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Warhammer Fantasy Mod 2.0


Jan 1, 2003
Moderator Action: Newer version available
Download for updated 2.5 version can be found here:

Warhammer Fantasy Mod 2.0

Released: 10-Aug-2004
Requirements: Civ3:Conquests 1.22, 500 MB free disk space

2.02 patch released. Download here (4,5 MB).
(note: if you install 2.02 patch and it says 2.01, don't worry ;) )


This mod is a result of almost 2 years work. The first version of Warhammer mod released back in 2003 turned out to be one of the most popular mods on CFC. The second version has been made from scratch for Conquests expansion and has taken months of graphics making, editing and testing. It has been work of many people, who consciously or not, have taken part in creation of this mod.


- 26 playable factions, including elves, dwarfs, undead, orcs & goblins, lizardmen, forces of chaos and human kingdoms and tribes.
- Over 300 units, including numerous units made specially for this mod
- 94 researchable advances spanning over four eras, supported by many advances allowing civ- or group-specific tree branches, handled in a neat way, not seen before in Civ3 mods.
- Huge civilopedia providing complete game information as well as background history taken from the Warhammer world.
- Immerse amount of custom artwork in general, all complete and tested, no missing graphics, no looping sounds or mute units etc.


Download from 3DDownloads.com (270 MB) + 2.02 patch (4,5 MB)

The files are also avaialble at CDGroup.org mod forums.

Note for previous users (of 1.0-1.1 versions): you may, or even should, delete all previous Warhammer content ie. Conquets/WH-Mod.* files and folder, as well as Civilization 3/Net Art folder, which from now on is located in Conquets folder.

Mod variations and scenarios

Please check back often, as add-ons for WH2 will be released shortly. This will include mod varations (ie. winter mod, with slight differences in available factions, units and resources), sets of semi-random maps (based on random maps, but edited to be more entertaining, ie. with suitable starting locations, landmarks and special resources) and maps and scenarios based on the Warhammer world. I didn't want to delay the mod any further so I delayed the add-ons only ;)

Note on this thread

Only the last 10-20 pages are relevant for you, so don't bother to read the whole thread =) Any important info and goodies like maps and scenarios will be compiled and posted here as well as in seperate scenario threads soon.


Lead Design: embryodead
Additional design and beta-testing: mrtn, Yoda Power, Mr. Do, aaglo, misfit_travel, drzoidberg, Cabbit, Isembard, Kael, Hawkmoon, recon1591, Antarion
Terrain Graphics: Sn00py, CCJ91, Cordy, Smoking Mirror, buk, Hunter, mrtn, Neomega, embryodead
Wonder Splashes: VisualParadox.com, Unexisted, Rufus T. Firefly, AK47, Kinboat, GIDustin, embryodead
Misc. Graphics (Interface, Buildings, Advances, Resources etc.): VisualParadox.com, BeBro, mrtn, Kinboat, Rufus T. Firefly, Ukas, Drift, AK47, PCHighway, Lusikka755, embryodead
Leaderheads: Kinboat, sween32, embryodead
Units: aaglo, Kinboat, Kindred72, utahjazz7, BeBro, Smoking Mirror, Grandraem, dog, Kryten, Nemesis Rex, LabMonkey, DarkSheer, Yaniv, Yoda Power, mrtn, A Viking Yeti, tpasmall, screenstorm, joebasstard, Aluminium (AoK Conversions), Steph (Cossacks Conversions), embryodead
Sounds: Vuldacon, COAtlantis1745, embryodead

Special thanks to John Malis for his free Poser models at PoserGamers; Kinboat for creating some unique Poser props for my units & leaderheads; CivFanatics Center and Creative Design Group for hosting the mod.

Files marked with VisualParadox tag © 1999-2004 Brian Kissinger
Age of Kings (AoK) graphics © Ensemble Studios
Cossacks graphics © CDV Software

Legal info

Warhammer Fantasy Mod is a total conversion for Civilization 3: Conquests using intellectual property owned by Games Workshop. Used without permission.

