Wizard in the Making
I figured i will be making a few Minimods for Warhammer, including the new spells for each wind of magic, and eventually Leader specific Heroes (if i can get Specific art for each )
Warhammer Mini-Mod: Version 1.2 (re-uploaded to include some more urgent fixes (see changelog for details))
Patches: Patch c
includes all previous patches (i hope)
NOTE: unpack the mod in the mods folder NOT the bts folder.
Version 1.2
(note, patch c was meant to be the next installment, but i changed so much i felt i would need the whole next version, so here are the changes, it also includes all the changes from the previous version and patches.)
Fixed Errors:
1. Fixed issue with Bright Journeyman not being able to upgrade.
2. Fixed the Buttons for Tzeentch and Nurgle Spells (last patch had them linked incorectly )
3. Fixed a lot of TXT_KEY_ things
4. Fixed the Mithril Vision spell (law of gold) renamed Transmutation and now turns Copper -> iron -> gold. (THANKS DEON!!!)
5. fixed an issue with buttons not appearing.
6. fixed an issue of having millions of errors appear on start up.
1. removed almost all buildings.
1. changed most building requirements, some units may still hav odd building requirements, will need severe play testing.
2. adjusted resource yields for new buildings.
3. changed the tech requirements to match the new buildings, (will probably need tweeking.)
1. added Governmental District (note, some buildings listed below actually have different effects in game, however most are as presented below. also, all production costs are fairly random and will need balancing. balancing costs is my current priority.)
Governmental District level 1, 2 &3
Lords Court
-20% maintenance
Office of Levees
-15% unit upkeep
-2 happiness
Prison Sector
+20% maintenance
-10% chance of revolt
+2 happiness
Palace Gardens (Capital only)
+4 Culture, +25% Culture
2. added Merchant District
Merchant District Lv1, 2 and 3
+25% gold each
Level 2, also +50% trade Routes
Level 3, also +25% food Stores
Farmers Market
Requires Merchent District Lv 1
+50% stored food
+1 Health for bananas, corn, wheat, rice, olives, cows, sheep, pigs.
Luxuries Market
+1 Happyness from Gold, Silver, Gems, Spices
+2 Merchants
Trading Houses
+5% gold for brightstone, ivory, dyes, silk,
+50% trade routes
+2 Merchants
3. added City Defences
City Defences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
+20% City Defence Each
And +1 hammer to stone and marble at lvl 1
City Watch
Requires City Defence 1
+2 Espionage Points
-25% Maintenence +2 Happiness
Spies Guild
Requires City Defence 2
+4 Espionage
+25% Espionage
Assassins Guild
Requires City Defence 3
+8 Espionage Points
+50% Spy Interception Chance
-50% chance of revolt
Requires City Defence 4
+25% city defence
+1 Happiness from fortified units
4. added Wharf District
Wharf District 1, 2 & 3
1 = +1 food on water, +25% trade routes from water.
2 = +1 commerce on water
3 = +1 commerce on water
Guild of Fishmongers
Requires Wharf District 1
+1 Health from fish, clams, crabs, whale
Traders Guild
Requires Wharf District 2
+1 Trade Routes
+75% trade routes from water.
+50% Income from trade routes
+1 Happiness from pearls, whale
Guild of Shipwrights
Requires Wharf District 3
+1 hammer on water
Ships get +2 Exp
5.added Industrial District
Industrial District 1,2 & 3
+25% hammer
Metalworkers Guild
Requires Industrial District 1
+1 hammer from copper, iron, mithril and coal,
+25 Work-rate for workers
Builders Guild
Requires Industrial District 2
+25% Faster Buildings
(can rush buildings at the cost of population?)
Engineers Guild
Requires Industrial Quarters 3
+25% hammer production
Siege Weapons +2 Exp
6.added Military District
Military District level 1:
+2 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
Military District level 2:
+1 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
Military District level 3:
+1 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
+1 happiness from garrisoned units.
at each level of military district, the city has the option to build 1 of the following sectors (need better names):
Soldiers Guild:
free combat 1 promotion to melee units
+2 EXP to melee units
Guild of Marksmen:
Free city defence 1 promotion to ranged units
+2 EXP to Archer units
Riding Academy:
Free Flanking Promotion to mounted units
+2 EXP to Mounted units
Guild of Siege Engineers:
Free Barrage 1 promotion to Siege units
+2 EXP to Siege units
Seafarers Guild: (on a coastal square only)
Free Navigation promotion to naval units
+2 EXP to naval units
7. added Magic District
Magic District Lv 1, 2 & 3
+25% Science
Aprentices Guild
Requires Magic District 1
+2 Experience to Mages
Alchemist Guild
Requires Magic District 2
+2 free Sages , +2 Unhealthiness
Mages Guild
Requires Magic District 3
+2 Experience to Mages, +4 Science, Mages built 25% faster. +1 unhappyness
8. added Hedgemagic spells:
-Healing hands
-Conjour light show
9. added new unique feature: Celestial Palace
10. added new button art for most buildings. still need some. (help and suggestions are welcome )
Planned additions still to come (thanks Vehem!)
