Warlords 2.13: An AI can complete The Apollo Program and space parts in the same year

Sun Tzu Wu

Mar 26, 2007
I have an AD 1395 AutoSave file which shows three different AIs completing both The Apollo Program and at least one SS Casing part in the same turn.

In fact, the final AI to get into the space race:

Frederick completes The Apollo Program and two SS Casing parts in AD 1385.

Looking further backwards into the Event Log, one can see:

Washington completes The Apollo Program and one SS Casing part in AD 1310.

Elizabeth completes The Apollo Program and one SS Casing part in AD 1175.


This is definitely a bug, since the game rules do not permit either:

1) Starting to build a space ship part before the Civ completes The Apollo Program.

2) Building anything rushed or not rushed in zero turns (starting and completing something in the same turn).

According to the game rules, the earliest a space ship part can be started is the same turn The Apollo Program is completed. However, the space ship part must take at least one turn to complete, thus it can be completed no earlier than one turn after The Apollo Program is completed.


I uploaded the save file here:


Note that you will need the HOF 2.13.001 module to load the save file. I have no idea whether this module has anything to do with the bug.

Sun Tsu Wu
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