This mod is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Black Library, Blood Bowl, Games Workshop, Khemri, Khorne, Mordheim, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeenth, Tomb Kings, Warhammer and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world, are either ®, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2004, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Edit: CFC download link temporarily removed. Please use the 3DDownloads link to download for now. --TF
Last edited by a moderator:
Downloading now.

One thing tho. The full install on the CDGroup server has a bandwidth limit (found out today) so dont everyone hammer it all at once :p

BTW I like the webpage you made. It inspired me to make a similar one for the MTG Mod

Dang... All this waiting for it's release and now I have to wait to download :)
WOOHOO! I love it so far. Course I'm still d-loading. 5 minutes to go. I love cable. A 6 minute download for the full version. I'll give you my review in a week or so. I think I might be too busy playing this. :goodjob: :beer:
Cool ! A Warhammer Mod ! :egypt:
Just downloaded. Will try it out tonight. Thanks in advance for all the fantastic amount of work and effort you placed into what is obviously, a labor of love.
Oh sure! Just when I'm playing Temple of Elemental Evil. Guess I have to change my sig. again.

Excellent work. Top Notch!!
This mod is great. I played as Chaos last night and had a terrific game. I'm about to try a game out as one of the Elven civs. Great job.
Man, the sylvanian UU is scary! Yikes! I'm playing as the dwarves and they're my neighbors.. and despite having nearly all the wonders I could get they trouncing me in culture and I've had two cities flip while they run these damn vampires through my territory and I can't do a thing about it!

Love my halflings though! I got almost all the goodie huts there were I think because I was lucky enough to get a halfling village. :D

Great Mod! :goodjob:
Hey embryo... I tried to play this multiplayer with a friend and it didn't work. You just start out in anarchy and never get your starting government type. Is it possible to play this multiplayer, or is there some kind of update that can be made for multiplayer functionality?

I tried just setting monarchy as the default gov type for all civs in the editor as a test and it worked, but we could build all the units in the game and started with no techs at all for some reason... This includes skeleton warriors, which is a little overpowered at zero prod cost (though it does take one pop) :p

If its not possible, thats cool. We just wanted to try it out multiplayer.
Originally posted by emu
it doesnt work for me.

it says file not found Net Art\Flics\Vlad_01

but i checked the net art folder and Vlad_01 is there.

so whats wrong?

Edit: ok i downloaded the leaderheads again but it still doesnt work, it should work tho

I'm having the same problem, except it's sauron fwd.flc for me.:cry:
@emu and tjedge1

It means you have most likely extracted the leaderheads into wrong folder or in wrong way. The headpak should be installed into your Civilization III, so that the final structure looks like this (for default civ3 path):
C:\Program Files\Inforgrames Interactive\Civilization 3\Net Art\Flics\
(a common error may be creation of "WH-Mod_headpak" folder by WinRAR or extracting this pack into Scenarios folder).
I'm sorry for inconvenience with the installation of Net Art, though keep in mind it will eventually turn helpful as the download size of other mods using the same leaderheads will be greatly reduced.

BTW probably the best way, is to just move the WH-Mod_headpak.rar into your Civilization III folder, right-click on the file and choose "Extract here".

Originally posted by Owain
Hey embryo... I tried to play this multiplayer with a friend and it didn't work. You just start out in anarchy and never get your starting government type. Is it possible to play this multiplayer, or is there some kind of update that can be made for multiplayer functionality?

I'm sorry I haven't run mp test with this anarchy settings. That is most likely the problem in mp, I will test it tomorrow and provide separate bix for mp games. Just like I thought, there is no way to produce 100% bug-free game :( ;)

I tried just setting monarchy as the default gov type for all civs in the editor as a test and it worked, but we could build all the units in the game and started with no techs at all for some reason... This includes skeleton warriors, which is a little overpowered at zero prod cost (though it does take one pop) :p

You shouldn't edit those since it overrides the mod default settings (starting techs etc.). It's much simpler, you just need non-transitional starting gov., I will post it tomorrow, because I can't access second comp in the middle of the night :)
@embryodead: You were right, I was just playing around and realized it asked for a Net Art folder which I didn't have because I moved the flics out of and so on. I fixed it just now, and came here to let you know. My bad.

This mod is awesome.
I give it :thumbsup::thumbsup: I would give it more but I only have 2.
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