11. Added New mechanics for lizardmen and amazonians. Jungle will convert to special benefitial Deep jungle in their borders and revert back to normal jungle outside. grassland will slowly turn into wetlands and swamp (similarly to the Asrai ancient forest spread).
12. added new lizardman only civic: Lost Lands
13. added new trail improvement to replace roads for lizardmen and amazon.
14. normal jungle should have a small chance of adding the 'diseased' promotion to none lizardman and amazon units.
15. Lizardman workers can cast spells (scorch and spring) to spead up and slow down the growth of swamps.
Patch a
1. fixed the no sound issue.
Patch b:
-fixed the industrial district error on start up (thanks kai)
-fixed an annoying bug where the hedge 2 spell presdigitation causes industrial district 1 to be built rather than what i wanted
-decreased the potency of city garrison promotions. 120% city defenc efrom 3 promos is a bit much. i reduced it to 60%.
-changed the elder council from giving -50% maintenance to +2 beakers.
-fiddled with merchant and magic district prices. merchats should be slightly cheaper than magic.
-changed sylvan ways civic to also give to ancient forests (thanks for picking that up Kalimakhus)
-reduced the cost of wharf districts.
-removed the gust and rumble sound tags i nthe XML rain will now be silent. should hopefully fix the CTDs.
Patch c: (changelog not complete)
-added working World map. (sorry about the delay on this, been having some trouble)
-changed the builders district to not provide worker speed rate, realised thats a wonder function.
-added deon's Button fixes (Thanks Deon!!)
---it places skeletons', nagash, horror's (of Tzeench), gobbos', monasteries' and temples' buttons in its places, also it fixes artdefines a bit
---Also It fixed your sixth city defence icon, (I forgot to write .dds in the button's path)
Warhammer Magic Tutorial:
So how does Magic work anyway?
there has been quite a bit of confusion with the changes from FfH spell sytems to this one.
Firstly, each 'wind of magic' (the magic 'sphere' if you like, ie Bright or Celestial) has 3 different tiers of spell caster.
The first tier spellcaster can always only cast the first 2 spells of thier specific wind (with some acceptions). they can then 'learn' to use new winds different to their specific wind through choosing them as promotions.
Now, the only way you can get a second tier spellcaster, is through levelling up one of your tier 1 spellcasters to level 4. when that tier 1 caster has spent all the EXP necessary to be at level 4 (ie chosen 4 promotions), he can be upgraded to the tier 2 spellcaster for that wind.
Second tier spellcasters are stronger than tier 1 casters, and also know much more spells. to be excat, they can cast the tier 1 spells they knew before, but they can now cast 3 new tier 2 spells.
Now, this Tier 2 spellcaster can only become a tier 3 spellcaster through leveling them up a further 2 levels, (ie getting him to level 6) and also granting the promotions along the way. this is the only way a tier 3 spellcaster can be gained.
So thats how you get access to the higher level spellcaster.
Oh, one more thing. in order to build a spellcaster, you need to first build the Wonder for that wind. for example, the Amber Journeymen require the 'Amber college' to be able to be built. unfortnately, these colleges are world wonders, and so you will need to race to them if you want a specific journeyman. however, any spellcaster can potentially learn any winad, so its not too big a setback if you dont get the college. ( I want these colleges to be changed to National wonders, rather than world wonders, but thats just me personally )
if you want to discuss this brief tutorial on how to use spellcaster in WH, please start a new thread, this one is only for bug and feedback on the SPELL MOD and other minimods.
Civilopedia spell descriptions (to be added in a later version)
High Magic:
As the mage intones this ancient incantation he beings to fade from view, becoming as insubstantial as a ghost! This spell adds the 'incorporeal' promotion to all units in the caster's stack. This promotion enables unit to treat all terrain as roads, can cross mountains, cannot attack, or be attacked. lasts 1 turn.
