an accident . Are people aware of the two Boeing incidents ?
who said it isn't an accident ?
might feel better if you were not to beat that drum too much . The world might REALLY not be the way the media presents it .

some idiot said something like that .
We have openly stated our demands to the Russian side. On December 27, these demands were officially conveyed to them. What does this consist of? First, the Russian side must apologize to Azerbaijan. Second, it must admit its guilt. Third, it must punish the guilty, bring them to criminal responsibility, and pay compensation to the Azerbaijani state and the injured passengers and crew members. These are our conditions. The first of them was already met yesterday. I hope that our other conditions will also be accepted. All these conditions are fair. There are no extraordinary demands or issues here, and this is based on international experience and normal human behavior.

President Aliyev probably wouldn't make such a powerful demand, unless he has already been briefed by his system of the known facts of the downing of the aircraft.

I don't know how much lower Putin's and Russia's reputation can drop in the Caucasus region, but we may find out in the coming days or weeks.
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