[BTS] Warhammer Fantasy Battles


academic precarity
Feb 2, 2006
Warhammer Fantasy Battles is a total conversion of Civfanatics' primiere Fantasy - Mod FFH 2


Warhammer Fantasy Battles Version 0.13:


Latest Patch E (see post 2 for changelog):


How to install:

doubleclick the exe and enter the path to your bts/mods directory(or browse to it)


Minimum Specs:

-Requires Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword patch 3.17

-There's not much support for nonshadergrafics and no support for frozen animations. If you see many floating heads it's time to upgrade your system!

-The mod only supports english language


I removed the previous Warhammer Warlords here because the latest patch of Warlords seemingly reduced the stability of an already unstable mod that won't get any support and only frustrate players.
So to deal with the situation that there isn't a stable release out I decided to temporarily place the somewhat stable conversionbeta here until I'm ready to make a real release of it.
This version is not yet really enjoyable. A lot of units, buildings, civics well almost anything will likely change a lot until I'm going to make a real release. This version is uploaded for the purpose of debugging and to give poeple that want to participate in it's developement the chance to help.
Please report any issues you find naming the version of the patch you are using here:


For Playtesters:
Spoiler :

Before playing make the following changes in your civilization.ini:

; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1



; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 0


Legal Disclaimer:
Spoiler :
This Mod is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device,'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Mark of Chaos, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, ™ and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Spoiler :

"Few races know the Warhammer World as well as the adventurous and entrepreneurial High Kindred of Elves. Their tall-masted ships ply the northern oceans between the Old World to the east and the shores of Lustria to the west. To the north the Elven seamen keep a watchful eye upon Naggaroth, the Land of Chill, which the estranged Dark Elves have made their own. To the south lie the Southlands and the Fortress of Dawn, a safe haven for many an Elven seafarer bound for distant Cathay.

Though the proud Elves have for many ages explored the world and learned much about its strange peoples, they do not reveal their secrets to lesser races. To Men these places are little more than names upon a mostly empty map. The lands they know and inhabit comprise what they call the Old World. These lands are home to Men, Dwarfs, Elves and the diminutive race of Halflings, as well as numerous evil creatures which infest the mountains and forests.

The largest and most important of the realms of Man are the Empire and Bretonnia. The Empire lies at the centre of the Old World, bounded by tall mountains and dark forests. It is the most populous by far of the Human nations and probably the most powerful too. To the south of the Empire is the Kingdom of Bretonnia, whose main strength of arms lies in its gallant knights whose tradition of chivalric virtue is held in high regard throughout the Old World.

The other Human lands are less powerful and not so strongly unified as either the Empire or Bretonnia. North of the Empire is the cold, unwelcoming land of Kislev, ruled over by its fierce warrior Tzarina. Further north still is the rocky land of Norsca, inhabited by violent and blood-thirsty savages whose raids are a constant irritation to the Tzarina and Emperor alike. South of Bretonnia are the hot, arid lands of Estalia and Tilea. Neither is united under one crown, instead they are divided into countless petty kingdoms and warring city states. Between Tilea and Bretonnia is the tiny upland region known as the Vaults, a stronghold of bandits and brigands who sometimes hire their services as mercenaries in the Emperor's armies. Beyond the immediate confines of the Old World is Araby to the south and, to the east, the bleak, forbidding Dark Lands. The Arabians are incorrigible pirates and raiders, whose dark-sailed dhows sometimes appear in the trading ports of Tilea and Estalia. The land south of Araby is known only as the Southlands. Few Old Worlders have ever glimpsed its jungle-covered coasts or the tall white mountains of its interior. The Dark Lands east of the Empire are barren and inhospitable, where Orcs, Goblins and other monsters constantly battle against each other.

To the immediate south of the Empire is the small brigand-infested land of the Border Princes. This is a dangerous region where renegades, dissenters and other refugees from the settled lands face constant predation from Orcs, Goblins and each other. Further south still are the Badlands, dominated by fierce tribes of Orcs, and beyond that lies the fabled Land of the Dead, the source of much unrest in the world.

