Warhammer mod or units

Jesse Coombe

Feb 28, 2002
Hertfordshire, England
Probably not the best way to start posting on these forums but I have to admit I am a follower of what is regarded as one of the saddest games/hobbies in history. Yes, I am a Warhammer 40,000 player :crazyeyes

Despite only registering an account a few minutes ago I have been looking at the posts here and downloading the new maps and units that are emerging for several weeks. It suddenly hit me that if it could be done, a Warhammer or Warhammer 40,000 mod or set of units would be a lot of fun! Surely I'm not the only person here that is a fan of Warhammer as well as Civilization!

If anyone out there would be interested in something along the lines of the above then please get in contact with me.
The difficulty is fitting the different cultures in aroung the civ advancements. For example tyranids and humans would use 'Genetics' in very different ways! You'd need to alter them to make sure that they are not too civ specific - this goes for improvements too - humans would not build the same buildings as orks or eldar.

Civ 3 is hinged on the players being human.

I'm sure there are ways aroung it, but to make it work would take a lot of time and more than just alterations to graphics.

You could do a game where warhammer fantasy evolves into 40K. But it would have to be planet bound.

THe trouble with GW, is that it's games are so complex and constantly evolving that their best medium is to stay as board games.

(they make more money this way, too)

Corinthian, stopped playing 40K when beer money became a priority.
LOL, you chose wisely Corinthian, to think all the money I wasted buying the games :eek: .

I see what you mean about all the civilizations being too different to be incorportated into CivIII.

However if anyone does think that they can find a way to do it i'd be very interested to find out.

Surely a few units wouldnt be too hard to do. I'll have a look around the forums for some how-to-make tutorials. If I come up with anything that isn't fertiliser I'll get in touch with you Corinthian
Kal-el and myself have got the ball rolling for the mod and we are beginning to assemble a small team to develop it. We're at the stage where we are just throwing ideas around and we'd appreciate your input. We would also be very grateful to anyone that is willing to assist in the making of the mod. The thread is at http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46333 , hope to see you there soon!
What's up dudes?!?!?!

Just noticed the thread. Good Idea!!!, but hard to implement :confused: . I've been messing around with making my own graphics (some WW2 stuff), and it's not easy, even just altering the existing animations is very time consuming. Now think about developing Genestealers, Chaos marines, harlaquins, orcs, eldar, etc....... way hard!!!!

I think we should try though, and I'd be willing to help any development efforts. Most of my game experience is with the Marines (heresy) and the Genesteelers (Yeah Terminators!!!), but I've read the other stuff too.....

Let me know.


PS: You guys remember the Warhammer game for the PC a couple years ago? Maybe we could swipe some of their graphics?
I'll take a look tonight....
I've got Shadow Of The Horned Rat, Final Liberation, Chaos Gate and Rites Of War so we're pretty well covered. All the discussion stuff is going on at the thread I gave a link for a couple of posts ago. Hope to see you there!
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