The Mage creates a minor vortex in the fabric of the world which drains magical energy from all around him. This spell adds the 'Magical Block' promotion to all adjacent enemy spell casters. This promotion reduces the damage of the units spells by 150%, and has 50% chance of wearing off each turn.
The air around the victims shimmer with magical energy as it warps and twists. This spell affects all enemy units adjacent to the caster. it adds the 'Curse of Arrow Attraction' promotion which causes unit gets -60% strength against Archer units.
The mage twists the winds of magic around enemy units, causing Chaos to follow in their wake. This spell removes the 'Magic Resistance' Promotion form all units adjacent to the caster and adds the 'Unlucky' promotion. This promotion grants a -15% chance to withdraw from combat, -1 first strike, and -1 strength. Lasts one turn.
The mage draws on the powers of Vaul to draw magically enchanted items to them. This spell 'steals' an item of equipment off of an adjacent unit, or from a city, and grants it to the caster. (NOTE: currently dosn't work, requires FFH code)
The nearest enemy stack instantly burst into holy flames, igniting them and causing further damage. This spell causes between 50 and 75% fire damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster. It also adds the 'Ignited' promotion to these units which deals further damage to the unit over time and has a 1/3 chance of expiring each turn.
Calling on the dread might of Khaine, the mage launches a searing bolt of brilliant white energy at his enemies which rips at their soul. This spell deals 15 to 75% death damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, and adds the promotion 'Rended Soul' which permanently reduces the unit's strength by 1.
Calling on the power of Asuryan, the mage creates a massive sphere of protective holy white fire that heals himself and all nearby friendly units whilst damaging all nearby enemy's.This spell deals 60 to 75% holy damage to the all adjacent enemy stacks, and adds the promotion 'Sheild of Assuryan' to all untis in the casters stack, which heals the unit, and grants 1 fire and 1 holy extra damage. the promotion wears off once the unit is fully healed.
Dark Magic:
Calling upon the coldness of Nagaelythe of the Underdark, the Caster unleashes a freezing wind against the nearby enemy stacks, dealing between 10 and 30% cold damage.
As the invocation is spoken, the otherworldly beast known as Kharaidon unleases a bolt of purest darkness at the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, dealing 20% unholy damage.
Upon uttering the true name of Khain as the Serpent Lord, an unnatural and unbearable agony suffuses the body of all enemies to hear the word. all adjacent enemy units gain the 'Unbearable Pain' promotion which has a 10% chance of wearing off each turn and continually damages the unit.
The Daemon-crawler Anchan-Rogar reaches out from his domain and plucks the soul from the strongest enemy stack. The enemy gains the 'Rended' Soul' promotion, which reduces their strength py 1 permanently, and the caster gains the 'Stolen Soul' promotion which grants him an extra +1 strength permanently.
The caster draws on the darkest powers of Chaos and envisions the world’s greatest horrors, all happening to the target unit, projecting an illusion before her. This spell adds the promotion 'Mental Agony' to all enemy units within 2 squares of the caster which grants the unit a 33% chance of killing themselves after battle, and a 50% chance of them becoming barbarian, and grants them a -10% defensive bonus. May be resisted.
The wizard conjures a Whirling Vortex of Dark energy which drags her victims into one of the infernal regions of Chaos. This spell is able to banish (kill or turn them into barbarian units somewhere else in the world) enemy units adjacent to the caster, but it may be resisted.
Calling on the dread might of Khaine, the mage launches a searing bolt of brilliant white energy at his enemies which rips at their soul. This spell deals 15 to 75% death damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, and adds the promotion 'Rended Soul' which permanently reduces the unit's strength by 1.
The caster forces her will upon the mind of the strongest nearby enemy and twists them to her will, like a puppet. This spell turns the strongest enemy unit to the caster's side. may be resisted.
Feel free to upload your own minimods for WH here
Warhammer Mini-Mod: Version 1.2 (re-uploaded to include some more urgent fixes (see changelog for details))
Patches: Patch c
includes all previous patches (i hope)
NOTE: unpack the mod in the mods folder NOT the bts folder.
Version 1.2
Spoiler :
(note, patch c was meant to be the next installment, but i changed so much i felt i would need the whole next version, so here are the changes, it also includes all the changes from the previous version and patches.)
Fixed Errors:
1. Fixed issue with Bright Journeyman not being able to upgrade.
2. Fixed the Buttons for Tzeentch and Nurgle Spells (last patch had them linked incorectly )
3. Fixed a lot of TXT_KEY_ things
4. Fixed the Mithril Vision spell (law of gold) renamed Transmutation and now turns Copper -> iron -> gold. (THANKS DEON!!!)