Between the Empire and the Dark Lands is a towering mountain range whose peaks are so tall and so black that for years beyond remembering Men held the view that this must be the very edge of the world. In consequence these are called the Worlds Edge Mountains and, in truth, they form the natural eastern boundary of the Old World. These ancient peaks have been tunnelled, mined and inhabited for many centuries by the Dwarfs, a strong-minded and equally strong-armed folk whose endless wars against the Goblins of the mountains are well known even amongst Men.
Listed above are the lands and races known to the scholars of humanity, to the sages of the Dwarfs, and to the wise amongst Elvenkind. To this font of common knowledge the Elves could certainly add far more if they did not guard their secrets so jealously. Doubtless too there are many learned men who could make a shrewd guess as to the further nature of the world and its perils. Perhaps they would speak of the subterranean race of Skaven and their gnawing and scheming beneath the world. Maybe they would hint darkly at the threat from the Land of the Dead and the ancient realm of its master Nagash. Then there are the deeper and more sinister secrets of Chaos and the hidden power of the north…"

The Team:


sadly just me atm

Psychic Llamas

Psychic Llamas


Special mention:

Kael - who's code I'm using, Rhye - who's code I'm going to use
C.Roland, Rabbit White, Hexagonian and the rest of the FFH team for being a great help and inspiration all the time!

Teammembers/Helpers of earlier versions:

Agent 009, Civmansam, Duke van Frost, Dutch Junkie, El Loco Mono, Gerikes, J.Period, Lord Olleus, neener, snafusmith, The Lopez

Thx and credits also go to:

Bakuel, Bernie14, Danrell, Darque, Chugginator, Ganart, Gedemon, Elohim, Hrochland, IVanIV, Kelric, Kodzi, McGlocklinMA, Notarzt, Refar, sepamu92, SimCutie, Sto, strategyonly, Tharidos, Valdur, winddelay, Zuul
and the whole Civfanatics community

Last but not least
Civ3 WH-Mod-Team and associates for all the stuff we borrowed and converted
(special thx to Hikaro and Stormrage)

Please tell me if I forgot you or you feel you should be mentioned here!

Budget Meeting - Hans Zimmer
Edgen Animations, The Invisible Sun, Beoulve, Matti Paalanen, Alvarion, Vlad Kuryluk
check out those artists at http://music.download.com
Jared Ellsworth, Chris Many, James Dangerfield
Ultima5 - Lazarus Soundtrack
check it out here:

Gfx-Artist Index:
Adrian Smith http://www.adriansmith.co.uk/
Dan Scott http://www.danscottart.com/
Dorian Cleavenger http://www.dorianart.com/
Karl Kopinski http://www.karlkopinski.com/
Julie Bell http://www.imaginistix.com/
Henning Ludvigsen http://www.henningludvigsen.com/wordpress/

Other Links:

Download History:

Warhammer Warlords removed after 9210 Downloads
Warhammer Fantasy Battles for Vanilla Civ 4 removed after 6397 downloads!(not counted what was before the Database)

Moderator Action: Broken image & download links fixed - Blake00
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Patch 13f (unreleased)

Spoiler :
-spideriders got 2 movement
-skeletonswordsmen got 5 attackstrength
-cursed pit spawns restless instead of Skeletonswordsmen

Patch 13e (breaks saves)

Spoiler :
-adaptive/insane trait fixed
-some spellingissues

Patch 13d (breaks saves)
Spoiler :
-missing unitart for spiderrider added

-added ability to have civunique great poeple as per Mexico
-added Warboss unit(greenskin Great General replacement), can't build academy, can't join city as specialist

-roads/imperial roads slowly convert to trails inside territory of a civ having wild paths technology

Patch 13c (breaks saves)
Spoiler :
-you can build roads on top of trails now
-dwarves can't research whaagh/insat.hunger
-fixed indian chariot animation
-indian Warchariot doesn't display as dwarfchariot
-fixed indian ancient cavalry
-fixed indian light cavalry

