Im right at the birth of the Middle Ages, playing as the Americans.
My border sharing neighbor, the Incas, demanded Iron, or else...
Of course, I refused.
They attacked, but I had anticipated their treachery, and was
ready to deal with them, purely on a defensive basis, without
initiating a single counter-attack.
Within 4 full turns of a completely defensive strategy, just about
every one of my cities fell into civil disorder, and continued to fall
into disruption, even after several attempts to put out the inner fires that raged.
That seems excessively unfair somehow.
Even though my government is a Republic, and suffers War Weariness easily,
I never fired a shot, and was more or less minding my own business. I had to
shift all my production just to ward of the stinkin' bloodthirsty Incas.
That kind of production shift seemed like a penalty in and of itself, especially
when my focus was not militaristic.
What would you have done with this situation?
Does that seem unfair to you as well?
Just wondering, Cheers,
My border sharing neighbor, the Incas, demanded Iron, or else...
Of course, I refused.
They attacked, but I had anticipated their treachery, and was
ready to deal with them, purely on a defensive basis, without
initiating a single counter-attack.
Within 4 full turns of a completely defensive strategy, just about
every one of my cities fell into civil disorder, and continued to fall
into disruption, even after several attempts to put out the inner fires that raged.
That seems excessively unfair somehow.
Even though my government is a Republic, and suffers War Weariness easily,
I never fired a shot, and was more or less minding my own business. I had to
shift all my production just to ward of the stinkin' bloodthirsty Incas.
That kind of production shift seemed like a penalty in and of itself, especially
when my focus was not militaristic.
What would you have done with this situation?
Does that seem unfair to you as well?
Just wondering, Cheers,