5. fixed an issue with buttons not appearing.
6. fixed an issue of having millions of errors appear on start up.
1. removed almost all buildings.
1. changed most building requirements, some units may still hav odd building requirements, will need severe play testing.
2. adjusted resource yields for new buildings.
3. changed the tech requirements to match the new buildings, (will probably need tweeking.)
1. added Governmental District (note, some buildings listed below actually have different effects in game, however most are as presented below. also, all production costs are fairly random and will need balancing. balancing costs is my current priority.)
Spoiler :
Governmental District level 1, 2 &3
Lords Court
-20% maintenance
Office of Levees
-15% unit upkeep
-2 happiness
Prison Sector
+20% maintenance
-10% chance of revolt
+2 happiness
Palace Gardens (Capital only)
+4 Culture, +25% Culture
2. added Merchant District
Spoiler :
Merchant District Lv1, 2 and 3
+25% gold each
Level 2, also +50% trade Routes
Level 3, also +25% food Stores
Farmers Market
Requires Merchent District Lv 1
+50% stored food
+1 Health for bananas, corn, wheat, rice, olives, cows, sheep, pigs.
Luxuries Market
+1 Happyness from Gold, Silver, Gems, Spices
+2 Merchants
Trading Houses
+5% gold for brightstone, ivory, dyes, silk,
+50% trade routes
+2 Merchants
3. added City Defences
Spoiler :
City Defences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
+20% City Defence Each
And +1 hammer to stone and marble at lvl 1
City Watch
Requires City Defence 1
+2 Espionage Points
-25% Maintenence +2 Happiness
Spies Guild
Requires City Defence 2
+4 Espionage
+25% Espionage
Assassins Guild
Requires City Defence 3
+8 Espionage Points
+50% Spy Interception Chance
-50% chance of revolt
Requires City Defence 4
+25% city defence
+1 Happiness from fortified units
4. added Wharf District
Spoiler :
Wharf District 1, 2 & 3
1 = +1 food on water, +25% trade routes from water.
2 = +1 commerce on water
3 = +1 commerce on water
Guild of Fishmongers
Requires Wharf District 1
+1 Health from fish, clams, crabs, whale
Traders Guild
Requires Wharf District 2
+1 Trade Routes
+75% trade routes from water.
+50% Income from trade routes
+1 Happiness from pearls, whale
Guild of Shipwrights
Requires Wharf District 3
+1 hammer on water
Ships get +2 Exp
5.added Industrial District
Spoiler :
Industrial District 1,2 & 3
+25% hammer
Metalworkers Guild
Requires Industrial District 1
+1 hammer from copper, iron, mithril and coal,
+25 Work-rate for workers
Builders Guild
Requires Industrial District 2
+25% Faster Buildings
(can rush buildings at the cost of population?)
Engineers Guild
Requires Industrial Quarters 3
+25% hammer production
Siege Weapons +2 Exp
6.added Military District
Spoiler :
Military District level 1:
+2 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
Military District level 2:
+1 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
Military District level 3:
+1 EXP to units built
+10% unit production speed
+1 happiness from garrisoned units.
at each level of military district, the city has the option to build 1 of the following sectors (need better names):
Soldiers Guild:
free combat 1 promotion to melee units
+2 EXP to melee units
Guild of Marksmen:
Free city defence 1 promotion to ranged units
+2 EXP to Archer units
Riding Academy:
Free Flanking Promotion to mounted units
+2 EXP to Mounted units
Guild of Siege Engineers:
Free Barrage 1 promotion to Siege units
+2 EXP to Siege units
Seafarers Guild: (on a coastal square only)
Free Navigation promotion to naval units
+2 EXP to naval units
7. added Magic District
Spoiler :
Magic District Lv 1, 2 & 3
+25% Science
Aprentices Guild
Requires Magic District 1
+2 Experience to Mages
Alchemist Guild
Requires Magic District 2
+2 free Sages , +2 Unhealthiness
Mages Guild
Requires Magic District 3
+2 Experience to Mages, +4 Science, Mages built 25% faster. +1 unhappyness
8. added Hedgemagic spells:
-Healing hands
-Conjour light show
9. added new unique feature: Celestial Palace
10. added new button art for most buildings. still need some. (help and suggestions are welcome )
Planned additions still to come (thanks Vehem!)