-Lustria can't research roads/imperial roads
-increased extrayieldthreshold of agricultural trait to 4
-removed creative trait
-upgraded spellcasters get freepromotionpick
-privateers get hidden nationality as promotion

-added tech wild paths(to build trails) - civs that can research wild paths can't research roads/imp.roads and vice versa
-forest goblin spider rider
-added black orcs

-added another bunch of unitbuttons

Patch 13b (didn't test saves)
Spoiler :
-fixed Old ones/spirituality missionaries to spread the correct religions(big oops:mischief:)
-fixed pedialinks for Araby, Ind
-fixed Deep Jungle/wetlands spawn on mapcreation
-fixed ancient forest
-fixed Indian swordsman artlink

-militia spearman/swordsman again need iron working(but not necessarily iron)
-inceased chance of ancient forest creation(req spites+silvan ways)
-asrai Prophetess can upgrade to Hedgewizardclass
-missionaries never obsolete
-normalized missionary costs

-added new art for Unicorn(by Refar)

Patch 13a (old saves can have weird results, but are loadable)
Spoiler :
-fixed pink promotionbuttons
-fixed earth's grasp spell
-Temples spelled correctly
-fixed a ctd caused by units getting negative movementpoints from spellpromotions
-fixed unitpedia for cathay

-cavalry and chariots now get proper disadvantages when on wetlands and in deep jungles
-halfed Knight Unitclasses' penalties for terrains
-reduced magicmissle's(spellunits) strength

Version 0.13 - conversion to BTS 3.17(FFH 32h codebase)(breaks saves)
Spoiler :
NOT A PATCH - delete previous install
-comes with installer
-soundtrack included

-fixed cottageart
-theater now correctly gives +1 happy per 20% gold commerce
-fixed a ctd

-Black Ark str 12, +2 Unholy damage, 5 cargo, can enter ocean, cost 400
-Inquisitors have a national limit of 5 now
-Phoenixguard and Executioners no longer replace Pikemen, gave too high national limits
-Toad tradeable with Hunting, requires camp or swamp
-siegeworkshop available with mathematics
-Ship of the Line properly requires Shipyards and Cannons
-Galleon requires Shipyard
-disabled some magic techs for Bretonnia
-olives, cotton give health instead of Happiness
-dye doesn't give happiness(only with building)
-halfed healthboni from Forests, Deep Jungles, Ancient Forests
-Silvan ways moved to Economy, +5 health, Upkeep High
-slavery nerfed a bit

-adapted Vehem's Lizardmen terrainscripts for Lustria and Amazonia
-added terrain wetlands
-added improvement swamp
-added route Trail(most barb civs can only use this)
-added tech Roads(can only be researched by "civilized" races)
-added tech Imperial Roads(can only be researched by "civilized" races)
-added check to prevent civs from building improvements they shouldn't(Ithilmar mine i.e.)
-added Bonus Sacred Incense, Promotion Guardian Phoenix(from shrine of Assuryan)
-added Bonus Soulstone(from shrine of Khaine)
-added Bonus Spites(from Oak of Ages), grants Woodsman I to newly build units, use as trigger for Ancient Forest Growth
-added Altar of Khaine Unique feature
-added Shrine of Asuryan Unique Feature
-added Unique feature Mines of Gunbad
-added labor civic Clansmanship

-Brightstone no longer spawns on maps, it's for Unique improvement "Mines of Gunbad"
-merged all Meteoric Iron ressources to just Meteoric Iron(to simplify)
-removed adamantium armour

-Interfacecoloradjustments for araby, ulthuan

Patch D(breaks saves):
Spoiler :

-Marketplace yields gold instead of food with bonusses

-some building adjustments I'm too lazy to log
-some unit rebalancing I'm too lazy to log
-removed some buildingprereqs for units meant to be conscriptable(early melee/militia units)
-men-at-arms now are available with feudalism
-several other small tweaks(sorry really got lazy about logging this area, probably makes more sense logging this in detail after we have reached some decent gameplay)

