Warhammer Fantasy - World game based


Sep 15, 2005
Howdy all,

Attached is a scenario I have been working on using the newly released WH2.1 mod and Zyc's map and city placement. Basically it is the Warhammer world as it stands circa 1900 with pre-placed cities and armies. Each individual empire is not balanced nor will it be ... some empires have a huge advantage over others but I feel ALL empires are winnable by a human player (not the AI).

Played through it a couple times and happy with it for the most part. Some empires I refuse to play though so feedback would be appreciated. Same goes for glaring errors / bugs / etc etc.

I had thought about preplacing all the great wonders but I quit playing in 1994 so not sure where they all go in the current Warhammer world. Same goes with certain structures, e.g. pre existing walls for historically walled cities, keeps, castle, universites for university towns etc etc. Nor am I sure it would improve the scenario. If anybody wants to provide though (or point me in the correct direction), will add.

05SEP24 EDIT: See below for updated patch (v1.1, 10 views)
05SEP25 EDIT: Version 1.2. Fixes turn lockup bug.


  • Warhammer Fantasy - Old World - v1.2.zip
    88.5 KB · Views: 650
I played as Sylvania and had a settler out somewhere in the north of the map when I started, I went into the editor and found that there were no starting points anywhere on the map. I also noticed that Sylvania doesn't have wolves in their borders, but one of their special units requires them. Sylvania also starts with Grave Guards in each city. Grave Guards are immobile and auto-produced by the Mausoleum small wonder available only to vampire nations and should only be in the city that has the Mausoleum in it. Other than that, the scenario seems pretty good.
Yep on the settler. Found a bug with the way I greated custom players (each player starts with a settler). Will upload a new version sometime this weekend that fixes this and couple other items I have found while playing it through.

Will check on wolves. Surprised any Sylvania units need wolves, doesn't really fit with my idea of the undead. Should be a non-issue regardless, I think there is an easy conquerable wolf resource near them but will check.

Grave Guards were on purpose, mainly to force the concept that even as massive as the Empire was, it took them a thousand or so years to finally get rid of the Vampire Lords. Starting with a couple immobile high defense defenders (w/ castles) represent this. While a non-issue for human players, the AI actually plays them sensible with this setting. Attempted to compensate by giving them a rather decent starting army. Your initial army should allow you to get into a decent starting position right off the bat. That being said, the races aren't balanced (to reflect game reality) and figure Sylvania is one of the harder races to play. Were you able to actually win with them? (I have in the couple games I played but was a challenge, especially if ANYBODY declared war on me early on)

How are your turn wait times? Reasonable?

What I am really hoping to see is somebody win with the Dark Elves, Arabia, or the Goblins.
Lomion said:
How are your turn wait times? Reasonable?

I have yet to get past the first turn, my computer keeps freezing up while processing the AI, it is probably a result of my antiquated computer system though. :(
Attached is an updated version that fixes the settler build (you aren't suppose to be able to, they auto generate from the palace) and initial settler placement bugs.

Lizardman: Yep, that was intentional. As I stated above, it is suppose to represent the inability of the empire to conquer them for a 1000 years. Works out well for the AI also. As grave guards are also support free, should be a non-issue really. If I added standard defenders (e.g. undead haliberds) to initial setup, the AI misuse them and Sylvania rapidly falls to the Empire, Dwarves, or Chaos. The initial 9 skeleton warriors coupled with 3 vampires should compensate for this. They have the most powerful starting army in the game (minus the orcs who start spread out). Dire wolves come in tech age 3 I believe, should have a wolf resource by then :) ... if the consenses is to add though locally, I can do. Anybody really run into a late game Sylvania issue with this? (or even build dire wolves?)

Evil Tyrant: Hmmmm .... having the same issue at the moment. Let it run for 12 hours and still didn't progress to the next turn. Bug possibly?

Anybody seen a bug similiar to this before and have any idea how to fix? Will try and narrow this down on my day off Tuesday. I know everything runs smoothly on an empty map with no units. Will create and place unit groups one at a time till I see where its locking up. Maybe some unit causes a loop?
Added a new verison (1.2) ... fixes (at least for me) the lock up bug. Unsure what was causing it. Rebuild the scenario from scratch and all works fine.

Question: Just can't seem to get the AI to start attacking turn 1->20. They concentrate on killing barbarians out in the middle of nowhere. Anybody know a way to fix this ... e.g. ignore barbarians half way across the map and kill your neighbor? Thinking about possibly getting rid of all the skaven's ... thoughts?
Thought I would start by playing as my favourite race the wood elves but for me the game exits durring the initial configuration.

flexo said:
Thought I would start by playing as my favourite race the wood elves but for me the game exits durring the initial configuration.


flexo: You do have the WH2.1 mod installed and patched to 2.16b yes? Trying to recreate but unable .... WFM.
Same map for the most part, different goals. Zyc is going for the epic grand alliances conquer the world scenario (a good goal, I am playing his scenario also). I am going more for the independent historically accurate (in Warhammer World context) lead any empire to victory scenario. The forces of *good* fight each all the time historcially (same with forces of evil) and trying to recreate this. The only real locked alliances I can see are dwarves -v- orcs / goblins and *Good* Elves -v- Naggoroth.
Flexo: Just seen the same error myself around turn 300 while playing the Slann. I don't modify the actual WH2 mod at all and it appears mod related. I have posted in the mod forum. A quick easy fix (unsure gameplay affect) is to add'#ANIMNAME_PRTO_Bretonnian_Halberdier' to 'scenarios\wh2\text\pedialicons.txt' as the last line and point it to some arbitrary art ... I chose 'English Pikeman'.

Game reports and help requested:

Been slowly but surely working through all the races even though I despise playing a number of that. The only two constants I have seen is the Empire and Chaos are the power to beat regardless of who I play. These are the power houses :)

Sylvania: Did well until mid game when the empire declared war and crushed me as I was trying to absort the goblins and dwarves. All my forces were deep south :(

Slann: Nearly won scientific victory when Chaos took world domination (land mass). This is definitely winnable if played by somebody a bit more aggressive than me.

Lorien: Same deal as Sylvania except s/Empire/Bretonnia/

Orcs: Won a domination victory with them.

Arabia: Was working on digesting a newly conquered Tilia massing along the Estalian border when an Empire / Dwarven / Lorien alliance declared war and soundly kick me off the continent. I resigned.

Chaos Dwarves: Just started and fighting tooth and nail with Chaos. Have already conquered the Chaos cities to my south along with the northern goblin cities. Pushing west along the tundra. Still not sure how this will turn out as they have one massive industrial output and I am not really picking up valuable cities .... worried Empire will get me long run ...will try and forge a MP with Bretonnia. Been feeding the Orc tech as fast as I research it as they are WAY behind and want to use them as a foil to the Dwarves and Empire. If all goes well with Chaos, eye'ing Albion or Norsca next.

Dwarves: Will play them next.

Would appreciate reports on the following as I have NO plans to ever actually play them. Don't need details. Just want to know if you were able to win with them (to easy? to hard?) and any tweeks you think they might need.

Chaos, Goblins, any of the human empires, Dark / High Elves. Figure after I finish dwarves will try Sylvania, Lorien, and Arabia again.

EDIT: It appears both of us are wrong Flexo and we both missed one of the patches :) ... see http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=3121404&postcount=237
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