11. Added New mechanics for lizardmen and amazonians. Jungle will convert to special benefitial Deep jungle in their borders and revert back to normal jungle outside. grassland will slowly turn into wetlands and swamp (similarly to the Asrai ancient forest spread).
12. added new lizardman only civic: Lost Lands
13. added new trail improvement to replace roads for lizardmen and amazon.
14. normal jungle should have a small chance of adding the 'diseased' promotion to none lizardman and amazon units.
15. Lizardman workers can cast spells (scorch and spring) to spead up and slow down the growth of swamps.
Patch a
Spoiler :
1. fixed the no sound issue.
Patch b:
Spoiler :
-fixed the industrial district error on start up (thanks kai)
-fixed an annoying bug where the hedge 2 spell presdigitation causes industrial district 1 to be built rather than what i wanted
-decreased the potency of city garrison promotions. 120% city defenc efrom 3 promos is a bit much. i reduced it to 60%.
-changed the elder council from giving -50% maintenance to +2 beakers.
-fiddled with merchant and magic district prices. merchats should be slightly cheaper than magic.
-changed sylvan ways civic to also give to ancient forests (thanks for picking that up Kalimakhus)
-reduced the cost of wharf districts.
-removed the gust and rumble sound tags i nthe XML rain will now be silent. should hopefully fix the CTDs.
Patch c: (changelog not complete)
-added working World map. (sorry about the delay on this, been having some trouble)
-changed the builders district to not provide worker speed rate, realised thats a wonder function.
-added deon's Button fixes (Thanks Deon!!)
---it places skeletons', nagash, horror's (of Tzeench), gobbos', monasteries' and temples' buttons in its places, also it fixes artdefines a bit
---Also It fixed your sixth city defence icon, (I forgot to write .dds in the button's path)
Warhammer Magic Tutorial:
Spoiler :
So how does Magic work anyway?
there has been quite a bit of confusion with the changes from FfH spell sytems to this one.
Firstly, each 'wind of magic' (the magic 'sphere' if you like, ie Bright or Celestial) has 3 different tiers of spell caster.
The first tier spellcaster can always only cast the first 2 spells of thier specific wind (with some acceptions). they can then 'learn' to use new winds different to their specific wind through choosing them as promotions.
ie, you have an Amber Journeyman (tier 1 Amber wizard) he can cast the 2 tier 1 Amber spells: 'BUCCOS THE OXEN STANDS' and 'ADLOS THE EAGLES CRY'. He could potentially then learn to cast the 2 tier 1 Jade spells: 'AIODH SILVERHYL, MISTRESS OF THE MARSH' and 'BHEORTAIN BRIARTANGLE, FATHER OF THE THORN'.
Now, the only way you can get a second tier spellcaster, is through levelling up one of your tier 1 spellcasters to level 4. when that tier 1 caster has spent all the EXP necessary to be at level 4 (ie chosen 4 promotions), he can be upgraded to the tier 2 spellcaster for that wind.
Ie, using the same example as above, you manage to level up your Amber Journeyman to level 4, and you choose to give him the Jade 1, and Combat 1, 2 and 3 promotions. yeu will now be able to upgrade that caster to the second tier, ie The Amber Magester (iirc).
Second tier spellcasters are stronger than tier 1 casters, and also know much more spells. to be excat, they can cast the tier 1 spells they knew before, but they can now cast 3 new tier 2 spells.
Now, this Tier 2 spellcaster can only become a tier 3 spellcaster through leveling them up a further 2 levels, (ie getting him to level 6) and also granting the promotions along the way. this is the only way a tier 3 spellcaster can be gained.
Ie, your Amber Magester now upgrades to the Amber Grand Magester (or whatever and can now cast the spells: 'BUCCOS THE OXEN STANDS', 'ADLOS THE EAGLES CRY', 'URSOS THE BEARs' ANGER', 'CORVOS THE CROW'S FEAST', 'KINOS THE BEAST COWERS', 'LUPENS THE WOLF HUNTS', 'LOXODONOS' STAMPEDE' and 'THE RAGE OF GHUR'.
So thats how you get access to the higher level spellcaster.
Oh, one more thing. in order to build a spellcaster, you need to first build the Wonder for that wind. for example, the Amber Journeymen require the 'Amber college' to be able to be built. unfortnately, these colleges are world wonders, and so you will need to race to them if you want a specific journeyman. however, any spellcaster can potentially learn any winad, so its not too big a setback if you dont get the college. ( I want these colleges to be changed to National wonders, rather than world wonders, but thats just me personally )
if you want to discuss this brief tutorial on how to use spellcaster in WH, please start a new thread, this one is only for bug and feedback on the SPELL MOD and other minimods.