-added back espionagemissions

-factions that aren't really playable are disabled for human players(still playable in the worldmap scenario for mapbalancing)
-emergency conscripts will only trigger if the defender has militia civic(can conscript),
->note defender still needs to have more influence in the cityplot than the attacker after last defending unit died
-merged swordsman and axeman unitclass

Patch C(shouldn't break saves):
Spoiler :

-xml error on start fixed

-no diplomodifiers from monsterressources

-added Lutefisk Mafia's 360 Degree camera

Patch B(may break saves):
Spoiler :

-fury of Khaine correctly creates a spellunit
-removed Jimprovementculturalborders, caused vista incompatibility
-fixed some upgradepaths
-woodelves now correctly receive eternal guard as royal guard replacement
-fixed multiple spells using the "doDamage" function
-fixed Aspirant doublebuild issue
-miscast works now
-workers/slaves can build corrals now, AI doesn't seem to build them with reconunits
-Hired assassins can't capture units/cities

-removed numerous bonusprereqs for tier 2 units and militia
-removed firststrikes from Monsterclass I
-flying monsters can't pillage(except Dragons of course)
-hired assassins don't use weaponupgrades

Other changes:
-added Mammoth
-added Polar Bear
-many animals will yield food and gold on kill
-removed subdueanimal promotion
-removed command promotion
-commando can't convert units anymore, just use enemyroads
-added building woodelven, darkelven citizens
-spellcasters made consistent
-disabled some more unfitting techs for elves
-some more txt_key_fixes

Patch A(breaks saves):

Spoiler :
-Civic Sylvan Ways now correctly named Silvan Ways
-Hedgemagic II promotion available without channeling2
-some txt_key fixes
-possible fix for "show'em", animosity
-fixed an endless loop caused by hidden nationality

-removed xienwolfs expansion temporarily for debuggingpurposes

-promotions: standardbearer, cover require warriorcode
-guerilla I grants +20 hillattack and defense, requires Mining
-guerill II grants +30 hillattack and defense, requires Naturelore
-coven grants free xp to sorceryunits, -1 happy instead of old effects
-Hedgewizards and chaoswizards require covens
-silk and spiceroad no longer grant influence
-academy no longer grants influence
-most other wonders have been changed regarding influence
-highelves foodyieldreduction reduced
-Elves can't build covens but their magic schools also grant free xp
-woodelves can't build siegeweapons and chariots, wheelwrights and siegeworkshops
-colormagic schools obsolete covens(and grant casters free xp)
-colored wizards are buildable
-World Map cleanup teamreveals, contacts, some bonusbalancing, proper starting techs
-Raiders trait doesn't provide Commando anymore
-the magic colleges can only be build by civs that can use the respective wizards

-several unitbuttons

Version 0.12:

Spoiler :
Bug fixes:

-some buttonfixes
-fixed roads(no more highways)
-fixed spidersilkeffect not displaying
-Undead units require Necromancy
-Brightstone no longer converts to warpstone


-Animal Husbandry now has Agriculture as OR prereq
-Reduced some early techcosts
-Priesthood follows up Philosophy needs ceremonial burial and festivals
-Contemplation grants a free prophet
-Theater needs literature, grants +1 happyness, +1 Happy per 20 % gold, 1 happy with dye, cost 120, no more culture
-Carnival moves to festivals is cheap and just gives +1 happy, will need some spicing up later
-Promotion Musician moves to festivals
-Military tradition needs festivals
-city garrison, city raider I,II,III, shock I,II, formation I,II each give +20% per tier
-combat I,II,III,IV,V each give 10%
-can adjust Influence rate with civil service
-sisters of shallya needs 5 Herbalists and priesthood to build
-Invention needs Construction
-Fanaticism needs Tyranny
-Temples need Ceremonial Burial
-Harbor moved to sailing
-recombined optics and compass to navigation
-glittering tower moved to navigation
-philosophy follows up contemplation AND chronicles
-Education follows up literature and needs Mathematics
-Ancient forest spreads with civic Sylvan ways
-merged Influence Driven War by Moctezuma
-reduced feature defense for forests, jungles and ancient forests
-fixed some improvement-feature-terrain dependencies
-added PL's Spellmod
-converted mod to FFH 31e codebase
-Hedgewizard class now upgrades to wizards
-Warlocks are Hedgewizardclass now
-Added missing combatmali for terrain and features(forest, jungle etc.) for some mounted units
-construction requires Bronze Working
-Rifling moved behind Cannons, req Steel
-Switched Tracking and Naturelore
-realignent/reinterwined recon and monstertechs
-Scouts require Hunting
-Hunters require Tracking
-Ranger require Naturelore
-Sylvan ways is Woodelfonly civic
-Terrain/Feature specializationpromotions require Tracking(tier1)/Naturelore(tier2)
-added Snowman Promotion 2
-added Native to Jungle promotion 1 and 2
-Adept(HE UU), replaces Hedgewizard
-Aspirant(DE UU) replaces Hedgewizard
-Phoenixguard can inquisition
-Executioners can inquisition
-Implemented weapontiers
-some Monsters require Aerie some others Breeding grounds resource
-Skaven magic promotions require Warpstone
-ancient forests now correctly get removed when improvements are build
-ancient forests can be chopped with iron working
-"barbarian" type civs can't build imperial roads 31.5 disabled due to bad performance
26.5. -merged desireable changes to the SDK from FFH 0.32a(as WH no longer has identical SDK with FFH)
26.5. -updated xml and python accordingly
26.5. -Elven units are immune to disease and mutation as well as having a 50% Deathdamage resistance, + 1 Firststrike, +1 Movement
26.5. -Monsters shouldn't get default race promotions even if they don't have a racepromotion
26.5. -merged various modcomps from xienwolf's FFH expansion http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=273242
->xienwolf's promotion tags, Dom Pedro II's Food from animals, xednix Technology affected buildings, mtaggles specialist icons, johnny smith's specialist stacker, Jean elcard's Obsolete Buildings
27.5 -Pedia entries for Bloodbowl
27.5 -some small balancetweaks for buildings
28.5 -revamped High and Darkmagic from the spellmod
29.5 -added Gameoption No Building Prereqs(both for AI and Player)
29.5 -merged Armorer and Weaponsmith to Mastersmith buildingclass
29.5 -Training Yards replace barracks for barb civs now
29.5 -Runeforge(Dwarves) replaces Mastersmith now


Temple of Khaine
27.5-City walls(obsoletes Walls)
27.5-High Walls(obsoletes City Walls)
27.5-Citadel(obsoletes Castle)
27.5 -added Lightshow(spellbuilding)
29.5- added Forge of Vaul(UB for Asur, replaces Mastersmith)
30.5 -added building Joust


-Dragonprinces, replace Cavalry, free promotion "Dragonarmour"
-Ellyrian Reavers, replace Light cavalry
-Lothern Seaguard, replace crossbowman, start with boarding, amphibious
-Acolyte of Hoeth, Missionary, can upgrade to Adept or Swordmaster
-Swordmasters of Hoeth, religious unit
-White Lions, replace Royal guard

-Corsairs, replace Militia Swordsman start with boarding, amphibious, seadragoncloak
-Shades(Ranger UU for Druchii)
-Beastmaster(Specialunit Druchii)
-Shadowwarrior(Ranger UU for Asur)
-Black Guard, replace royal guard

-Asrai Prophetess
-Skaven Warlock
-Warlock Engineer
-Grey Seer

-Animated Stones
-Golden Servent
-Shadow Beast
-Guardian Light
-Unseen Lurker
-Incandescent Assassin
-Doombolt(Magic Missle), Str.5, Collateral, stronger than but no bombardmend like fireballs

removed religion civicoptions
added membership civicoptions
won't log this in detail you'll see yourself