Civilopedia spell descriptions (to be added in a later version)
Spoiler :
High Magic:
As the mage intones this ancient incantation he beings to fade from view, becoming as insubstantial as a ghost! This spell adds the 'incorporeal' promotion to all units in the caster's stack. This promotion enables unit to treat all terrain as roads, can cross mountains, cannot attack, or be attacked. lasts 1 turn.
The Mage creates a minor vortex in the fabric of the world which drains magical energy from all around him. This spell adds the 'Magical Block' promotion to all adjacent enemy spell casters. This promotion reduces the damage of the units spells by 150%, and has 50% chance of wearing off each turn.
The air around the victims shimmer with magical energy as it warps and twists. This spell affects all enemy units adjacent to the caster. it adds the 'Curse of Arrow Attraction' promotion which causes unit gets -60% strength against Archer units.
The mage twists the winds of magic around enemy units, causing Chaos to follow in their wake. This spell removes the 'Magic Resistance' Promotion form all units adjacent to the caster and adds the 'Unlucky' promotion. This promotion grants a -15% chance to withdraw from combat, -1 first strike, and -1 strength. Lasts one turn.
The mage draws on the powers of Vaul to draw magically enchanted items to them. This spell 'steals' an item of equipment off of an adjacent unit, or from a city, and grants it to the caster. (NOTE: currently dosn't work, requires FFH code)
The nearest enemy stack instantly burst into holy flames, igniting them and causing further damage. This spell causes between 50 and 75% fire damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster. It also adds the 'Ignited' promotion to these units which deals further damage to the unit over time and has a 1/3 chance of expiring each turn.
Calling on the dread might of Khaine, the mage launches a searing bolt of brilliant white energy at his enemies which rips at their soul. This spell deals 15 to 75% death damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, and adds the promotion 'Rended Soul' which permanently reduces the unit's strength by 1.
Calling on the power of Asuryan, the mage creates a massive sphere of protective holy white fire that heals himself and all nearby friendly units whilst damaging all nearby enemy's.This spell deals 60 to 75% holy damage to the all adjacent enemy stacks, and adds the promotion 'Sheild of Assuryan' to all untis in the casters stack, which heals the unit, and grants 1 fire and 1 holy extra damage. the promotion wears off once the unit is fully healed.
Dark Magic:
Calling upon the coldness of Nagaelythe of the Underdark, the Caster unleashes a freezing wind against the nearby enemy stacks, dealing between 10 and 30% cold damage.
As the invocation is spoken, the otherworldly beast known as Kharaidon unleases a bolt of purest darkness at the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, dealing 20% unholy damage.
Upon uttering the true name of Khain as the Serpent Lord, an unnatural and unbearable agony suffuses the body of all enemies to hear the word. all adjacent enemy units gain the 'Unbearable Pain' promotion which has a 10% chance of wearing off each turn and continually damages the unit.
The Daemon-crawler Anchan-Rogar reaches out from his domain and plucks the soul from the strongest enemy stack. The enemy gains the 'Rended' Soul' promotion, which reduces their strength py 1 permanently, and the caster gains the 'Stolen Soul' promotion which grants him an extra +1 strength permanently.
The caster draws on the darkest powers of Chaos and envisions the world’s greatest horrors, all happening to the target unit, projecting an illusion before her. This spell adds the promotion 'Mental Agony' to all enemy units within 2 squares of the caster which grants the unit a 33% chance of killing themselves after battle, and a 50% chance of them becoming barbarian, and grants them a -10% defensive bonus. May be resisted.
The wizard conjures a Whirling Vortex of Dark energy which drags her victims into one of the infernal regions of Chaos. This spell is able to banish (kill or turn them into barbarian units somewhere else in the world) enemy units adjacent to the caster, but it may be resisted.
Calling on the dread might of Khaine, the mage launches a searing bolt of brilliant white energy at his enemies which rips at their soul. This spell deals 15 to 75% death damage to the strongest enemy stack within 2 squares of the caster, and adds the promotion 'Rended Soul' which permanently reduces the unit's strength by 1.
The caster forces her will upon the mind of the strongest nearby enemy and twists them to her will, like a puppet. This spell turns the strongest enemy unit to the caster's side. may be resisted.
Feel free to upload your own minimods for WH here