-added scenariomap "The Kinstrife"(PL)
-Feature Petrified forest
-added bonus Aerie
-added bonus Breeding Grounds
-added improvement Corral(buildable by Hunters, rangers and Beastmaster)
-added improvement Watchtower
-added improvement Keep
-added improvement Stronghold
-added bonus Meteorite(works similar to FFH mana, it's no use of its own but can be converted to "meteoric iron" like Ithilmar, Gromril, Adamantium)
-added bonus Adamantium
-added improvement Gromril Mine(converts meteorite to gromril-dwarves only)
-added improvement Ithilmar Mine(converts meteorite to Ithilmar-highelves only)
-added improvement Adamantium Mine(converts meteorite adamantium-darkelves only)
-added bonus Meteoric Iron
-added improvement Meteorite Mine(converts meteorite to meteoric iron- the rest 31.5 due to bad performance I have to find a way to restrict this improvement without python)
-added Healer promotion(like medic1, divine units only)
-added The Alliance(Overcouncil)
-added The Covenant(Undercouncil)
-added Cult of Khaine
-added Fighters' Guild
30.5-added spell 'buy Armour of Meteoric Iron'
30.5-added spell 'buy Adamantine Armour'
30.5-added spell 'buy Gromril Armour'
31.5 -added Jeckel's Improvementcultureborders mod
2.6 - added animosity for Greenskins

Cleaning up:

-removed almost all events
-removed Monasteries
-removed Cathedrals
-recombined Drama and Music to Festivals(following chronicles)
-removed theology
-removed Paper
-removed monasticism
-removed aesthetics
-removed organized religion
-removed Enlightenment
-removed promotion Drummer
-removed spell get'em
-removed infirmary
-removed Juweler
-removed dwarven palace art(LotR)
-removed Journeyman unitclasses
-removed march promotion
-removed medic promotions
-removed evangelist promotion
27.5 - some pediacleanups

-linked modelart for Da Idol of Gork and Mork
-new modelart for Dwarven Vault(woodelf)
-added new modelart for Darkelven Crossbowman
-added new modelart for Darkelven Militia Spearman
-added new modelart for Aspirant(by seZereth)
-added new modelart for Sorceress(by seZereth)
-added new modelart for Wyvern(by winddelay)
-added new modelart for Black Guard
-added new effect for Doombolt
-added new modelart for Spellsinger(seZereth)
29.5 -added awesome ancient forest gfx (seZereth)
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This post is now where i will be updating the mod.

Bug List: Version 0.14 (Unreleased)

1. Alignment diplomatic modifiers don't work correctly. (eg Lawful nations don't get a bonus with each other).
2. Subterranean trait gives +2 summons duration.
3. BUG: dwarven gyrocopters and deathrollers while able to be built with xp and can earn xp, have no promotions available to take. Similar for Steamtanks and other non-living units. Intended?
4. Bug:Comet of Cassandra spell (Lore of Heavens III) says it is a permanent summon but only lasts 1 turn, and has only 1 strength so is largely useless.
5. Bug: AI tends to favor building forts in forests rather than building cottages, so tends to fall behind in economy. AI builds way too many forts, not enough cottages. I think that forts end up costing this mod more than they add. Taking away the commerce bonuses might make the AI less willing to build them.
6. Some reports of Tilea still getting crazy great people (linked to insanity trait, maybe already fixed?).
7. Empire can build unlimited Halbardiers. Should be limited to 10, like Pikemen. Halbardiers show up twice (two identical versions).
8. Warhammer world map; many people cannot run. Goblins and Ork start positions messed up. Evil civ areas are too weak (terrain to poor to sustain a threatening civ). Too many troll lairs in Kislev.
9. Building defense from walls, castles etc. doesn't seem to work properly (or to stack with cultural defense).
10. Fear effects on Dragons and Cold Ones cavalry too strong; nearly impossible to kill these units. Remove and create some weaker promotion.
11. Lighthouse text says it adds +1 trade route to all coastal cities.
12. Trails vs roads split isn't working well; some AIs don't prioritize roads techs, so link up no resources so are incredibly weak. Increase AI value on roads techs for appropriate factions?
13. Kurgans seem unable to build Maurauder Horde, despite having Iron working, Tyranny, Corruption of chaos. Also have iron resource and Corruption state religion.
14. Exalted chaos sorceror has a python bug (probably caused by one of the spells in chaos 3).
15. Chaos Dwarves need new leader art, diplo text, custom music.
16. Skaven need diplo text and custom music.
17. Greenskins need custom music
18. wood elves dont start with Lore of Athel Loren , they start with High Magic
19. Watchtower spamming in AI civs needs to be fixed
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For more impressions of the Artwork, have a look at my signature ;) ... about the formations: they were designed for a smaler unitscale (the actual hight of a model), so if you think they are too crowded,... well you are right ;) but as it is hell of a work to rewrite every formation for the bigger scale, you will have to wait until i found a better solution... or you vote for a smaller unitscale...

P.S: for better visual appearence and less comic look i suggest using Blue Marble terrain. that is to find in the utility section i think
Wohoooo!!! Its finally out :p

Congratulations to the whole team that made it possible!!!
ah, a brand new warhammer game, something much more better then the "year out dated" game. I will play your mod if you continue updating this game to the best, like what keal do, that way it's faster to clear the problems and update faster too so you can work hard on adding some big things without these small problems in the way.
Ploeperpengel said:
Darkdone please stay the hell out of my thread!
:lol: I understand completely, but don't be too harsh:crazyeye:

on another note,

It's finally out! Nice job guys!
CTD when you hit enter in this game. Nothing special going on as far as I can tell.
Ploeperpengel said:
Darkdone please stay the hell out of my thread!
hey, i'm helping you out, i'm not going to flame no body around unless they flaming me for now on. Here are some things i found while playing as the Dark Elf, see if there are bugs are not.

Akabar Kingdoms of Ind has the India theme song (soundtrack need to cover his theme song)

Dark Elves have a pink icon, and so does other units i found having pink icons and no art icon

TXT_KEY errors on Unit Catagories, Magic book and Magic Book Range need to be fix in Civilopedia.

More TXT_KEY errors in the promotions, all the spells including water, air, earth, fire, fire2, flaming sword, jungle life 1 and 2, and Firebolt

Grom, Skarsnik, Tenehuini, and the barbarian have no art pictures too, they have pink icons as well.

Things i want to request to make the game better

-A unique civilopedia, something like sevopedia but much more better then his, something more ancient

-Religion Civilopedia entrys that tells which civilization likes that religion (i like to play my games a little bit "organized" when it comes to religion).

-Some awesome projects that will be helpful for us, unlike the mahattan project and SDI.

Oh, and i like the music, it's defindently fits in the game very, very well.
Darkdone read the first post! There is to read: "DON'T bother me with reports about pink buttons and Textkeys I know about that!" This was written especially for you!:nospam:

bugger- can't see anything gets produced that isn't already built in this save. I will need a programmer for this one!:(
Ploeperpengel said:
Darkdone read the first post! There is to read: "DON'T bother me with reports about pink buttons and Textkeys I know about that!" This was written especially for you!:nospam:

bugger- can't see anything gets produced that isn't already built in this save. I will need a programmer for this one!:(

thanks for informing about that, as all i did we just download the game and so forth and testing it out.
I figured I'd write this here instead of bumping the old (J_Period's) thread, but it might be an idea for Sezereth to edit his first post in that thread to let people know the old mod is dead. I think it's more likely for newcomers to read the first few posts rather than the last few. It might sound stupid, but it honestly wasn't until I joined the mod team that I found out the whole thing was being reworked.
Ploeperpengel said:
Let's just hope it won't be bumped again and in time it'll be forgotten;)

Ok I apologize for being rude- that's bad for my karma anyway...

I accept your apology, i was having fun with your game, ignoring all the pink and txt_key errors, and my game crashes after i was making both militia Archer and militia Spearman
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